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The Contraband Slot Machine


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The problem is not the machine IMO. The problem is, always has been and always will be the suck that is crew missions.


If crew missions had reasonable returns, generally speaking of course, this would be a non-issue IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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There are some morons out there who claim the market would collapse.


Tell me exactly how the market would collapse.


The current theory thrown around is that people would keep getting more and more purple mats and flooding the market with them constantly.


Now, there are a few problems with that theory.

1: This assumes that people would simply keep using the machine instead of playing the game for months on end.

2: Even if they did this it also assumes that they would keep flooding the market with the same materials even after those materials have plummeted in price and are selling at a loss for the person using the machine (remember, you'd get 10 purple mats per 100 coins on average. That's at least 10-20.000 credits that you'd have to pay to get those 10 mats. Selling them for less than 1000 credits each would be a loss).


Thats not how markets work though.

Markets tend to balance out.


People would get over the initial rush of using the machine and start playing the game, only using the machine occasionally to gain some new mats for selling/crafting when needed.

And the market would stabilise because when one material plummets in price (and remember, this doesn't have to be down to a non-profitable level, just lower than whatever else is rare and expensive) the sellers tend to switch to another material for profit. Especially sellers who are as flexible as those using jawa scrap would be. So once the price of say Midlithe was down to 20k each (which is still profitable for someone using crew missions or the machine), those using jawa scrap to get mats would switch to something else and the supply of Midlithe would go down again causing the prices to go up again.


Would this machine have had an effect on the market? Yes, definately.

But it wouldn't have "crashed" it or killed it.


All that said, I don't think the drop rates for jawa scrap was ok in the first iteration of the machine.

But this nerf completely removed any usefulness this machine may have ever had.


You mean that Purple grade 11 mats should cost 1000 cr or there about ????

I hardly think most crafters or BW would agree with you there, Purple is meant to be RARE not common and green is


Then with your thinking YOU grind up EVERY single Crafter to max, buy all those schems, and craft and sell a Purple relic for 7000cr since 4 Purple in your world = 1000cr each times 4 so that's 4K for those and 3K for the rest and profit and I'd like too see how long you would craft........


High end gear ain't meant to be handed out, if that's the case, then BW can give away free 198 gear, nerf all NiM Ops, and all would be happy or ?.


You REMOVE the thing that people strife for, something to work for.


I'd say, REMOVE Jawa items totaly from slot and add something else.


And before you WHINE some more, yes I have one, and YES I paid money, REAL money to get it from CM.

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Bioware you didn't just nerf it you did this!!!



I've played 5 stacks and got this.


94 Banned Holovids

80 Prohibited Medical Supplies

27 Confiscated Artwork

2 Scavenged Scrap

3 Jawa Junk


If your going to do this atleast make the dang coins free or make the coins cheaper and where can can sell the crap on the GTN. What and the heck can i do with all the rep items now. I'm at max rep and selling them back to a vendor is a joke also since you can't make credits back since you increased the price of coins.


Yall do know people spent real money for this joke right and expect a better drop rate.


The slot Machine is such a joke now and should be removed from game!

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You mean that Purple grade 11 mats should cost 1000 cr or there about ????

I hardly think most crafters or BW would agree with you there, Purple is meant to be RARE not common and green is


Then with your thinking YOU grind up EVERY single Crafter to max, buy all those schems, and craft and sell a Purple relic for 7000cr since 4 Purple in your world = 1000cr each times 4 so that's 4K for those and 3K for the rest and profit and I'd like too see how long you would craft........


High end gear ain't meant to be handed out, if that's the case, then BW can give away free 198 gear, nerf all NiM Ops, and all would be happy or ?.


You REMOVE the thing that people strife for, something to work for.


I'd say, REMOVE Jawa items totaly from slot and add something else.


And before you WHINE some more, yes I have one, and YES I paid money, REAL money to get it from CM.


You obviously completely missed my entire point.


I never stated that grade 11 mats SHOULD cost (or even WOULD cost) 1000 credits each.

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No, I never crafted or bought augments in the first place except for my main, because doing that for 10+ toons costs too much.


I fully agree with you there, altho I can get my own I don't since the slot cost and I hardly play then as much.


But I still belive it did ruin to much, I lost too, less "free" mats, and the fact I bought mine with real money too, **** happens sometimes you win and some you lose, fact of life :D

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You obviously completely missed my entire point.


I never stated that grade 11 mats SHOULD cost (or even WOULD cost) 1000 credits each.


No, but you woulden't mind if they did, before the change Grade 11 Purple had gone from 50K to much yes, down to below 10K.


Remove Jawa, add something else and change Cartel Certs back.


