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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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No, she tried as in the barrier failed due to her lightning being more powerful, not that she didn't successfully put up the barrier, for the narration states it did destroy the barrier she did indeed put up.
Again that doesn't make logical sense, if a barrier is thrown up to deflect an attack of equal strength the result is impasse, not the destruction of the barrier and death of the wielder, that would only occur is the attack was much stronger, strong enough to retain enough force after the dispelling effects of the barrier to cause harm to the wielder.


The fact that Nyriss did not only die, but was incinerated, demands the attack be much stronger. Basic math.


The narration says nothing that contradicts the notion that the barrier was weak, and instead provides many implications that this was the case. Its simple logic to conclude that unleashing a powerful Force storm against your opponent is going to leave you somewhat drained, as it is to conclude a barrier thrown up in haste will be weak.


Regardless even if we accepted that Nyriss could incinerate the Exile and Scourge. You are yet again failing to pay attention to circumstance. Nyriss incinerating the Exile and Scourge in the presence of a nexus with the use of a Force storm cannot be compared to Sidious eliminating two dark side prophets with a bolt of lighting without a nexus. Not only are they just different feats, but nowhere is it suggested this is the limits of his power.


A better comparison, the following:


"A burst of purple lightning arched down the steps, catching both men in the chest. They barely had time to scream before they were turned into charred and smoking husks..."


--Taken from Star Wars The Old Republic: Revan


Darth Nyriss, likely amped by a nexus, kills and severely disfigures a pair of non-Force sensitives. Note that "husk" basically means shell, so while they were burnt, their flesh was not incinerated, their bodies remained intact.


Now compare that to the following:






Likewise with a similar burst of power, Sidious kills a pair of Force-sensitives and reduces them to skeletons. Nyriss is surpassed, not only was the feat not amped by a nexus, by the subjects were Force sensitive, and despite that Sidious is able to go further than charred husk, and actually incinerate the flesh from their bones completely.


If Nyriss lightning was truly more powerful as Anthony claims, then Nyriss would have easily been able to replicate if not surpass Sidious performance when confronted by weaker opponents, and with a nexus to buff her power. And yes, this does indicate if not demand that Sidious Force storm levels of lightning would equally surpass Nyriss'.


Really Ant I don't why you bother attempting to claim the Sith Emperor is superior to Sidious with cheapshots like this. Here let me help you out, this guy over at KMC sums it up pretty well, he seems pretty knowledgeable.

Dude, are you seriously asking me where it says Palpatine is the most powerful Sith Lord? And that I have no evidence to back it up?


-Creating Force Storms capable of destroying fleets of ships and devastating the surfaces of planets

-Surviving as a spirit whenever his body is killed and traveling as a spirit across lightyears of space

-Making the planet Byss a dark side nexus

-Siphoning the life energies of the nearly 20 billion inhabitants on Byss

-Telepathically subjugating the wills of nearly 20 billion beings on Byss, erasing the memories of millions on Coruscant, and inducing fear into thousands of Jedi across the galaxy

-Projecting Force Lightning capable of scorching Sithspawn to ash, burning people to skeletons, and contorting lightsaber blades

-Causing the Force to become imbalanced to blind the Jedi's perceptions

-Hiding his Force sensitivity from the most powerful Jedi in the Order

-Perceiving events and eventualities throughout the galaxy

-Altering the tides of battles by influencing armies and fleets

-Controlling midi-chlorians to sustain life

-Moving his lightsaber too fast to be seen by Jedi who can react to lightning bolts and ships flying at sublight speeds


Vader imagined the power that could be his if he crushed Palpatine and established his own rule over the Empire. But first, he would need his own apprentice. By himself, he could not hope to defeat the most powerful Sith Lord the galaxy had ever known.

--Taken from Vader: The Ultimate Guide


Yoda went after Palpatine in the empty Senate chamber, but could not defeat the most powerful Sith Lord in history.

--Taken from The New Essential Chronology


Beyond the vision of the Jedi Knights, somewhere within the darkness, the greatest master of evil ever to use Sith power bides his time. As his strength grows, his plans begin to shape the course of the galaxy, and his snares await the unsuspecting.

--Taken from The Complete Visual Dictionary


When Yoda crosses sabers with the movie's arch-villain, he doesn't launch into a pinwheeling display of acrobatics, as he did against Count Dooku in Episode II. Instead, Yoda faces the dark side's fury, channeled by the most powerful Sith Lord in history. "Rob Coleman wanted Yoda to feel the power of his enemy," says Wheless, "like a force he's never dealt with before."

--Taken from Insider #86: Yoda's Right Arm


The Sith have waited millennium for the birth of one who is powerful enough to return them from hiding. Darth Sidious is that one—the Sith's revenge on the Jedi order for having nearly eradicated the practitioners of the dark side of the Force.

