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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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On hand is probably a bit excessive, I have all the books but rooting through them would be a *****. I'm happy to fact check though if that's what you need, or write it.


Though to be honest a lot of the things I'd use would be from Beni's Caedus vs Vitiate argument a while back.


Well, I think Beni pretty much plans on using that old comparison for those two, so anything you can add to it would be good.


You could probably just take the Caedus parts and add stuff to it.

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I'd be more than willing to do Yoda, but ask Sel if she wants to write one up on Caedus or Vitiate. Just in case.
Well I figured we covered that over PM.


But yeah if she has the books, a fact check on this thread and/or some relevant quotes would be cool.


But yeah if you could do Yoda in that format and PM that would be great.

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Ah okay, I see the issue. No, I'm not saying a non-amped Nyriss is more powerful then Sidious, but I am saying a amped Nyriss is more powerful then Sidious, which you seemed to agree with her. Any argument suggesting the barrier was weak is just assumptions, and is really just as good as my assumptions saying otherwise, especially with science knowing how the body responds to desperate final stands.


The incineration of Meetra and Scourge is more impressive then the incineration of the dark side prophets. By the way, Kalakar Six was also a powerful dark side nexus, so Sidious was amped too. That being said, using arguments of mine that I now laugh at is probably the most ironic you thing you could ever do to yourself.

No, amped or not Sidious > Nyriss. The fact that Nyriss failed to replicate Sidious lightning feat with a comparable outburst of power while being amped by a nexus proves this. Not sure where you got that idea from. I just thought it prudent to point out that Nyriss had every advantage, reinforcing the fact this was beyond her abilities, period.


Kalakar Six is not as strong a nexus as Dromund Kaas, so it doesn't really matter.


In terms of assumptions, that would be saying Nyriss is capable of feats she has never actually produced. As I have already said its a fanonical speculation, not an actual event. Irregardless of that fact as I have also previously explained (seeing a trend) the feat is incomparable. Force Storm =/= burst of lightning, as I stated in what you quoted.


Regardless I make no assumption, because its supported by facts. Its a fact that conjuring a Force storm would have required a great deal of energy, and therefore a less than adequate amount would be left to conjure a barrier.


That said you've failed to account for the logical fallacy I pointed out here:


Again that doesn't make logical sense, if a barrier is thrown up to deflect an attack of equal strength the result is impasse, not the destruction of the barrier and death of the wielder, that would only occur is the attack was much stronger, strong enough to retain enough force after the dispelling effects of the barrier to cause harm to the wielder.


Please don't ignore this, or the fact that Force Storm =/= burst of lightning either, or I'll take it as a concession.


P.S. Finally, the only thing that is ironic is that in the space of only several months you've transformed into a veritable sock of a person you previously ridiculed for his fallacious opinions, opinions you now uphold. *ironfistclap*

Edited by Beniboybling
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P.S. Finally, the only thing that is ironic is that in the space of only several months you've transformed into a veritable sock of a person you previously ridiculed for his fallacious opinions, opinions you now uphold. *ironfistclap*


The irony of this is so great I laughed out loud. That is the same as saying you are a sock of Tempest of Silver because you support Sidious, LMFAO. You're pathetic dude, a disgrace. My arguments concerning Vitiate resemble closely to what me, Nepththys, and Skillz have discussed, not what LeGenD says. I disagree with a majority of his arguments on what he says. In comparison, you put Fay as among the most powerful Jedi in history, I don't get why these forums haven't banned you for stupidity alone. I bookmarked your argument and will respond later. Proof that I did bookmarked the thread: http://i38.servimg.com/u/f38/17/73/92/12/done10.jpg

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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The irony of this is so great I laughed out loud. That is the same as saying you are a sock of Tempest of Silver because you support Sidious, LMFAO. You're pathetic dude, a disgrace. My arguments concerning Vitiate resemble closely to what me, Nepththys, and Skillz have discussed, not what LeGenD says. I disagree with a majority of his arguments on what he says. In comparison, you put Fay as among the most powerful Jedi in history, I don't get why these forums haven't banned you for stupidity alone. I bookmarked your argument and will respond later. Proof that I did bookmarked the thread: http://i38.servimg.com/u/f38/17/73/92/12/done10.jpg
Touched a nerve eh? Lol my apologies, I look forward to your response.
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Touched a nerve eh? Lol my apologies, I look forward to your response.


