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Stupid Champion Gear Bag RNG


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I'm valor 64, I have yet to get champ gloves/ weapon / boots/ pants , mainhand, offhand, relic. I've opened ~20 bm bags and received 1 pants token per 1.1 and 1 bm comm post 1.1. I am still short the champ comms needed to buy anything of import and it doesnt look like I'll actually get anymore bm comms to buy anything there any time soon.


I unsubscribed today soley because of this, my character shouldn't be severely out-geared in pvp because of luck.

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Than why am I seeing all these vendors selling high level PvP sets?


Are you for real dude? Do you have any idea how embarrassed you should be right now? You have no idea what is even being talked about yet here you are - I am not even going to try to explain it as if you do not understand by now I cannot help you.


RNG is bad all around - hope to get lucky - it should be based on how much time you spend in PvP

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This is a thread with a fix in the first post.


It'll solve a lot of PvP gearing problems. An awful lot of them. It's not perfect, but it's quick to put into place and relatively inexpensive as far as developer time spent. With a little polishing it could be a tremendous improvement rather than just a major one.

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This situation is awful. Warhammer online (another EA mmo) had the same issue with random item drops and bags at the end of keep and fortress sieges....needless to say it was just as terrible. Why is this a recurring theme in EA mmos? I did another 4 bags today with not a single piece of champ gear.
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RNG system for PvP gear is just a horrible thing. It's discouraging when I put in just as much work if not more than the next guy and he gets twice as geared as me simply because of LUCK. On top of that, are you not supposed to win Warzones if you solo queue or something?!?! This is ridiculous. It takes me all day to win 3 warzones to get one bag for THREE COMMENDATIONS. I'm seriously about to quit this damn game I've never been so frustrated playing a video game in my life.


All of this is ignoring the fact I play a Sniper and this game is buggy and unresponsive as hell.

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