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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did Bioware LIVE PATCH the Contraband Drops ? few hours ago =(


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They WILL stealth-nerf this. That's how they do things.


Is that so?


Ontopic: I was gambling for cartel certs the last days, because there is stuff I urgently needed from those vendors.


Usually, I got 2 certs per 99 coins.


Then, for 4 x 99 coins in a row I only got 1 cert each. So I was wondering: Did they secretly lower the droprate to 1%?


The next round of 99 coins yielded me 9 (!!) cartel certs. I was like: wow! That RNG was random! ;)


(On a sidenote: When I got those 9 certs, I got much less rep items than usual, so overall, the value I got in this round was still on par with the other ones.)

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Is that so?


Ontopic: I was gambling for cartel certs the last days, because there is stuff I urgently needed from those vendors.


Usually, I got 2 certs per 99 coins.


Then, for 4 x 99 coins in a row I only got 1 cert each. So I was wondering: Did they secretly lower the droprate to 1%?


The next round of 99 coins yielded me 9 (!!) cartel certs. I was like: wow! That RNG was random! ;)


(On a sidenote: When I got those 9 certs, I got much less rep items than usual, so overall, the value I got in this round was still on par with the other ones.)


there was no "stealth nerf" of drop rates.


what part of "no" don't you understand? the n or the o?

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there was no "stealth nerf" of drop rates.


what part of "no" don't you understand? the n or the o?


No. you are not guaranteed 2 certs per 99 or 198 or even 297. that is NOT how random numbers work because *math* *QF* and tuesdays..

Edited by captpickles
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Is that so?


Ontopic: I was gambling for cartel certs the last days, because there is stuff I urgently needed from those vendors.


Usually, I got 2 certs per 99 coins.


Then, for 4 x 99 coins in a row I only got 1 cert each. So I was wondering: Did they secretly lower the droprate to 1%?


The next round of 99 coins yielded me 9 (!!) cartel certs. I was like: wow! That RNG was random! ;)


(On a sidenote: When I got those 9 certs, I got much less rep items than usual, so overall, the value I got in this round was still on par with the other ones.)


Shocking Random is Random...who in their right mind would ever think such a thing. Next you'll tell me water is wet, fire is hot, and sun rises in the east.

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