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Give Infiltration/Deception specs more burst damage and survivability


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Sounds like you are talking about hatred not deception.


Regardless this class has all the tools to survive. I hardly ever play my sin so here is my assumption.

1. Like jugg/mara choose your targets carefully don't backstab and think... Think and backstab.

2. Getting lit up? Re stealth run hide heal and perform #1.

3. You are light armor don't act like you have heavy armor or can one man an army. (Not that armor matters much for some classes)

4. You have great CCs or stuns to control your environment.

5. Everytime I faced a good deception sin these guys always give me trouble by controlling me though CCs and stuns. See #4 for more details.

6. Use your stealth. You do know you can scout as this class and call out # of players on nodes to call for help. (Most classes need help in this game you know not everyone is a bad***)


8. Like any class use your DCD with some thought behind it. Don't blow them by getting scared if you need them use them.

9. If you see a fight that may give you trouble once again your a stealth class you choose your fights. So wait it out and make your move.

10. If your **** is on CD then give it some time. Patience is nice to have.

11. Once again don't try to solo the team.

12. You can't solo the team

13. If you do solo the team /ironfist

14. But you can't solo the team.

15. Make sure you don't try to solo the team.

16. And most importantly...

don't try to solo an entire team


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nothing wrong with deception cc


I'm just saying when you look at it and compare to other classes this class has enough toys to play with. Here I main a MERC im not complaining that I only have one stun, one CC (that I have to cast), and a root (if I take the utility) that is a melee. I mean I'm not gonna say l2p cause I don't play a sin so I truely can't say what is wrong or right. However I have faced many sins and so far they seem fine. Deception or hatred. Sorry everyone crying about this is absurd. If you can't pvp with the spec play the one that can be used better for pvp. It's like your trying to drive a horse and im please to inform you that you can't drive a horse but only ride one.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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I'm just saying when you look at it and compare to other classes this class has enough toys to play with. Here I main a MERC im not complaining that I only have one stun, one CC (that I have to cast), and a root (if I take the utility) that is a melee. I mean I'm not gonna say l2p cause I don't play a sin so I truely can't say what is wrong or right. However I have faced many sins and so far they seem fine. Deception or hatred. Sorry everyone crying about this is absurd. If you can't pvp with the spec play the one that can be used better for pvp. It's like your trying to drive a horse and im please to inform you that you can't drive a horse but only ride one.


Well since like 90% of deception sins are horrible, if you played against them and think sins are good based off of them, you must be really horrible.

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...If you can't pvp with the spec play the one that can be used better for pvp. It's like your trying to drive a horse and im please to inform you that you can't drive a horse but only ride one.


That's right, forget MMO, personal preference, play style and just go FOTM.


Heck, if we all go FOTM then they never even need to change balance again. :p

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Well since like 90% of deception sins are horrible, if you played against them and think sins are good based off of them, you must be really horrible.


Yeh where are your numbers coming from or are you making **** up? Btw how are you gonna assume I suck? I never said if those sins beat me or not. If you read what I said it's an assumption and that's all it is.

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That's right, forget MMO, personal preference, play style and just go FOTM.


Heck, if we all go FOTM then they never even need to change balance again. :p


Well let's see it's also a PVE game so it would make sense that deception is a pve spec since most people want to look cool while swinging a lightsaber in a video game so... YA but I'm not sure since I don't play this class but if your having trouble I made a post above all these that will help any gamer who plays a stealth class find his way to greatness.

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I'm just saying when you look at it and compare to other classes this class has enough toys to play with. Here I main a MERC im not complaining that I only have one stun, one CC (that I have to cast), and a root (if I take the utility) that is a melee. I mean I'm not gonna say l2p cause I don't play a sin so I truely can't say what is wrong or right. However I have faced many sins and so far they seem fine. Deception or hatred. Sorry everyone crying about this is absurd. If you can't pvp with the spec play the one that can be used better for pvp. It's like your trying to drive a horse and im please to inform you that you can't drive a horse but only ride one.


-doesnt mention electro net

-you can drive a horse with a carriage

-what is so great about deceptions cc

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Regardless this class has all the tools to survive. I hardly ever play my sin so here is my assumption.

