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Cannot set flagship to Rishi starter point


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When moving our Republic guild flagship to Rishi, there are two quicktravel locations to choose from: Rishii village and Nova Blade trade depot. The starting point on Rishi, the pirate cove, which is also the closest one to the operation entrance, is not an available target. Please add this quicktravel point to the destination list as well, so that guilds can choose any of the three points.
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Same problem exists with the new quicktravel point in the Blaster's Path cantina. So you can only select 2 of 4 quick travel points as destinations; on all other planets, all quick travel points can be selected. Edited by Jerba
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I just tried on my Republic guild, and Raider's Cove is not a choice for Travel Destination. I logged onto my Imperial guild, and Raider's Cove is an option. :mad:


Seems like almost every bug so far this expansion has only impacted Republic and not Imperial....

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Seems like almost every bug so far this expansion has only impacted Republic and not Imperial....
The devs, and apparently the testers as well have traditionally been Imperial sympathizers. Since they mostly play Imperial characters, they like to neglect the Republic side. It's always been a gripe with this game, as it seems much more "love" has been put into the Imperial side of things from the very beginning.
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