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TY BW - for Slot machine - No really...


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This was a WAY COOL add this cartel pack. (Actually bought some coins for once to get it...)


Been trying to finish Legend REP and get a few more Cartel Certificates to buy some items with that REP.


I'd love to SEE a Bounty Supply Company Slot Machine come out next.


This is a great "in game" means to get REP, plus its a credit sink, and helps get mats not otherwise available.

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its not a cred sink, if it was a true credit sink the coins would be 25k each not 500c each, people making millions off mats they only spend 100k in coins for. Also it has brought the end of companions as we know it now, we had our companions for 3 years but now there time is done. Edited by Theeko
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its not a cred sink, if it was a true credit sink the coins would be 25k each not 500c each, people making millions off mats they only spend 100k in coins for.


Theeko... your math does not add up. As I stated in the last thread you said making millions with Adaptive Cicuitry (yes it's still 3 Jawa Junk to buy one). Please provide this magic math to make millions.


At BEST you are making about the SAME you could with time invested in DAILIES or farming MK-10 mats.

Typical 99 coins gets you about 10-15 of each REP (Sell them all for about 30k)

Typical 99 coins gets you about 2-3 Cartel Cert's.... only usable by YOU.. so no income

Typical 99 coins gets you about 10-20 of EACH Jawa....


MATH time... say you get 10 Jawa junk (Purple) - Buy 5 Autoimmune Regulators that costs 2 purple jawa each (GTN ~20k each).. You could make about 100k off those TODAY... so you are -100k, +30k, +100k.. roughly 30k income. Sure throw in Green and Blue mats.. Well you can get 500 for each of them (so 30*500 = 15k)..


WOW.. you made a WHOLE 45k in the time it took to cycle thru 99 coins. You can go solo Black Talon and make about the same in the same amount of time.


So please... stop saying "Making Millions"... its completely FALSE.

Edited by dscount
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PART II - How it's a credit sink...


Well.. know those "No income" Cartel Certificates... people will want to use / spend them. The REP points let them GET to that point of LEGENDARY REP and the Certs (Now for first time available in game) allow them to buy items they would not have had access to get before. (Certs or Rep if didn't buy many packs at the time)


Typical item most folks want is 10 Certs + 100k... gee that's a bargin compared to 7 million for a mask on GTN


That Monkey-Lizard.. Oh yea.. he is mine.. took me a couple stacks of coins and a lot of time, but I got enough to purchase him finally.

Edited by dscount
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PART II - How it's a credit sink...


Well.. know those "No income" Cartel Certificates... people will want to use / spend them. The REP points let them GET to that point of LEGENDARY REP and the Certs (Now for first time available in game) allow them to buy items they would not have had access to get before. (Certs or Rep if didn't buy many packs at the time)


Typical item most folks want is 10 Certs + 100k... gee that's a bargin compared to 7 million for a mask on GTN


That Monkey-Lizard.. Oh yea.. he is mine.. took me a couple stacks of coins and a lot of time, but I got enough to purchase him finally.


Amen to that, I'm trying to find one in a public stronghold to grind reputation. I don't give a damn about the crafting BS.

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Amen to that, I'm trying to find one in a public stronghold to grind reputation. I don't give a damn about the crafting BS.


I have one in my tat sh on jung ma, but i think its only open when im online...

PART II - How it's a credit sink...


Well.. know those "No income" Cartel Certificates... people will want to use / spend them. The REP points let them GET to that point of LEGENDARY REP and the Certs (Now for first time available in game) allow them to buy items they would not have had access to get before. (Certs or Rep if didn't buy many packs at the time)


Typical item most folks want is 10 Certs + 100k... gee that's a bargin compared to 7 million for a mask on GTN


That Monkey-Lizard.. Oh yea.. he is mine.. took me a couple stacks of coins and a lot of time, but I got enough to purchase him finally.


Lol i think i used 45 certs today buying stuff i always wanted but didnt have the rep for til now... malgus statue, mounts, pets, yay goodies!


