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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This exploit is a slap in the face™


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To this day do not know what the exploit was...not sure how this become known, is there is lame loser just screwing with the game to find exploits and when he finds it he goes tells all his SWTOR friends to show how cool he is?


All for punishing the people that heard about exploits and do it, but these lame pathetic souls that search out for them spending countless hours really should not be banned out of fear that without the game they will blow their brains out in depression from losing their one purpose in this life...playing SWTOR

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It's the newest thing to complain about with the Lag issue has been mostly dealt with for those still affected.


Well when it comes to the lag that's in game, I know before 3.02 if I went to Belsavis I would get nasty ability lag while my latency meter stayed around 25. If I then would switch from instance 1 to 2, the ability lag would go away 100% which then makes me question what was up with instant 1. Now since 3.02 I have started getting nasty ability lag and latency issues on Yavin 4 near the last two maps that I never had before. So to me it's actually gotten worse then improved my game play.


BTW, like you little tag line to get people to click on your player link to get you more cartel coins by offering free tacos :)

Edited by Zohkar
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