1. Like jugg/mara choose your targets carefully don't backstab and think... Think and backstab.

2. Getting lit up? Re stealth run hide heal and perform #1.

3. You are light armor don't act like you have heavy armor or can one man an army. (Not that armor matters much for some classes)

4. You have great CCs or stuns to control your environment.

5. Everytime I faced a good deception sin these guys always give me trouble by controlling me though CCs and stuns. See #4 for more details.

6. Use your stealth. You do know you can scout as this class and call out # of players on nodes to call for help. (Most classes need help in this game you know not everyone is a bad***)


8. Like any class use your DCD with some thought behind it. Don't blow them by getting scared if you need them use them.

9. If you see a fight that may give you trouble once again your a stealth class you choose your fights. So wait it out and make your move.

10. If your **** is on CD then give it some time. Patience is nice to have.

11. Once again don't try to solo the team.

12. You can't solo the team

13. If you do solo the team /ironfist

14. But you can't solo the team.

15. Make sure you don't try to solo the team.

16. And most importantly...

don't try to solo an entire team


Dude, I merely said it sounded like you were talking about hatred with the comment I quoted. I do not think that sins need any more survivability, immunity, or cc. They have enough of each. Too much in the case of immunity and cc. But don't make the mistake of thinking deception is on the same level as hatred. They are leagues apart. Hatred is broken and deception is in need of a couple tweaks. Deception should be reverted to 2.10 functionality scaled to 3.0 numbers. Some nerfs are warranted for hatred.


I have solo'd 5 of the enemy with hatred on a civil war. Only one of them was decent. Killed 3 and then died. Distracted them long enough for my team to cap the other two nodes and get set up with defense. Sometimes wading into the enemy team can work :D (If they suck and you aren't planning to survive anyway...just distract.)

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Dude, I merely said it sounded like you were talking about hatred with the comment I quoted. I do not think that sins need any more survivability, immunity, or cc. They have enough of each. Too much in the case of immunity and cc. But don't make the mistake of thinking deception is on the same level as hatred. They are leagues apart. Hatred is broken and deception is in need of a couple tweaks. Deception should be reverted to 2.10 functionality scaled to 3.0 numbers. Some nerfs are warranted for hatred.


I have solo'd 5 of the enemy with hatred on a civil war. Only one of them was decent. Killed 3 and then died. Distracted them long enough for my team to cap the other two nodes and get set up with defense. Sometimes wading into the enemy team can work :D (If they suck and you aren't planning to survive anyway...just distract.)



My bad that post was pretty much for everyone I just quoted you for that first part not the numbers.

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Hi folks, been playing deception since early access, yada yada yada. I've never claimed to be the best, but I also know I'm not the worst.


Survivability is fine. We have plenty of tools to escape a 1 sided a** whipping.

Increase duplicity back to 30%, and give back the second proc on low slash.

Lower damage from low slash and give back the 3rd recklessness tied to the armor set bonus.

Deception fixed.

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Deception needs a maul buff and 20-30m force lightning range. I don't care about discharge or ball lightning, coz i do agree that open burst was too big pre 3.0. 7K mauls on heavy armored and 8-9K on light armored is a joke, rail shot in AP hits harder, has 6 sec ICD and 30m range, I say nothing about ambush that has auto-crits stacks. Maul is the main burst ability. U can delete 12 sec immune with deflection. Edited by helpmewin
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Deception needs a maul buff and 20-30m force lightning range. I don't care about discharge or ball lightning, coz i do agree that open burst was too big pre 3.0. 7K mauls on heavy armored and 8k+ on light armored is a joke, rail shot in AP hits harder, has 6 sec ICD and 30m range, I say nothing about ambush that has auto-crits stacks. Maul is the main burst ability. U can delete 12 sec immune with deflection.


I'm not sure why maul isn't hitting hard for you guys. I'm still getting 9-10k mauls on pts and Juggs and mercs and even higher on other classes. Not every time, but often enough.

Edited by Saikochoro
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A 10k hit is nothing to balk at. I never said it isn't doing proportionally less damage than before, but a 10k hit still hurts quite a bit.


Mauls were hitting for 10K pre-3.0, as was Force Scream, as were many main attacks for other classes. The difference is that Maul has stayed in the same place, where as other classes have seen increases in damage that are on par with the increased health, mitigation, etc. Deception is behind, and your post speaks directly to that.

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