(i was sitting on 80 certs from opening boxes, last 2-3 shipments had nothing i wanted on resale vendors)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Typical 99 coins gets you about 2-3 Cartel Cert's.... only usable by YOU.. so no income


Yeah, that's as incorrect as it gets. The Cartel Certs is the drop from slot Machine that earns you the most credits, at least so far.

Edited by MFollin
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Yeah, that's as incorrect as it gets. The Cartel Certs is the drop from slot Machine that earns you the most credits.


Did I miss something? How are those worth credits? (Sale value is 0 creds)


Those Certs are Bound to Legacy as are the items you can purchase from the vendor. (Revan's mask is Bound when you buy it).


The REP's can be sold 500c, 1000c, 2500c - I did that math and showed them.

Edited by dscount
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Did I miss something? How are those worth credits? (Sale value is 0 creds)


Those Certs are Bound to Legacy as are the items you can purchase from the vendor. (Revan's mask is Bound when you buy it).


Stronghold section on Fleet -> trade Certs for NPC decorations -> sell on GTN

Edited by MFollin
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Did I miss something? How are those worth credits? (Sale value is 0 creds)


Those Certs are Bound to Legacy as are the items you can purchase from the vendor. (Revan's mask is Bound when you buy it).


The REP's can be sold 500c, 1000c, 2500c - I did that math and showed them.


I think he meant the decos you can buy with Certs

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Stronghold section on Fleet -> trade Certs for NPC decorations -> sell on GTN


It took me well over a month to sell the decos i had from that vendor, and i was listing lower then what others had them up for. Buyers buy what they -want- to buy. Just because you put something up for sale, doesnt mean people will actually buy it.

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It took me well over a month to sell the decos i had from that vendor, and i was listing lower then what others had them up for. Buyers buy what they -want- to buy. Just because you put something up for sale, doesnt mean people will actually buy it.


That is absolutely correct. However, I've sold NPC decorations on ToFN for over 2 million credits in the last 24 hours. Prices have gone down massively during those 24 hours (they're 50-60k each now), but the first 5-6 sales were 240k-250k each.

Edited by MFollin
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All I know is, there are public strongholds with these things, one of which I've already found, and this is an easy way to get rep without spending real money.


It's the antithesis of pay to win, what's not to love? I no longer need to buy CC to grind Resale Corp Rep.

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Ah.. the Deco's.. totally forgot about those. Sweet! Now I can actually GET those for my Stronghold. Couple seem over priced at 2 certs each, but whatever.


Prices on each of those seems pretty darn worthwhile to spend certificates on. Some for 50k, several for 100k each.


Add that into the mix and YES... you can make a crap more credits, but the market price will drop as more people do that.

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I am glad the machine is in place.

Hubby got it first pack of CM. lolz So I've been playing on it some. Trying the whole "make millions" easily rave. Dscount has it correct. It's not as big a deal as everyone thinks it is.

BUT I am now 1 step away from being maxed rep! WOOT! :D Have a few more Cartel Certs. (Not sure if anything I really want with them. Need to go look. Cartel Bazaar & deco vendors right??)


Just a thought to throw out here though. All you naysayers who are saying this is why it's unfair, "I did x amount with this & x amount here to get x amount" etc...you get the point. You do realize you are helping the people who would other wise not think of some of this stuff, right??

So in essence you are actually helping people do the exact thing you are hating. ;) Now that's what I call IRONY! :D

If you think it's wrong/bugged/blah, blah, blah. Open a ticket, contact customer service, email the devs, etc...Quit posting on the forums. rofl :cool:

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Theeko... your math does not add up. As I stated in the last thread you said making millions with Adaptive Cicuitry (yes it's still 3 Jawa Junk to buy one). Please provide this magic math to make millions.


At BEST you are making about the SAME you could with time invested in DAILIES or farming MK-10 mats.

Typical 99 coins gets you about 10-15 of each REP (Sell them all for about 30k)

Typical 99 coins gets you about 2-3 Cartel Cert's.... only usable by YOU.. so no income

Typical 99 coins gets you about 10-20 of EACH Jawa....