--Taken from The Complete Visual Dictionary


The Sith Order, in hiding for a millennium, had awaited the birth of one who was powerful enough to return the Order to prominence. Darth Sidious was the fulfillment of that prophecy, capable of exacting the Sith's revenge on the Jedi for having nearly eradicated the practitioners of the dark side of the Force.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Darth Sidious proved to be the grim culmination of a thousand years of Sith philosophy and teachings.

--Taken from Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force


When the Sith finally emerged from a thousand years of watching and waiting, they numbered—in accordance with the tradition set down by Darth Bane—only two. The most powerful of these was Darth Sidious, an ice-cold, diabolically calculating genius equipped with the strength of the dark side of the Force, as well as an enormous wealth of Sith artifacts, equipment, and knowledge.

--Taken from The Dark Side Sourcebook


In truth, Palpatine was well versed in the ways of the Force, having been apprentice to Darth Plagueis the Wise, a Sith Lord who was a master of arcane and unnatural knowledge. In true Sith tradition, Palpatine murdered his Master upon receiving the skill and ability to do so.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Unknown to the Rebels, the Emperor had already laid the groundwork for the perpetual rule of his New Order. He had turned a Jedi into his new dark apprentice, the terrifying Darth Vader. Vader himself trained apprentices. And the Emperor created a corps of loyal, Force-skilled minions to maintain his rule. Most powerful of all, of course, was the Emperor himself.

--Taken from The Dark Side Sourcebook


Inside the spacious interior of the Galactic Senate chamber, Yoda challenged the Emperor. The two engaged in a spectacular duel—a contest between the most powerful practitioners of the Force’s light and dark sides.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


It quickly became clear to Luke that this decrepit and seemingly defenseless old man was masterfully adept in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. Indeed, as Vader had warned, the Emperor had become the Dark Side's most powerful expression.

--Taken from the Dark Empire endnotes


Even Ulic Qel-Droma would be envious of Palpatine. He had succeeded where all others had failed in taming the Dark Side.

--Taken from Dark Empire Sourcebook


Sidious knew that his own powers had increased tenfold over the decades, but he couldn’t be certain he had learned all of Plagueis’s secrets—“his sorcerer’s ways,” as the Sun Guards referred to them—including the ability to prevent beings from dying.

--Taken from Darth Plagueis


Resurrected in a youthful clone body, Palpatine does not reveal himself immediately. Studying the dark side of the Force to become more powerful, his education results in three manifestos: The Book of Anger, The Weakness of Inferiors, and The Creation of Monsters.

--Taken from The Ultimate Visual Guide


Palpatine knew precisely why the Empire couldn’t last without his dread power: he had designed it that way. No one ever suspected how much he relied on the Dark Side of the Force. He shaped those of his government by using the Force against them. He used it to control his fleets and to drive his soldiers on to victory. He used it to destroy his enemies from a distance and learn of conspiracies against him. Without it, there was no way the Empire could endure, as he had designed it. The Dark Side flowed through him like some primordial ichor and was the key to all his power. Soon he was ready to strike. Fully healed and in greater control of the Dark Side than ever, he finally acted to end the Mutiny.

--Taken from Dark Empire Sourcebook


The feeling had begun as a faint stirring in the Force, like the tiniest ripple of something moving slowly through deep water, far away but drawing steadily closer. It intensified, until it felt like the Force itself was roiling, heaving like the sea in the grip of an enormous storm. The commandos guarding the royal chamber reached for their throats. As Maul watched, an unseen forced lifted them high in the air, then slammed them to the floor, where they lay motionless in their red-and-black armor. The doors opened, then closed behind a figure in dark robes. A deep cowl hid most of the face, leaving only a pale chin and a downturned mouth visible. To most eyes the man in those simple robes of rough cloth was unremarkable, just another being making his way in the universe. But to those who could feel the Force he was anything but ordinary. To them, he was a dark sun blazing with power that was simultaneously hypnotizing and terrifying to behold.

Darth Sidious, the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, had come to Mandalore.

Savage stared at the new arrival in astonishment, transfixed by the sight.

--Taken from Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy


And then there was Palpatine, of course: he was beyond power. He showed nothing of what might be within. Though seen with the eyes of the dark side itself, Palpatine was an event horizon. Beneath his entirely ordinary surface was absolute, perfect nothingness. Darkness beyond darkness.

A black hole of the Force.

--Taken from Revenge of the Sith


The key to Luke's turning is the moment when he and Leia realize the Emperor is no longer defined by his physical form, but has become a chaotic nexus of dark energies that swell and burst open the fabric of space, tearing apart everything in the vicinity, human and machine.