In the respect that you consider anyone who believes Vitiate is a powerful Sith Lord a supporter of LeGenD, yes, because that gives the false impression that the general majority of Star Wars fans think like you do, which is insulting.

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In the respect that you consider anyone who believes Vitiate is a powerful Sith Lord a supporter of LeGenD, yes, because that gives the false impression that the general majority of Star Wars fans think like you do, which is insulting.
Well then I don't know what your getting upset about, because I did nothing of the sort lawls.
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Yoda, Darth Caedus and the Sith Emperor - Comparison






Yoda had a profound mastery of Force Valor, using it to overcome centuries of advanced age, detrimental physical problems, and other injuries. His speed rivaled or even exceeded that of Darth Sidious, who was able to move so fast as to cut three Jedi Masters down in seconds. Yoda himself accomplished a similar feat when he outmaneuvered three of the Jedi Order’s finest while unarmed and barely even visibly moving. He also possessed great strength and endurance, producing enough strength to disarm Darth Sidious and enough endurance to withstand lightsaber strikes.


He was skilled in the application of Force Stealth, which he used to conceal his presence from Count Dooku on Vjun, albeit imperfectly.


His mastery of tutaminis was excellent. He was able to absorb, repel, and dissipate Force lightning. He was even able to repel the Force lightning of Darth Sidious.

Darth Caedus

Caedus possessed incredible skill in the ability to manipulate his body which allowed him to dull pain, manipulate blood flow and organ performance, manipulating his body to adapt to the environment and/or wounds. This ability also allowed him to influence others, putting them to sleep or lending them strength. He was also highly skilled in Force healing which he could use to put others in healing trances among other powers. These powers manifested themselves most overtly when Caedus on one occasion had his arm completed severed and on the other occasion was impaled in the stomach, yet it did not seem to detriment him in anyway.


In addition to this, Caedus was immensely skilled in the use of Force cloak to the extent that he was able to cut himself off from the Force itself, even able to change what other Force sensitives would sense when searching for him. His ability was so potent that it fooled Luke Skywalker himself.


Caedus showed his abilities were close to rivaling Luke's when he displayed his exceptional ability in tutanimis, making him able to absorb and redirect Skywakers attacks. Caedus was also a master of Force speed, which he used to school Jedi Battlemaster Kyle Katarn despite being outnumbered and even injure his uncle.

Sith Emperor

With his unprecedented knowledge of Sith Magic which he had over a millennia to study the Sith Emperor become an absolute master of transferring his consciousness - able to imbue portions of himself into the minds of others transforming them into Children of his will or a Voice to exact his commands. And upon his bodily death, in spirit form he was capable of collapsing an entire chamber through sheer will.




Yoda was capable of probing the minds of Jedi Masters and even entering their minds from across the galaxy. He could also feel the deaths of individual Jedi from across the galaxy. Finally, he was skilled in the art of Battle Meditation.

Darth Caedus

Darth Caedus possesses remarkable abilities in Force empathy, and at a young age was able to have conversations with his mother and twin sister with ease, whereas most Jedi were barely able to manage a few words. He was also able to sever these connections when necessary to prevent detection, and block of his mind to make it unreadable even to Luke Skywalker himself. He was exceptionally skilled in the use of Battle Meld, acting as a 'hive mind' for seventeen other Jedi in a heightened form of battle meditation.


Caedus also possessed exceptional ability in foresight, not only was he able to foresee the future and past at will, but was able to actively set the parameters of what he would see. Allowing incredibly accurate depictions of the future, unmatched by most. He was also highly skilled in the use of shatterpoint.

Sith Emperor

The Sith Emperor surprisingly has shown no ability in this category and in fact required Revan, as a prisoner, to access Force visions - so we can only assume his abilities were lacking in this field, or at least not on par with Caedus. Note that I don't consider his ability to dominate the minds of others as indication of ability in Sense because he does it in an unconventional way, dominating them in the most literal sense simply by overwhelming them with his dark side power - which is a display of Alter, not Sense.