MATH time... say you get 10 Jawa junk (Purple) - Buy 5 Autoimmune Regulators that costs 2 purple jawa each (GTN ~20k each).. You could make about 100k off those TODAY... so you are -100k, +30k, +100k.. roughly 30k income. Sure throw in Green and Blue mats.. Well you can get 500 for each of them (so 30*500 = 15k)..


WOW.. you made a WHOLE 45k in the time it took to cycle thru 99 coins. You can go solo Black Talon and make about the same in the same amount of time.


So please... stop saying "Making Millions"... its completely FALSE.


Making millions is not false. My example is that I sell the purple crystals on gtn for 15 to 25K. Per 99 coins (50k), I make enough rep to sell back for about 30K. So I am out about 20K by now. I also make an average of 15 to 20 purples per 99 coins. Say it is 15 purples per 99 coins at 20K per purple mat. That is approx. 300K average per 99 coins. I am not even including the green or blue jawa scrap in this. So it will take me about 4 stacks of 99 coins to make over a million. That is in about an hour of clicky clicky.

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PART II - How it's a credit sink...


Well.. know those "No income" Cartel Certificates... people will want to use / spend them. The REP points let them GET to that point of LEGENDARY REP and the Certs (Now for first time available in game) allow them to buy items they would not have had access to get before. (Certs or Rep if didn't buy many packs at the time)


Typical item most folks want is 10 Certs + 100k... gee that's a bargin compared to 7 million for a mask on GTN


That Monkey-Lizard.. Oh yea.. he is mine.. took me a couple stacks of coins and a lot of time, but I got enough to purchase him finally.


Congrats on the new pet.


I have to agree that this is an amazing way for people without CCs to get that rep and those certs for some really nice stuff off the vendors.

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(Not sure if anything I really want with them. Need to go look. Cartel Bazaar & deco vendors right??)


Today i picked up the Darth Malgus Holostatue (think if your repub its Satele instead of Malgus) Overlords hover throne mount, jedi meditation hoverchair, the monkey, the black kitty, and a couple other things i never had the rep to buy.


You can also get the Revan and Nihilus masks, some nice stuff there for people who dont want to pay 5m plus off the gtn for the unbound versions.


Finally had someyhing to spend the 80 certs i had piled up from opening boxes over the last year...


I got a machine this morning, after 15 minutes of clicking i got bored and my carpal tunnel decided it didnt like the repetetive clicking. Unless your fine with mindlessly clucking something over and over ad nauseum, once the novelty wears off i think things will even out a loot sooner then the doomsingers are prophecising.


Will i use it more? Probably if i get bored i might play it for a bit at a time, but yeah, mindlessly clicking it for hours on end just isnt going to happen.


I am a crafter, but for the most part i craft for my armybof alts and friends and uf they need it, a boost to my guild for their conquest score. Sales from crafting never was an issue for me, i usually just sell CM stuff i get in packs that i didnt want.


On a humerous note, the thing i make the most money on in crafting? The level 26 adaptive trooper\jedi "Outcast Armor" from Armormech set. And that takes low level mats jawa mats would be a waste to trade for....

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Making millions is not false. My example is that I sell the purple crystals on gtn for 15 to 25K. Per 99 coins (50k), I make enough rep to sell back for about 30K. So I am out about 20K by now. I also make an average of 15 to 20 purples per 99 coins. Say it is 15 purples per 99 coins at 20K per purple mat. That is approx. 300K average per 99 coins. I am not even including the green or blue jawa scrap in this. So it will take me about 4 stacks of 99 coins to make over a million. That is in about an hour of clicky clicky.


What makes you think the GTN prices for purple mats will hold?


Give it a week, take a zero off the prices...


This will drive down purple mats and bring purple gear including 186 augments to a much larger section of the player base.


For those of us who actually enjoy playing, this is a GOOD THING... It means fewer undergeared people in ops and HM FP and an easier answer to those who are... Go fix your gear, it is now cheaper, no more excuses...