--Taken from the Dark Empire endnotes


Any unusual localization, or vergence, of dark side Force energy. These strange locales emanated the dark side of the Force, and were considered focal points of power for dark side users. As such, they were often guarded by Jedi Knights to prevent their discovery and exploitation. Known dark side nexuses included the twisted tree-cave on Dagobah, Halagad Ventor's hermitage on Trinta, and a "stain" of dark side energy that hovered over Endor following the defeat of the Emperor.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Had this human truly been born of flesh-and-blood parents? Plagueis asked himself. When, in fact, he seemed sprung from nature itself. Was the Force so strong in him that it had concealed itself?

--Taken from Darth Plagueis


Palpatine has spent decades studying the most arcane and esoteric Jedi disciplines. It is believed that he has mastered nearly all the known powers, previously unknown powers, and devises new ones at his pleasure.

--Taken from Dark Empire Sourcebook




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Again that doesn't make logical sense, if a barrier is thrown up to deflect an attack of equal strength the result is impasse, not the destruction of the barrier and death of the wielder, that would only occur is the attack was much stronger, strong enough to retain enough force after the dispelling effects of the barrier to cause harm to the wielder.


The fact that Nyriss did not only die, but was incinerated, demands the attack be much stronger. Basic math.


The narration says nothing that contradicts the notion that the barrier was weak, and instead provides many implications that this was the case. Its simple logic to conclude that unleashing a powerful Force storm against your opponent is going to leave you somewhat drained, as it is to conclude a barrier thrown up in haste will be weak.


Regardless even if we accepted that Nyriss could incinerate the Exile and Scourge. You are yet again failing to pay attention to circumstance. Nyriss incinerating the Exile and Scourge in the presence of a nexus with the use of a Force storm cannot be compared to Sidious eliminating two dark side prophets with a bolt of lighting without a nexus. Not only are they just different feats, but nowhere is it suggested this is the limits of his power.


A better comparison, the following:


"A burst of purple lightning arched down the steps, catching both men in the chest. They barely had time to scream before they were turned into charred and smoking husks..."


--Taken from Star Wars The Old Republic: Revan


Darth Nyriss, likely amped by a nexus, kills and severely disfigures a pair of non-Force sensitives. Note that "husk" basically means shell, so while they were burnt, their flesh was not incinerated, their bodies remained intact.


Now compare that to the following:






Likewise with a similar burst of power, Sidious kills a pair of Force-sensitives and reduces them to skeletons. Nyriss is surpassed, not only was the feat not amped by a nexus, by the subjects were Force sensitive, and despite that Sidious is able to go further than charred husk, and actually incinerate the flesh from their bones completely.


If Nyriss lightning was truly more powerful as Anthony claims, then Nyriss would have easily been able to replicate if not surpass Sidious performance when confronted by weaker opponents, and with a nexus to buff her power. And yes, this does indicate if not demand that Sidious Force storm levels of lightning would equally surpass Nyriss'.

Ah okay, I see the issue. No, I'm not saying a non-amped Nyriss is more powerful then Sidious, but I am saying a amped Nyriss is more powerful then Sidious, which you seemed to agree with her. Any argument suggesting the barrier was weak is just assumptions, and is really just as good as my assumptions saying otherwise, especially with science knowing how the body responds to desperate final stands.


The incineration of Meetra and Scourge is more impressive then the incineration of the dark side prophets. By the way, Kalakar Six was also a powerful dark side nexus, so Sidious was amped too. That being said, using arguments of mine that I now laugh at is probably the most ironic you thing you could ever do to yourself.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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Well I don't think Sel has much she wants to add, so if you could just do a write up for Yoda, I'll just patch in my stuff on Caedus and the Sith Emperor from past comparisons.

When is the due date to my argument on why Vitiate vs Yoda is due? Would Friday be too late?

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Well I don't think Sel has much she wants to add, so if you could just do a write up for Yoda, I'll just patch in my stuff on Caedus and the Sith Emperor from past comparisons.


I'd be more than willing to do Yoda, but ask Sel if she wants to write one up on Caedus or Vitiate. Just in case.

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I'd be more than willing to do Yoda, but ask Sel if she wants to write one up on Caedus or Vitiate. Just in case.


I'm happy either way. I started on Talzin because I thought you two wanted to take these ones, but I'm just as happy to sort Caedus.


Whichever is easier for you guys.

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I'm happy either way. I started on Talzin because I thought you two wanted to take these ones, but I'm just as happy to sort Caedus.


Whichever is easier for you guys.


Well, You probably have more Caedus info on hand than we do, so it would help if you wrote it. If anything, you can go over it to make sure we don't miss anything.

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Well, You probably have more Caedus info on hand than we do, so it would help if you wrote it. If anything, you can go over it to make sure we don't miss anything.


On hand is probably a bit excessive, I have all the books but rooting through them would be a *****. I'm happy to fact check though if that's what you need, or write it.


Though to be honest a lot of the things I'd use would be from Beni's Caedus vs Vitiate argument a while back.

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