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Incentive to NEVER buy the expansion!


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So, 55 fully geared for pvp? Don't buy the expansion... EVER!


Why you ask?

Go face roll the 30-59 bracket all day in your 2018 expertise, because you can, and with no xpac, there's none of that Pesky XP to force you to out level this bracket and do actual pvp with the 60's! Its wonderful! Perfect way to avoid supporting the game and ruining lower levels playing experience so they quit too! Wonderful!!!


Sarcasm Aside, bioware please address this, thanks


That IS a great idea.....wish I hadn't already bought that stupid expansion. The storyline was garbage........but your idea.....would have been pimp good sir :)

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The difference between 1936 expertise and 2018 is not massive enough for it to be game changing with ONLY the expertise difference. That said, as i level my alt toons from 55-60, I have noticed the incredible number of lowbie players that queue without every slot full (namely relics and implants) and have 1600-1800 expertise. Easy fix is just bolstering everyone to 2018 in lowbies as has been mentioned.. that said, you can't fix bad.


Also, I wonder if it is time for Bioware to examine where the cutoffs are. With the discipline re-shuffling of talents I feel like 30 is no longer the logical mid point for lowbies. Perhaps 34 or 35.

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IMO the best solution is to make the bracket 50-59. War hero gear at 50 bolsters very well especially augmented at 51 everyone gets a special move, and lvl 53 gear bolsters very well. I honestly don't think this would make queue times that much slower. I know that once I hit 30 I don't feel like pvping till 50 just because that is a huge gap to be fighting.
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If i remember correctly, they stripped all the expertise off the purple lvl 50 pvp gear when the first xpac came out, but the blue gear kept it. Not saying its a bad thing that the 55 set kept it when Shadow of Revan came out, but they really didn't think this through did they?
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