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So, I'd really like to wear pants on my sin...


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Well it is not important what Sidius thought about those Jedi.. But he sent Maul to assassinate them... Assassination doesnt have to be on VIP targets... But simple targets of some value... So even if they were not so important in that time Sidius sent Maul to eliminate (assassinate them)...


I am saying that Assassin class should be assassin like or renamed...

And if you would not take Maul as assassin who would be better fitting that model from movies? Maul is the best candidate from movies... Even if he is not the best example from SW universe than he is the best example from Movies...


Yeah well I would say that your character is assassin... The thing is that those subclasses are made up... There is nothing like that in movies... There are just Jedi and Sith.. they do not separate each other on subclasses like in SWTOR... But assassin is actually thing that exist... That is actually specific profession... but SWTOR used that name just to get a little bit of that assassin idea... Because if you would specify assassin than Sith warrior would be assassin too... And the same way it is meant with Maul... He is not the specific example of assassin... He is just an a bot of that idea he is just somehow close to that... maybe because of that saberstaff or whatever... But you cant expect him to be fine example...


I did not said it is easy to find robes in game.... Pretty much it is hard for SI... Well we have only one robe set... I am talking about that in other forums... I would like for SI to have more robes... and robe in this game is only this:





That is closest to the robes from movies... Nothing in game looks more like robes from movies... It is not ideal but other stuff is further less robe... Other stuff (that they call robes) are only tops and skirts... But robe (like from movie) is not top and skirt but robe that goes from chest to ground in one piece.... I am really upset that those robes are not more for SI because we have only one set like that... Everything else is just top and skirt...


The sad thing is that most of the consular chest pieces are robes. Guess its the trade off, we get lightning, they get real robes.

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Desperately in need of not wearing a skirt! Skirts looked like poop in pretty much any game like this i've seen em in.


Start the SIN:A to be a Darth Maul look a like, was even happier when i found out it was a melee class that could tank! Now to realise i will never get to wear a robe with a hoodie, or a cape, or same damned pants!


Please for the love of all that is star wars, let us wear pants/robes and hoodies!!!!


Or give The warrior/juggernaut the ability to carry a double blade lightsaber!!


Also, /signed for appearance tab option.

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I have the upper robe and wrist parts of the set, anyone have the pants?


Which set? Supreme Inq set? I have whole set but the bad thing is that I have chest bound to my one character and I want to play other character with that.. For that second character I have already prepared pants, boots and glows...

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This remind me of Paladins in WoW... With their skirts (well the T2 was cool anyway).


It's sad to see the only cool back robe with hood up is in fact the heavy armor lv40 pvp :confused:


Medium armors are crapptastic, and you light armor users are trapped into wearing womens' robes :eek:


Bad design here.


The worst is 90% of the time (thanks to orange gear at least) during levelling you have BETTER looking gear than what you end up in at end game :rolleyes:

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Well that link says it all. That's good news.


You can actually...well not actually take it out.


But you could overwrite it previously.


The slot was hidden, but you can, if you had an armoring in your inventory, overwrite an epic with it.


Kinda cool, like if you had an epic armor for another class that you wanted to mod with your stats.

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Real sith don't wear pants.


Does that include Sith Immortals? (I am of course referring to the Juggernaut spec Immortal...just sounds cooler) Because I seem to be pretty ****** with pants and felt very girly and not-so-****** for the 2 levels I had to use the Heavy armored skirt on Nar Shaddaa. Maybe it's because I'm a male Cyborg with body type three and one eye is covered by my Cyborg eye? Maybe it fits for a FEMALE SORCERER but doesn't seem fitting for a male Assassin. Maybe a male sorcerer though.

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Well, the problem is, that Sorcerers and Assassins have almost the SAME stuff, that would be like Rogue and Mage in WoW with same armor, lol. See? It is an absolute joke, that a range caster should wear the same thing than a melee stealth rogue - type class


Should rly fix that

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GT.. most of it I found on GT. I was trying to hit it on Hoth but no drop... You have the chest piece of this set from Hoth?


