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Patch 3.0.2 Free 192 Companion Armor?


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Thanks BioWare, I was finally starting to make some money in the game with Cybertech crafting. How about you just stick to fixing the bugs for a while so we can play what we have before screwing with the economy and crafting? Or just make an "easy button" that only works outside of operations.
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They are modded? I was told they were just well statted non mod purple gear....


Which segways into...

What's wrong about giving gear rewards for companions?


I think hes assuming they are modded, so players will rip out said mods and put them in their own gear rathervthen buying his off the GTN...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor they are making cybertech crafting completely useless. What main character do you have wears droid armor? Only alts wear them. I also screws all the work ive done the past few weeks crafting gear for my alts. A complete waste of time.
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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor they are making cybertech crafting completely useless. What main character do you have wears droid armor? Only alts wear them. I also screws all the work ive done the past few weeks crafting gear for my alts. A complete waste of time.


Finally someone who actually gets it and not these ignorant trolls. If people don't get the point they should not post anything.

Edited by DyreMaker
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I kind of see it on both sides. On one side i have this 192 rated armor and just made a weak useless, still in their newbie armor way back in release.....and turned them into a beast.


On the other side i see being pretty satisfied with that for a long time to come.....or at least until we go to 65. As of right now, ill never have to buy another thing for any of these worthless companions.


....and i have a 500 cybertech that i use quite frequently.

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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor they are making cybertech crafting completely useless. What main character do you have wears droid armor? Only alts wear them. I also screws all the work ive done the past few weeks crafting gear for my alts. A complete waste of time.




Given i prefer my comps to have custom looks of my own chosing i will forego said companion loot items. You going to complain about all the modable gear rewards SoR stories gave out as well since they too make alll your hard crafting for naught?


Id facepalm again but im out of them after the past few days. Since i have every crafter I also make my own everything (i hate how 99.99% of reward gear looks so yeah pass) But im not here having a tantrum because someone else can skip making their own gear if they chose to go the reward route... "OH NOES NOW LESS PEOPLE WILL BUY MY DROID PARTS111◆1■11!♢!!1●11"



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Finally someone who actually gets it and not these ignorant trolls. If people don't get the point they should not post anything.


I thought it was obvious, but clearly from reading these forums, a lot of people in the world wouldn't see obvious if it drove over them in a bus.


A lot of what cyber makes is for companions, not toons... Last year I made a ton of credits crafting stuff, but this year? Probably not, too much free gear of too high a level is handed out.


Go to Rishi, get a ton of 168, then 178 gear... 172 at lvl 55 from the basic rishi vendor, then basic comms to 186 stuff...


Crafting 192? Meh, that is a rough market and only a few get to play in it.


Last year? It was purple 156 and blue 148 that made me tens of millions, not crafting 168 or 180 stuff.


Now? Crafting 186 stuff is rather pointless.

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Given i prefer my comps to have custom looks of my own chosing i will forego said companion loot items. You going to complain about all the modable gear rewards SoR stories gave out as well since they too make alll your hard crafting for naught?


First, a lot of people have complained about all that free gear, it has made crafting anything in the 162-186 range largely useless. I've done it and sold some of it, but not for the kind of profits I made last summer on 148-156 stuff.


Second, you DO know that appearance tabs are coming, right? Don't toss out that fixed companion gear just yet, it will be the perfect solution for CM appearance gear and stats from the drops.

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Second, you DO know that appearance tabs are coming, right? Don't toss out that fixed companion gear just yet, it will be the perfect solution for CM appearance gear and stats from the drops.


Is there a ETA on those tabs or is it just another "Soon™" promise? I've been waiting three years for them to make Vector stop wearing my agents bra....


(I do want tabs, but I'm not holding my breath for above stated reason, plus, will the tabs be character only or will they be for character and comps? They do like to half arse things if they can...)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor they are making cybertech crafting completely useless. What main character do you have wears droid armor? Only alts wear them. I also screws all the work ive done the past few weeks crafting gear for my alts. A complete waste of time.

Are you aware that "alt" and "companion" do not have the same meanings?


Alts are toons other than your main toon, such all the toons but Z'nnah in the list in my sig.

Companions are the NPCs that BioWare provides to accompany each toon over the course of their class story, such as Vette, SCORPIO, Talos Drelik, Corso Riggs, etcetera. Treek and HK-51 are also companions, although you do not get them during your class story.

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Is there a ETA on those tabs or is it just another "Soon™" promise? I've been waiting three years for them to make Vector stop wearing my agents bra....


(I do want tabs, but I'm not holding my breath for above stated reason, plus, will the tabs be character only or will they be for character and comps? They do like to half arse things if they can...)


The only mention I've seen was pretty vague. So no ETA. No details on how it's going to work. And no mention if it will include companions. It probably won't fix Vector's cross-dressing regardless :p


Since Vector's customizations work just fine, I wish they would at least make a customization that looked just like default Vector :rolleyes:

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The only mention I've seen was pretty vague. So no ETA. No details on how it's going to work. And no mention if it will include companions. It probably won't fix Vector's cross-dressing regardless :p


Since Vector's customizations work just fine, I wish they would at least make a customization that looked just like default Vector :rolleyes:


Courtney came right out and said on last weeks Stream that they were working on it. No other details besides that, though.

