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Slot machine is not P2W, but changing it now is dishonest marketing trick


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Complete Bait and Switch Bioware. People paid real money for hypercrates and packs AFTER you said it was not a bug or an exploit. What you did in many jurisdictions and to many juries would be construed as bait and switch. The surge in purchases of crates and hypercrates after you made the statement "working as intended" would be damning evidence and call for punitive fines just for its implied 'baiting the hook". Check with the EA lawyers on this one, you may be in an actionable situation.
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To say completely useless is a little OTT. I am not happy with the change at all, but the reason it was altered was worse than the actual change.

Any such item is always going to be subject to change so not really dishonest. Disappointing yes, at least from my perspective and also yours it seems.


It is a shame that what was meant as a fun game mechanic has become so divisive to players,

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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FYI, the Walker mounts will--on average--take 75 million credits worth of coins to win one.




Ok glad you had 75 mill creds to find out and let the rest of us know. Until I read this thread did not know one had been added, at least bioware has added something. Liked it better how it was but at least this is a positive even if its going to be that super rare win.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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If you paid $40 or more for a pack filled with a ton of other goodies, but mainly just for the slot machine, because you wanted to profit





That they even said they were going to nerf, and are crying that you got ripped off.


I have no sympathy whatsoever.

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"That they even said they were going to nerf, and are crying that you got ripped off."


Well I believe because I read I,t bioware said it was working as intended, but would look at it again. Does that =Nerf?


But yes just to get one was a poor reason to buy the packs if that's all you were after from it.

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I was out of town all week. Just reading the forums, it seemed obvious to me they would tweak it. I'm very happy they at least added the walker in. That was unexpected :)

Let us know if you ever see anyone riding one, they are rarer than any Nightlife mount by a large ratio.

For all practical purposes, they aren't there.

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