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Low requisition Rampart Videos (Premade vs Premade)


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Why are these matches not "the reality"? We went to Bastion later that night to push through weeklies for a couple folks, and those were pretty solid games too.


We played for hours yesterday, and had some excellent matches out of it. That's "the reality".


So it can be and so it was with you. I did not mean that reality. The reality is that very few premades are formed with the noble objective of fair contest, most are made in order to gain an advantage and easyplaying. Denies you that?

Edited by Magira
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I solo queued in the 2 matches in the OP, and I picked gunship because I personally do better in gunships than in any other type, so I usually pick it for matches that look like they will be difficult. Maybe that is true for enough people that gunships get overrepresented in pug groups.


I do think that it takes more skill and practice to contribute with scouts than gunships. In gunships you can slow down the game a bit for part of the time at least. Scouts and strike fighters have to be reacting fast almost all of the time. I have an alt who started flying a strike fighter from stock just to force me to get off dependence on gunships. But in a match that figures to be close and difficult, I think I can help the team more with a gunship and that may never change for me personally.

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For the record, I'm much much much more frustrated we didn't have the caliber of team to break the 8-gs setup rather than the fact that there were 8 gunships. I don't know if I have the scoreboard for that match, but I think the result was me and half of your gunships and our other gunship at the top fairly evenly distributed, our scouts and then the rest of your gunships, and the random pug4 on our team getting farmed at the end. Not to be mean to them, but they weren't up to the kind of match they were in.


As a gunship pilot, the back and forth sniping was a fun chess match, though I doubt many would agree with me on that. However, it absolutely was frustrating that we couldn't do anything decisive to break the match dynamic that took hold. I am convinced that if my 4 man had run all scouts and charged the line, we would've lost harder than we did, since even if the other 4 had all run gunships to support us, they would've been completely outclassed and useless in the role. That 8v8 we should by rights have lost given the balance of skill of the two teams for that setup. And we did.

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A mix of bombers and gunships is assuredly faced by monogunship. But just one? The bomber isn't a repair drone, and how on earth do you get to 1760 dps? Are we talking some gunship that doesn't need to charge their shots? Because even if you had infinite energy and were shooting a wall, you'd top out at around 500 dps. That's not potentially either, that's target dummy plus infinite regen.


Eh 3:00 am post. I stole that number from Dulfy GSF build calculator. It actually says 1760 DPS on that tooltip with 2.7 second charge time below that. But yea 651 DPS potential not taking into account regen downtime or damage overcharge.



You'd let a bomber chain concussion lock you and poop drones? Those things take just TONS of mana to kill, and of course it all costs precious roost time. I really do think you are putting down the benefits here.


I would think that a bomber trying to get within 7700m of a gunship would be quickly disabled by ion and become a siting duck. But honestly I have very little experience with these kind of matches, I do a ton of solo queuing and a bit of group queuing with 3 players.

EDIT: I see now you are pointing out that it was silly of me to say "purposely don't kill the bomber". But really how often does someone keep an overcharged shield/concussion missile T2 bomber on their bar? The repair probe/railgun/seeker mine bomber is pretty commonplace. By all means I am open ears if you can explain how the overcharged shield/conc missile build works in the meta. Sounds fun to me.



Were you shooting at disto gunships, or builds using feedback/fortress? Clarion absolutely SHREDS those builds in my experience, but versus the standard disto gunship you need to close to quad range to actually get him deroosted. Still absolutely possible, however. I really do feel the Clarion is underrated, especially at this.


There were 3 DF Manglers. Sometimes I would lock protorps just to force them into popping a DF cooldown and then my GS buddy could shoot them 6 seconds later. Other times I'd go charging in with Quads. A lot of times I got struck by one or two ion raiguns, only to turn around and powerdive away to safety. Then of course I'd easily heal any hull damage. I feel like it's an annoying ship for gunships to play against. When flying a scout in these types of games it feels like one mistake leads to death. The clarion feels a lot more forgiving. Maybe my scout needs some better evasive flying or I need to use running interference instead of wingman.:confused:

Edited by RickDagles
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For the record, I'm much much much more frustrated we didn't have the caliber of team to break the 8-gs setup rather than the fact that there were 8 gunships. I don't know if I have the scoreboard for that match, but I think the result was me and half of your gunships and our other gunship at the top fairly evenly distributed, our scouts and then the rest of your gunships, and the random pug4 on our team getting farmed at the end. Not to be mean to them, but they weren't up to the kind of match they were in.


As a gunship pilot, the back and forth sniping was a fun chess match, though I doubt many would agree with me on that. However, it absolutely was frustrating that we couldn't do anything decisive to break the match dynamic that took hold. I am convinced that if my 4 man had run all scouts and charged the line, we would've lost harder than we did, since even if the other 4 had all run gunships to support us, they would've been completely outclassed and useless in the role. That 8v8 we should by rights have lost given the balance of skill of the two teams for that setup. And we did.