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Is there a ETA on those tabs or is it just another "Soon™" promise? I've been waiting three years for them to make Vector stop wearing my agents bra....


(I do want tabs, but I'm not holding my breath for above stated reason, plus, will the tabs be character only or will they be for character and comps? They do like to half arse things if they can...)


My understanding is that they moved from "The Wall of Crazy" to the actual roadmap... I expect them this summer...


Of course, that is a long time, things change...


As for companions, I honestly don't know... that is a really good question that I didn't think of...

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As a side note, regarding all the "free gear".


Back when 2.0 launched, the "free gear" was largely the purple 140 comm vendor, who at the time was wonderful to have. The move to planet comms from the old planet specific comms was a nice welcome one.


That being said, running Makeb didn't get you piles and piles of 148 and 156 gear. It wasn't until Oricon came along that 156 gear was handed out, and that was purple 156 that was expensive to pull the mods.


The green 168 and blue 178 mods are much cheaper to pull and you get them in the first hour of playing on Rishi in 3.0.

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Also don't forget that all your companions are no longer unique. They will all look the same as others with the same name unless you can afford to ignore the stat gear and equip them with 198 BiS gear. I already took offense to having to remove the Cartel Market weapons from my companions for the Devoted Allies weapon. It's like they are trying to force you to reduce the number of skins and textures in the game to either reduce rendering load or server database by using repetitive textures based on only a few models because not a lot of us are going to have a comp with unique looks.


The news in this game just keeps getting better and better, it's like you either log in to raid or not at all.

Edited by DyreMaker
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Also don't forget that all your companions are no longer unique. They will all look the same as others with the same name unless you can afford to ignore the stat gear and equip them with 198 BiS gear. I already took offense to having to remove the Cartel Market weapons from my companions for the Devoted Allies weapon. It's like they are trying to force you to reduce the number of skins and textures in the game to either reduce rendering load or server database by using repetitive textures based on only a few models because not a lot of us are going to have a comp with unique looks.


The news in this game just keeps getting better and better, it's like you either log in to raid or not at all.


At the underlined portion: says who? You? Just because the option is there to have a 192 set for my companion it doesn't mean I'm going to take it. I might for a couple companions that I wouldn't have bothered gearing up in the first place but for my main companion I have a set of armor I like for them and that's what they're gonna stick with. I might use some of the new pieces if they match the original chestpiece, but the chestpiece will remain the same and I'll just update it to 186 comm mods. Anything that I don't like from the 192 set will be made up for in comm gear.


What I'm getting from this topic is that you're upset that (apparently) you can't sell mods/armoring/earpieces for a big profit. But in the process they're adding a huge QOL addition for players. It can't be used for player characters, it's not moddable so you can't rip mods or armorings out to swap, it's merely convenience and it takes work to get it since you have to do the Yavin weekly (and thus have to have Yavin completed for that character) to get them. And you can only get one per week, and would have to redo the weekly each time for that.


I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing how this hurts the playerbase as a whole. It may hurt the crafters a bit, but not doing this would hurt non-crafters since they then won't have that gear. I'm sure to you that's fine as long as you personally make a profit from it but you can hopefully see why to somebody that doesn't make that profit, it's not so good of a deal.

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At the underlined portion: says who? You? Just because the option is there to have a 192 set for my companion it doesn't mean I'm going to take it. I might for a couple companions that I wouldn't have bothered gearing up in the first place but for my main companion I have a set of armor I like for them and that's what they're gonna stick with. I might use some of the new pieces if they match the original chestpiece, but the chestpiece will remain the same and I'll just update it to 186 comm mods. Anything that I don't like from the 192 set will be made up for in comm gear.


What I'm getting from this topic is that you're upset that (apparently) you can't sell mods/armoring/earpieces for a big profit. But in the process they're adding a huge QOL addition for players. It can't be used for player characters, it's not moddable so you can't rip mods or armorings out to swap, it's merely convenience and it takes work to get it since you have to do the Yavin weekly (and thus have to have Yavin completed for that character) to get them. And you can only get one per week, and would have to redo the weekly each time for that.


I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing how this hurts the playerbase as a whole. It may hurt the crafters a bit, but not doing this would hurt non-crafters since they then won't have that gear. I'm sure to you that's fine as long as you personally make a profit from it but you can hopefully see why to somebody that doesn't make that profit, it's not so good of a deal.


No you completely missed the point, try again only this time read it and don't just play the troll.

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I do not like that I will now have to choose between optimizing my companion's stats, which will also make them look like a clone of everyone else's companions, and customizing their looks.


Also, I know this isn't a reason not to make a change, but I've been spending a lot of time with my crew skills to craft gear and mods for my companions. So this is frustrating, and also destroys what I saw as the biggest use for crew skills (crafting stuff for companions that is good, but not top of the line).

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A crafter who does not like to adapt to change. :rolleyes:


Heh.... it sucks having to constantly adapt to changing content in and MMO, eh?


Of all people, crafters should be aware that markets change all the time and that you either adjust to what the market wants, or your fail at MMO business 101. You have competition from all sides, including the devs and their patches.


Hey OP......personally, I would not put my primary companions in non moddable gear. I might put a couple of my backup companions in it.. since I don't invest in them at the same level. Feel better now?


where is a cupcake when it's badly needed? :cool:

Edited by Andryah
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