Darth Caedus

At a young age Caedus' abilities in telekinetic manipulation were profound, making him able to use Alter Environment by the age of five. He was also highly skilled in the use of Force choke able to use it on multiple Jedi at once, breaching their Force barrier simultaneously. He was also able to generate powerful Force waves which could blast away tons of rubble and send powerful Jedi flying - even in an injured condition.


He was exceptionally capable in the use of Force lightning, even before becoming a Sith Lord he was able to wield emerald lightning to such an extent that he could paralyse Vong who were supposedly immune to Force powers - and as a Sith Lord his lightning could morph opponents beyond recognition. He was also able to release discharges through his opponents spinal cords to paralyse them completely.


Caedus' abilities in mind control were just as profound, making him able to compel even powerful Force-users to obey him against their active resting will. Caedus also unlocked the ability to use Sith Battle Meditation, making him able to turn the tides of battles and utterly dominate the minds of others.


Caedus was also able to sever ones connection to the Force, most profoundly he used this against Ben Skywalker - the powerful son of Luke Skywalker himself - and then restored the connection with similar ease.


Finally Caedus was incredibly skilled in the projection of Force illusions which were extremely convincing even to Jedi, he could even allow the viewer's mind to decide whom the projection was which allowed him to infiltrate their minds and make them hapless puppets bound to his will.

Sith Emperor

His telekinetic abilities were likely highly skilled as at a young age he was able to snap his adoptive father's neck with merely a thought. He was also able to generate powerful Force waves to potent effect against powerful Force users such as Revan who he swept clean off his feet.


He was able to generate exceptionally powerful Force lightning, unleashing storms of dark side energy on his opponents which could instantly incapacitate powerful Jedi. He was also able to charge incredibly powerful blasts of energy which even the most powerful of Jedi were unable to deflect.


The Sith Emperor was incredibly skilled in the use of mind control and on numerous occasions dominated the minds of powerful Force users such as Revan and Malak through sheer strength of will. He was also skilled in the use of Qâzoi Kyantuska which he used to dominate the minds of 8,000 Sith Lords.


The Sith Emperor was also exceptionally skilled in the use of Force Drain, able to strip a Sith Lord of his connection to the Force at a young age. And on top of that showed exceptional mastery over Force Drain via the Ritual of Nathema. He was also constantly tapping in the reservoirs of his disciples and of Revan to bolster his power. Furthermore albeit after engaging in elaborate and extremely complex ritual, the Sith Emperor was able to siphon the energies of potentially billions of subjects when sacrificed to him, from across the galaxy, and planned to use this ability to consume everything.


Its also possible that he was capable of consuming the life force of many within the scope of planet without the need for them to be sacrificed, however it is likely he was only capable of this while in spirit form.


Finally the Sith Emperor was an exceptional master of Sith Sorcery, spending over 1,000 years studying and furthering his mastery over the art. The Emperor’s rituals on Dromund Kaas were capable of warping the planet’s very atmosphere, creating perpetual lightning storms, and he used many arcane rituals to bind individuals to his will and imbue them with his power. He was also capable of summoning potent Force illusions, creating multiple versions of himself when in battle with the Hero of Tython which were able to physically harm him. His most notable accomplishment in Sith Sorcery was when he performed the most complex ritual ever attempted on Nathema, which created the greatest dark side nexus the galaxy had ever seen.


Yoda was a skilled master of telekinesis. He was able to easily summon powerful Force Waves that could hurl dozens of enemies simultaneously. His Force Pushes were strong enough to break the raised Force defenses of Darth Sidious. Yoda was also capable of easily lifting and moving objects weighing several tons, even while using the Force for other tasks as well. He also possessed enough control that he was able to manipulate multiple small objects simultaneously with no effort at all.


Yoda possessed incredible skill in mental influence. He was skilled in the application of the Mind Trick, which he could use to influence, control, and even mind-wipe individuals.


He was also skilled in the application of Alter Environment, a technique he used to create a pocket of air that was strong enough to resist the vacuum of space.

Edited by Beniboybling
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