I just got a Supreme Inquisitor Robe, and I was wonder what exactly constitutes a full set of this armor. Robe, Gloves, Wrist, Legs, and Boots? Or just Robe, and Legs.


Also am I to understand, with the changes to item modifications, will I be able to theoretically make this armor endgame for PVE and/or PVP?


Sorta dig the look of this armor. Wouldn't mind wearing it for the life of my Assassin. Also might look good with pants. Female character.

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this is from the SI description on the main page:


"Asserting power and authority is one of the highest priorities for the Sith Inquisitors. Their choice of attire reflects this strategy, as they often prefer dark, high-contrast robes to express their sophisticated tastes and ambitions for political control. Nonetheless, despite regal appearances, great attention is given to ensure all their attire allows the flexibility for stunning acrobatics in Lightsaber combat. Of course, some Inquisitor outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Inquisitor comes into contact with."


Now, nothing there says that you can't wear pants, though if you pay attention to the styles, rich, powerful people wear robes. Hence, the prevelant style for sith inquisitors, and yes, we're still inquisitors, just more specialized, is robes. Not arguing against pants, for the record, just throwing more information out there.

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Honestly, I'd really just like to be able to drop wearing a shirt completely, and instead sport the tattoos of a Sith Assassin across my body, giving me more of a vicious, feral, even tribal look, instead of looking like every other Inquisitor.


That's not to say I dislike the Inquisitor gear, and I would certainly love pants. But yeah, there just needs to be more room for customization, I think.

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this is from the SI description on the main page:


"Asserting power and authority is one of the highest priorities for the Sith Inquisitors. Their choice of attire reflects this strategy, as they often prefer dark, high-contrast robes to express their sophisticated tastes and ambitions for political control. Nonetheless, despite regal appearances, great attention is given to ensure all their attire allows the flexibility for stunning acrobatics in Lightsaber combat. Of course, some Inquisitor outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Inquisitor comes into contact with."


Now, nothing there says that you can't wear pants, though if you pay attention to the styles, rich, powerful people wear robes. Hence, the prevelant style for sith inquisitors, and yes, we're still inquisitors, just more specialized, is robes. Not arguing against pants, for the record, just throwing more information out there.


I agree robes.. But we have to separate robes and skirts... Robe is this:





But skirt is what we know from game as leg gear.. Because robe is aways chest piece that goes down to the ground.. I never saw any robe being two pieces in my life in any game, movie or what ever of genre (sci-fi, historical etc...)


I would like to wear robes but I dont want to wear skirt... That is the main difference...


"some Inquisitor outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Inquisitor comes into contact with."


Terror? Well I am sorry but those inquisitors extreme outfits inspire a load of laud laughing in those in Inquisitor comes into contact with... And the progression video is proof of it... football helmets, lady gaga outfits, carnival chicken outfit, chest pieces with shoulders of gigantic sizes etc... That is funny not terror.. Or well it is terror for those who wear it...

Edited by Allblackmusic
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The Supreme Inquisitor set is more gray than black.

Honestly though, even with that set, the leg part looks more like you're wearing "tights" than actual pants...


Just my humble opinion


Correct me if I'm wrong, but by your definition there are no pants ingame at all. The only pants that dont look like tights are armored pants, and those are just armor over tights.

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this is from the SI description on the main page:


"Asserting power and authority is one of the highest priorities for the Sith Inquisitors. Their choice of attire reflects this strategy, as they often prefer dark, high-contrast robes to express their sophisticated tastes and ambitions for political control. Nonetheless, despite regal appearances, great attention is given to ensure all their attire allows the flexibility for stunning acrobatics in Lightsaber combat. Of course, some Inquisitor outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Inquisitor comes into contact with."


Now, nothing there says that you can't wear pants, though if you pay attention to the styles, rich, powerful people wear robes. Hence, the prevelant style for sith inquisitors, and yes, we're still inquisitors, just more specialized, is robes. Not arguing against pants, for the record, just throwing more information out there.


stopped right there...


dresses, robes or skirts =/= "sheer terror"



dresses, robes or skirts = "heh heh heh ... that guys wearing a dress..."

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