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Can ANYONE craft the WTS Advanced Purple War Hero's Crystal on this server ?


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Can ANYONE craft the WTS Advanced Purple War Hero's Crystal on this server ?

If so im willing to transfer to Your server and pay a hefty fee, and transfer back. Nobody on myh server has the schematic that was Stealth removed from the game long time ago.

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Can ANYONE craft the WTS Advanced Purple War Hero's Crystal on this server ?

If so im willing to transfer to Your server and pay a hefty fee, and transfer back. Nobody on myh server has the schematic that was Stealth removed from the game long time ago.


Pretty sure we have a crafter of it on this server, as I've bought it two times from the same crafter. IIRC his name is Wolany (rep) or something to that effect. The first three letters I'm almost sure is correct :D


Edit: I'll log in and take a screenie soon. Watch this space.


http://i.imgur.com/jLwTTpx.png (crafters name have been erased)

Edited by vennian
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SO how can i know who to contact ??? if you erased name of crafter ???? :(


Crafter is Wolany (Or Wolaney or something similar) on rep side. I dont know how active he is, so your best bet is to create alt on server, level to fleet and ask around in fleet chat.

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Crafter is Wolany (Or Wolaney or something similar) on rep side. I dont know how active he is, so your best bet is to create alt on server, level to fleet and ask around in fleet chat.


Neither of these players exist on neither of the factions... Why did you censor the craft photo you posted earlier ? why not just let me se who crafted it ?

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