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I have not been checking this thread as ritually as I should have. How is 3.1.2 changing our BiS gear numbers? I have seem 333 Alacrity and 720 alacrity when you hit 198.

Right now, I am full 192 6 piece and my numbers look like this:


Aim - 4130

Accuracy - 100.05 - 763 rating

Power - 1253

Crit chance - 36.00 - 688 rating

critical mult - 71.41 - 444 surge

Alacrity - 3.58 - 120 rating


Talk to me fellow mercs and resident Theory Crafters!! :)

Lastest Parse

Edited by Ryaja
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so one look at your posted parse and i see you are not following the rotation from Marisi and Fascinate's guide. Are you using some other rotation or trying to follow theirs? If you are trying to do their rotation then I'd suggest going back to the guide posted on http://dulfy.net/2014/12/22/swtor-3-0-mercenary-dps-guide-by-marisi-and-fascinate/ and reading through it again. If you're using some other rotation, then ignore me cause i have no idea if you'd be doing it right or not. Edited by Sinna
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For that parse I used gyro's rotation that is stickied on thisbefore the forum. I have used both zorz and gyro's rotation and know then both well. With my server latency gyro's works better for me because I'm guaranteed to drop heat with mag shot on a burning target...With zorz rotation and my server latency I was never able to hit my mag shot on the burning target from IM...thus having more heat problems than normal...there are times when I use both rotations though.
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With accuracy Augments.


"But you give up 520Aim for that!"


Yes. But Aim is an additive DPS Increase. Alacrity is multiplicative.


We have reached a gear level where the benefits of alacrity are better than aim or power, because we have so much bonus damage from aim, power, mainhand/offhand, and the base damage of the abilities


Anyway, while I haven't tested it on my Mando yet (cause he's only level 57), the model situation was set up the exact same way as the gear optimization code used in my PT/VG guides.


And I've received feedback of up to a 6% increase in DPS by using lots more alacrity.




Fair enough. I've modified it so its:


DPS = (DPS * 6) / ((84/Alacrity) + (6/(Alacrity + 0.1)))


instead of


DPS = DPS / (15 / Alacrity)


(DPS being the 15 second rotation's damage)


Gotta remember that recharge cells is every '90' seconds, but reduced by alacrity.


End result:


192s (Oh yeah, I went there):


4650.8078 DPS

353 Crit

222 Surge

333 Alacrity




5040.3078 DPS

397 Crit

240 Surge

720 Alacrity


Both of these assume post-3.1.2-nerf


I was testing this much alacrity and it was some how messing with the timing of proc's. In my opener mag shot wouldn't proc it the right spot. I'm gonna try 600 alacrity see how that works.


EDIT: 600 alacrity does not mess with procs.

Edited by Goatwhore
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I was testing this much alacrity and it was some how messing with the timing of proc's. In my opener mag shot wouldn't proc it the right spot. I'm gonna try 600 alacrity see how that works.


EDIT: 600 alacrity does not mess with procs.


Well 720 shouldn't be messing with procs (it doesn't on my Vanguard), but it is possible that you're just slightly clipping Full Auto/Unload, or popping Recharge Cells at the wrong time. At least, thats the only explanation I can come up with...

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