This. Like I said, I wasn't upset or QQing about the 8 GS. I thought it was an interesting challenge... but at the same time I don't really think that going 8 GS would have mattered. Nor would I ever resort to that. The only reason I have a GS on the bar is to use ions when we are really behind or really close in a domination match. And even then I won't do it if we have somebody else who can switch and would be more effective. I stick to scouts/strikes in TDM (bomber if it is against an easy team or if we need support in close matches). And for domination I almost exclusively fly scouts. I may get on my Quell for an EMP missile here or there or my bomber if I am bored of flying my scouts. I just don't find GS's fun. Nor do I think going into a match with 8v8 GS's is fun. I'd rather just lose the match putting up a good fight in my scout and go on to the next one where it doesn't degenerate into that kind of nonsense. And I am not trying to antagonize anybody or anything with any of my posts. Like I said, I did find the matches a lot of fun. But part of me was disappointed knowing that I was facing top tier pilots who just resorted to forcing the match into a GS war. Personally don't find it fun, but I don't pretend to represent anyone.


Either way. Look forward to facing your group again.



[Ps I would like to note that the bomber you claim is supporting our GS's in that 8v8 TDM is a razorwire and didn't even have a beacon up at any point in the game... and was dying left and right. So doesn't equate to the 6GS, 1 bomber, and 1 scout you had at the beginning. And another clarification is that we started the game with only 2-3 GS an a couple of people switched after dying to counter. Whereas your group STARTED with 6GS, 1 support bomer, and 1 scout. Just wanted to make that clear.]

Edited by Pujaradactyl
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Meh, twas fun regardless, and more competition from a full team perspective. This match, regardless of composition, was a few of the more intense matches i've seen in a while


Also Xi'ao, the scores are at the end of the vids. I think the first one I had the most dmg and the second one you beat me by 4k (96k to 92k) :p

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I'm curious. Does Interdiction mine still go direct to hull, or are people taking it over Concussion mine purely for the snare so that things can be shredded with HLCs?


I recall that there was the SIM bomber nerf, but I usually only fly bombers on rare occasions where outcomes are predetermined and I'm just screwing around, so I didn't pay close attention aside from noting that minelayers were no longer brokenly OP on the nodes.


I think based on tooltips I went with concussion for anti-bomber purposes, on the basis that shield piercing and more damage was better than no shield piercing and less damage. But then, tooltips aren't exactly reliable in GSF.

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I'm curious. Does Interdiction mine still go direct to hull, or are people taking it over Concussion mine purely for the snare so that things can be shredded with HLCs?


I recall that there was the SIM bomber nerf, but I usually only fly bombers on rare occasions where outcomes are predetermined and I'm just screwing around, so I didn't pay close attention aside from noting that minelayers were no longer brokenly OP on the nodes.


I think based on tooltips I went with concussion for anti-bomber purposes, on the basis that shield piercing and more damage was better than no shield piercing and less damage. But then, tooltips aren't exactly reliable in GSF.


Interdiction doesn't shield pierce at all anymore. We use it strictly for the snare, like you said to shred the other Bomber with Heavy lasers.


The problem with using concussions to kill another Bomber is if he has charged plating your mines are doing 1% damage to him so you are going to lose that race. It then becomes which Bomber can kill the other with Heavy lasers and this is why the snare is so important it lets you out turn your opponent.

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As for gunships, I was worried we were going to lose that match because the best team we could field was gunships- and that's not the correct team versus that field. In that particular match, you'll hear me fretting that I don't have enough of a girl bomber yet to run support, nor do we have the requisite scouts to deroost the gunships. When the other team switched to gunships (fighting fire with fire, instead of water), I was happy.


So while we did win with a bunch of gunships (the pugs helped with theirs!), that wasn't the ideal strategy- it was just the only one we had available.


We made it work, so, that's good :p


I was one of the gunships (Eric) in the 8vs8 Denon match. I picked gunship because I had already flown the other classes that night, including the T2 bomber (Elara) against you, and the T3 strike (Elara again) with you.


Drakkolich, thanks for posting the video! It's like seeing myself on TV :)

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I generally prefer concussions these days, but versus bombers interdiction are definitely superior.


Yeah, I'd say Overcharged + ETS Converter + Seismic + Concussion is the best generalist build, and is what I usually prefer when I'm running solo.


But when you are in a group and can trust other people to take care of the Gunships, Scouts, etc., and you just need to deal with Bombers, then Charged Plating + Beacon + Seismic + Interdiction is definitely better.

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