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3.0.2 Patch Notes Finally Our Problems are Solved.


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Expunging Camouflage now properly causes Force Camouflage to remove all cleansable effects when activated.




Changed the icon for Shii-Cho Mastery to differ it from Decisive Slashes.




Changed the icon for Repelling Blows to differ it from Cauterize."




So glad that is over. I didn't realize the reason I was dying so much in PvP was because I was getting confused by icons. Thanks for making sure that utility bug was fixed as well. I almost felt mobile can't have that root breaks on skilled or masterful tiers, only heroic for us. Oh, and lastly thanks for being so open and transparent about the changes that were coming, I think I can speak for most of the Sentinel community when I say that you have really let us know how much you care by the level of communication displayed on this forum.

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Expunging Camouflage now properly causes Force Camouflage to remove all cleansable effects when activated.




Changed the icon for Shii-Cho Mastery to differ it from Decisive Slashes.




Changed the icon for Repelling Blows to differ it from Cauterize."




So glad that is over. I didn't realize the reason I was dying so much in PvP was because I was getting confused by icons. Thanks for making sure that utility bug was fixed as well. I almost felt mobile can't have that root breaks on skilled or masterful tiers, only heroic for us. Oh, and lastly thanks for being so open and transparent about the changes that were coming, I think I can speak for most of the Sentinel community when I say that you have really let us know how much you care by the level of communication displayed on this forum.


Every effing time. Do the Sentinel players live to troll (or whine depending on point of view) now? At least they fixed the Camo purge. Be happy with that.


Since when has BW been open about changes? Maybe in major patches, but almost never in smaller X.X.X patches. Get over it and deal with it like everyone else.

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Every effing time. Do the Sentinel players live to troll (or whine depending on point of view) now? At least they fixed the Camo purge. Be happy with that.


Since when has BW been open about changes? Maybe in major patches, but almost never in smaller X.X.X patches. Get over it and deal with it like everyone else.


People don't like to be happy, they love to find everything they can that is wrong and whine about it, I'm pretty sure plenty of people are happy that the camo bug is fixed

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Every effing time. Do the Sentinel players live to troll (or whine depending on point of view) now? At least they fixed the Camo purge. Be happy with that.


Since when has BW been open about changes? Maybe in major patches, but almost never in smaller X.X.X patches. Get over it and deal with it like everyone else.


The fix to the camo cleanse is a nerf

And yes, it's a cleanse and not a purge


As I see it, we got a slightly nerf through an utility fix and nothing of the thousand issues solved. We must be fine!

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What the hell is a Sentinel?


You know it used to be an AC in Swtor you may see one of these rare animals on the large servers nowadays still, but they are very rare and mostly dream of the ancient times when the balance of the gods was fair and the church of the 7 Kings didn´t make them out as the devil himself. Only few survived the onslaught of the Inquisition in 3.0. after the birth of the Matchmakers.


You shall treat them with respect as they have endured many hardships and are among the wisest of all. You mustn´t fear them as the great commandment ammandment of 3.1. says: "Fear not the devil with the two flaring sabers anymore as I have removed his ability and will to engage in combat at all. You may treat him as the infidel he is and despise him wherever you meet"



P,S,; Quite Proud of this post^^

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People don't like to be happy, they love to find everything they can that is wrong and whine about it, I'm pretty sure plenty of people are happy that the camo bug is fixed


It is another useless utility well I will take that least useless fleetfooted helps in hutball and some raidencounters. Thx for fixing camo, tried it seems bugged still, oh wait its just a cleanse stupid me thinking Sents would get a purge like all other ACs.


Thx for nothing Devs, nobody is happy staying on their Sent nowadays, thx to other ACs communities we are getting nerfed like hell. So move out of our forum infidels.

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What i'd like to know is.. does fleetfooted still break roots on camo :p if it doesnt and it is working as intended then its technically a sentinel nerf cause we where getting 2 talents for the price of 1 since fleetfooted did what the camo talent was meant to do :p

Edit: can confirm they fixed

Edited by AngusFTW
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What i'd like to know is.. does fleetfooted still break roots on camo :p if it doesnt and it is working as intended then its technically a sentinel nerf cause we where getting 2 talents for the price of 1 since fleetfooted did what the camo talent was meant to do :p


I think fleet footed was intended dude, just you got the Camo break as well without having to spec expunging Camo, I'm guessing we won't have that now... :(

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Ye what i mean was on sentinel if you took fleetfooted you got the camo talent unlike on mara (whos camo talent was working properly).. now you have to take both like on marauder if you want both.. rip to having an extra utility on sentinel i guess. I jumped in a wz to test with my old pre patch sentinel build and camo didnt break roots,,,

TBH they should make that camo utility baseline....

Edited by AngusFTW
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Well, atleast Expunging Camouflage works. But, that still doesnt give us any CC Immunity like the other classes have.


I'm thinking a passive rolled into Berserk/Zen that when you use it you get 5s of CC Immunity? Since you can A. Charge it up before a fight, B. Pop Frenzy/Valorous Call in the middle of a fight for controlled CC immunity, and C. Can get it in the middle of a fight. No ICD, because 10s CC Immunity for the squishiest class in the game is fair to make up for the squishyness. (so, you can chain Berserk/Zen to get a total of 10s CC immunity, which some classes already have that and more!)

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Every effing time. Do the Sentinel players live to troll (or whine depending on point of view) now? At least they fixed the Camo purge. Be happy with that.


Since when has BW been open about changes? Maybe in major patches, but almost never in smaller X.X.X patches. Get over it and deal with it like everyone else.


First of all an already underpowered class getting slightly nerfed is a reason to start a discussion. Second so because BW has never been open about the changes means they shouldn't especially when a class is as bad off as we are right now.


People don't like to be happy, they love to find everything they can that is wrong and whine about it, I'm pretty sure plenty of people are happy that the camo bug is fixed


Super happy about a bug fix that nerfs my class so that now I will only be able to have 1 root breaker in a game that has a retarded amount of movement CC.

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Well in fairness it was working as intended on marauder so sentinels had an unfair advantage :p


Over Marauders but no one else ;) if anything they should have changed it so that Maras got the same thing since a root break in heroic talents is well laughable.

Edited by HanSollo
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Every effing time. Do the Sentinel players live to troll (or whine depending on point of view) now? At least they fixed the Camo purge. Be happy with that.


Since when has BW been open about changes? Maybe in major patches, but almost never in smaller X.X.X patches. Get over it and deal with it like everyone else.


Whine troll call it what you want but if i take your steering wheel off your car of course you're going to complain about how it handles. Just be glad the whole class almost gone so sins and sorce can just run and be free.

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