High end should be "rare" or they can give away 198 Items in the Slot machince too :D

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You know you just proved most of us right in the Slot Machine DID break crafting. Thanks.

So now i understand your and other gathering and crafting barrons reason to whine about the slot machines:everibody who is crafting their stuff for themself and not buying from you for irrational prices is ruining the economy sure cry me a river mister elitist butthead :D

Edited by MedveBocs
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The problem is not the machine IMO. The problem is, always has been and always will be the suck that is crew missions.


If crew missions had reasonable returns, generally speaking of course, this would be a non-issue IMO.


Hmm that's weird because last week people were complaining that the slot machines destroyed crew missions (meaning they had a reasonable return before the slots) . Not once yesterday did you mention crew skills so are you just trying to work into next weeks conplaint? You know when slots wear off you guys will need something else.

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So now i understand your and other gathering and crafting barrons reason to whine about the slot machines:everibody who is crafting their stuff for themself and not buying from yom you for irrational prices is ruining the economy sure cry me a river mister elitist but:Dthead


I have never overpriced a thing in this game, I've bought mats still do from others, and I cut prices on items I craft to made them cheaper so more can enjoy good items. So as for me your wrong.


Many I'm sure do, I know ppl that try and get as much out of every sale as they can I don't.


If that was the case I woulden't added 3 Relics 20K below the other one and that's far below 100K for one atm.


High end should be rare yes, but not was it was then 3.0 came out, then ppl are plain and simply greedy and that I hate.

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No, but you woulden't mind if they did, before the change Grade 11 Purple had gone from 50K to much yes, down to below 10K.


Remove Jawa, add something else and change Cartel Certs back.


High end should be "rare" or they can give away 198 Items in the Slot machince too :D


oh, how I love this slippery slope baloney.


starter gear SHOULD be accessible. starter gear SHOULD be easy to get for everyone. starter gear is NOT even in the same ballpark as latest hard mode tier gear.


starter gear is what gets you into content that drops those 198 items.


jawa junk? buys materials that are available through normal mission running, you don't even need to be max level or ever group or do much of anything really, other then have 2 available companions to send on bountiful and rich missions. it just so happens that those missions are a form of gambling themselves. it doesn't get you raid drops. it doesn't even do crafting for you. all it does is make that BASIC STARTER crafting more accessible.


so please.


STOP with the whole "might as well give 198 tier gear" in that regard, getting ultimate commendations from lvl 55 content was MUCH more of a freebie. and didn't really cost you anything, seeing as credits are so plentiful in TFB and SnV, even with wipes, you still come out in a black. NOT counting vendoring drops.

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Hmm that's weird because last week people were complaining that the slot machines destroyed crew missions (meaning they had a reasonable return before the slots) . Not once yesterday did you mention crew skills so are you just trying to work into next weeks conplaint? You know when slots wear off you guys will need something else.


1. he actualy did mention crew skills sucking. a lot of us did.


2. before jawa junk buying rank 11 mats? missions skills as sucky as they were - were the ONLY way to get those mats. so that artificial rarity kept all the prices inflated. return was only "reasonable" in that it was profitable to run those missions - you know given that they were the only game in town.


jawa vendors trading for jawa junk? provided other, much MUCH better and cheaper way to get those same mats. so mission skills weren't all that profitable anymore, you know with their awful rng and all. CRAFTERS - you know people who actualy use mats to make things out of them? were still doing pretty damn well. its only people who put everything into missions skills - they were the ones left in a dust, so they were the ones complaining about crafting being ruined, even though what they were doing was NOT crafting - it was gathering.

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Hmm that's weird because last week people were complaining that the slot machines destroyed crew missions (meaning they had a reasonable return before the slots) . Not once yesterday did you mention crew skills so are you just trying to work into next weeks conplaint? You know when slots wear off you guys will need something else.












Keep up.

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Hmm that's weird because last week people were complaining that the slot machines destroyed crew missions (meaning they had a reasonable return before the slots) . Not once yesterday did you mention crew skills so are you just trying to work into next weeks conplaint? You know when slots wear off you guys will need something else.

Haha people are complaining about the broken crew skill missions long time ago,but seems EAWare have other things to do but not to fix them in the meantime when the matt barrons started complaining about the slots the same dev team rapidly nerfed these machins down to eart,same when peps were complaining from weeks about a lot of bugs on operations and lags the dev team have no ears for them this is the truth about this beautifull dev team

Edited by MedveBocs
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Haha people are complaining about the broken crew skill missions long time ago,but seems EAWare have other things to do but not to fix them in the meantime when the matt barrons started complaining about the slots the same dev team rapidly nerfed these machins down to eart,same when peps were complaining from weeks about a lot of bugs on operations and lags the dev team have no ears for them this is the truth about this beautifull dev team


WIth your argumentation we wil see a rapid increase on the gambling machine odds, even with better chances than ever.