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What makes you think the GTN prices for purple mats will hold?


Give it a week, take a zero off the prices...


This will drive down purple mats and bring purple gear including 186 augments to a much larger section of the player base.


For those of us who actually enjoy playing, this is a GOOD THING... It means fewer undergeared people in ops and HM FP and an easier answer to those who are... Go fix your gear, it is now cheaper, no more excuses...


For what it's worth, on JC, Adaptive Circuits are down to 26k a piece and I imagine the price will drop even more as the Slot Machines filter down into the player base.


The other purple mats are down to around 15k a piece. If that.

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I already have legend rep with two of the other cartel packs (I get tons of free coins from referrals, and I save them for when there's something cool that's only on the rep vendor.) And yet, I would be totally cool if they made slots for all of the different rep vendors. Not only would they look cool in my casino, but I could max rep with everyone! I might even go do GSI if that happened!
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I already have legend rep with two of the other cartel packs (I get tons of free coins from referrals, and I save them for when there's something cool that's only on the rep vendor.) And yet, I would be totally cool if they made slots for all of the different rep vendors. Not only would they look cool in my casino, but I could max rep with everyone! I might even go do GSI if that happened!


I'm pretty sure that's their plan. Release a Slot machine for each Cartel Pack Rep.

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Theeko... your math does not add up. As I stated in the last thread you said making millions with Adaptive Cicuitry (yes it's still 3 Jawa Junk to buy one). Please provide this magic math to make millions.


At BEST you are making about the SAME you could with time invested in DAILIES or farming MK-10 mats.

Typical 99 coins gets you about 10-15 of each REP (Sell them all for about 30k)

Typical 99 coins gets you about 2-3 Cartel Cert's.... only usable by YOU.. so no income

Typical 99 coins gets you about 10-20 of EACH Jawa....


MATH time... say you get 10 Jawa junk (Purple) - Buy 5 Autoimmune Regulators that costs 2 purple jawa each (GTN ~20k each).. You could make about 100k off those TODAY... so you are -100k, +30k, +100k.. roughly 30k income. Sure throw in Green and Blue mats.. Well you can get 500 for each of them (so 30*500 = 15k)..


WOW.. you made a WHOLE 45k in the time it took to cycle thru 99 coins. You can go solo Black Talon and make about the same in the same amount of time.


So please... stop saying "Making Millions"... its completely FALSE.




Only those made good amount credits who got slot machine first day. i think Bioware idea is to add in new packs random old pack slot machine where people can get rep items other way or certificates. I personally have never finished any CM rep to max. Will see what happens next packs. Only thing i dont understand is why grade 11 artifact mats were added to scrap jawa selling list with last patch. Thats what causes problems and ruins the discovery mission running.

Edited by Divona
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Making millions is not false. My example is that I sell the purple crystals on gtn for 15 to 25K. Per 99 coins (50k), I make enough rep to sell back for about 30K. So I am out about 20K by now. I also make an average of 15 to 20 purples per 99 coins. Say it is 15 purples per 99 coins at 20K per purple mat. That is approx. 300K average per 99 coins. I am not even including the green or blue jawa scrap in this. So it will take me about 4 stacks of 99 coins to make over a million. That is in about an hour of clicky clicky.


Yea.. I mapped out a stack takes roughly 15 minutes as well. Last BAD RNG run was 12g, 13b, 14p + 1 Cert + 30k for REP. Trading 14 purple for 7 Autoimmune is giving me 112k after GTN Fee. DECO is still pretty good at 85k+ - so about 200k on that run because only got one certificate. Without the DECO the revenue would be "good" at 100k each stack after costs, but with Deco.. makes it much more lucrative than 400k-500k an hour on BAD RNG.


Those purples on my server are under 10k each now (Autoimmune <20k for 2 purples and Adaptive's <28k for 3 purples). I fear that's going to drop more with this and cut into profits of course. :(


Maybe the coins should be 1k each.. seems much more profitable than I expected.

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