Edited by Neglience
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WIth your argumentation we wil see a rapid increase on the gambling machine odds, even with better chances than ever.

No you will not see that and you know why ? becouse this incompetent dev team is unable to make things go better they allwas screw them up just look how they make patches they fixing if fixing some things but making other things working worse then before.I am really curious how pleased is Mr.Jeff Hhickman with their dev team working quality and with their ability to handle some game issues and how pleased is with their comunity management

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So I missed your ONE from YESTERDAY! I said you didn't say anything about them YESTERDAY so posting other pointless rants from a week or more ago was rather pointless.


I must have missed it because of all your quitting threads.


Nice try though....

Edited by tdmaha
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So I missed your ONE from YESTERDAY! I said you didn't say anything about them YESTERDAY so posting other pointless rants from a week or more ago was rather pointless.


I must have missed it because of all your quitting threads.


Nice try though....


Nice try?


You are reaching again. Poor form Tdmaha, I expected better.


I have been saying it for months. I am, in fact, well known for it as has been pointed out to you.


Again, KEEP UP.


The best course of action would have been to never put scraps on the machine in the first place IMO.


Barring that, this is what I had originally suggested.


1) Raise the coin price to 2000 per.

2) Double green scrap drop rate.

3) Leave blue scrap drop rate as it was.

4) Cut purple scrap drop rate in half.


And leave the rest as is. That would have increased the cost and reduced the drop rate on high end purple mats dramatically. It would have also made it a more effective credit sink, since the appeal would still be high.


Then I suggested they boost green mat returns from crew missions by 50 percent, increase critical chance by 10 percent across the board and reduce mission times by 25 percent so crew missions would no longer....suck.


Instead they went the mutual assured destruction route. Nuke it into oblivion instead.


Now the ONLY thing they can do to fix this absolute debacle, IMO, is to at least return cert drop rates to the former amount (better to double the original rate) and pour the remaining percentage into the token drop, keeping failure rate below 25 percent.


They should also increase rare drop rate for the mount to at least match the rancor rate.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Nice try?


You are reaching again. Poor form Tdmaha, I expected better.


I have been saying it for months. I am, in fact, well known for it as has been pointed out to you.


Again, KEEP UP.


Again you keep up Art I said yesterday, and like I said I missed your ONE post from yesterday sorry all your quitting threads probably got in the way.

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Again you keep up Art I said yesterday, and like I said I missed your ONE post from yesterday sorry all your quitting threads probably got in the way.


Not once yesterday did you mention crew skills so are you just trying to work into next weeks conplaint?




You were wrong Tdmaha. Once again you made a completely baseless accusation....own it.


And that follows with yet another baseless exaggerated accusation....ALL my quitting threads.


Prove it. Provide a link to more than one quitting thread that I authored. Go ahead.


KEEP UP. You are slipping.


I suggested they boost green mat returns from crew missions by 50 percent, increase critical chance by 10 percent across the board and reduce mission times by 25 percent so crew missions would no longer....suck.
Edited by LordArtemis
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You were wrong Tdmaha. Once again you made a completely baseless accusation....own it.


And that follows with yet another baseless exaggerated accusation....ALL my quitting threads.


Prove it. Provide a link to more than one quitting thread that I authored. Go ahead.


KEEP UP. You are slipping.



GEEZ buddy you having issues this morning or what? I said multiple times I MISSED your ONE post from yesterday. And sure when I get home tonight (it's a pain in my cell phone to dig through pages of your Shenangians ) I will post multiple post by you.


Please take your time when reading my replies you are slipping this morning...

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GEEZ buddy you having issues this morning or what? I said multiple times I MISSED your ONE post from yesterday. And sure when I get home tonight (it's a pain in my cell phone to dig through pages of your Shenangians ) I will post multiple post by you.


Please take your time when reading my replies you are slipping this morning...


Not multiple posts Tdmaha.....

sorry all your quitting threads probably got in the way.


Again, your words, again completely baseless hyperbole.


Provide links to more than one thread that I have authored that is a "quitting thread" or you are once again posting fallacies.


BTW Tdmaha, using a few of my words and comments does not make you me. You will never be me. Stop trying. Its just embarrassing.


You think we could perhaps get back on topic now?


Boost green mat returns from crew missions by 50 percent

Increase critical chance by 10 percent across the board

Reduce mission times by 25 percent so crew missions


Even if they do only that it would improve this situation IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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