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RDPS Advice: Sniper vs. Sorcerer


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I realize that, given this is the Sniper forum I might find biased opinions-- so I'll probably post a similar thread in the Sorc forum.


Anyway, I'm having one heck of a time trying to decide which class to level and I was wondering if some people who are more experienced with either could maybe help me make up my mind. I think that, aesthetically, I prefer Sniper but when it comes to class mechanics I'm at a loss. I'm iffy about the Cover/Crouch mechanic, not because I find it clunky but because I don't like to feel immobile, and I just don't really know enough about the two classes to make fair comparisons or considerations.

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I realize that, given this is the Sniper forum I might find biased opinions-- so I'll probably post a similar thread in the Sorc forum.


Anyway, I'm having one heck of a time trying to decide which class to level and I was wondering if some people who are more experienced with either could maybe help me make up my mind. I think that, aesthetically, I prefer Sniper but when it comes to class mechanics I'm at a loss. I'm iffy about the Cover/Crouch mechanic, not because I find it clunky but because I don't like to feel immobile, and I just don't really know enough about the two classes to make fair comparisons or considerations.


Sorc.. Lightning spec... Force Storm + Tempest Mastery + Lightning Storm (all by level 12) kills about everything that isn't an elite. Chain Lightning > Force Storm > Chain Lightning (insta proc) will kill about everything in 6s.

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Sorc.. Lightning spec... Force Storm + Tempest Mastery + Lightning Storm (all by level 12) kills about everything that isn't an elite. Chain Lightning > Force Storm > Chain Lightning (insta proc) will kill about everything in 6s.


That's all well and good dude but the op to me isn't necessarily saying about what it's like to kill people. Every class can kill people it's more about how you use them, what they feel like.


To the OP I'd say that if you want to stay mobile then sorc is the class you want, it's the easiest class to kite in my opinion...especially with the utilities they gained in 3.0.


Snipers on the other hand....well they can be mobile if played properly but in a completely different way to a sorc. If as a sniper in pvp you stay still all the time not really moving then you're either against a bunch of bads or you're going to be dieing a lot. Kiting on a sniper is something a lot never really learn and then wonder why they don't do too well.


Yes the crouch mechanic can take a bit of getting used to but it doesn't necesarily define how you play the spec, learn the defensive side as well as all the attacking skills and you can be as mobile as you...or the enemy allows :)


Regarding leveling experience the class story for imp agent is far superior than the sorc, the sorc story is nice but doesn't really compare. In pvp historically (i.e. pre 3.0) the sniper was OP because of key skills very early compared to every other class. Whether that's true or not in 3.0 with the new setup I'm not sure but it wouldn't surprise me if it was. As a result snipers go from lowbie-midbie without any problems then hit lvl 60 pvp and can have a hard time....it's a learning curve.


They're both enjoyable classes to play though so I'd try them both and see how you get on.

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I realize that, given this is the Sniper forum I might find biased opinions-- so I'll probably post a similar thread in the Sorc forum.


Anyway, I'm having one heck of a time trying to decide which class to level and I was wondering if some people who are more experienced with either could maybe help me make up my mind. I think that, aesthetically, I prefer Sniper but when it comes to class mechanics I'm at a loss. I'm iffy about the Cover/Crouch mechanic, not because I find it clunky but because I don't like to feel immobile, and I just don't really know enough about the two classes to make fair comparisons or considerations.


Well both classes are immobile to some extent. Unless you're playing PvP where people will jump you, you can stay outside cover most of the time as it's only Suppressive Gunfire and Orbital Strike that really requires it.


The reason I prefer Sniper over Sorcerer is because of the feats that come with the immobility for a Sniper.

With cover, Defence Screen and either Evasion or Entrench you can gain so much damage reduction that you can ignore certain mechanics in flashpoints and Operations. A well-timed roll gives you the ability to completely resist damage that could otherwise be deadly.

Additionally there's the massive potential in a well-placed and well-timed Diversion and/or Ballistic Shield that can potentially save your group from wiping.

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I realize that, given this is the Sniper forum I might find biased opinions-- so I'll probably post a similar thread in the Sorc forum.


Anyway, I'm having one heck of a time trying to decide which class to level and I was wondering if some people who are more experienced with either could maybe help me make up my mind. I think that, aesthetically, I prefer Sniper but when it comes to class mechanics I'm at a loss. I'm iffy about the Cover/Crouch mechanic, not because I find it clunky but because I don't like to feel immobile, and I just don't really know enough about the two classes to make fair comparisons or considerations.


In terms of raw DPS the two are about the same, especially if using Force Storm/Force Quake & Suppressive Fire/Sweeping Gunfire to take out enemies (multiple or single) in quick bursts of damage. These abilities are optimal even if against just a single enemy.


In terms of pure defensive capabilities, the Sith Sorcerer probably wins by a very small margin. This is because the Sith Sorcerer has access to healing spells, as well as Force Barrier and a few other defensive cooldowns. However this is generally more than made up for by the Defensive Cooldowns, Cover, and slightly heavier Armor that the Sniper has available to them.


If however you, as you indicated, have a problem with cover, then the easier of the two for you to use would by and large probably be the Sith Sorcerer as it doesn't rely on cover to get the job done. The fact that due to Force Storm that the Sith Sorcerer will absolutely tear through enemies makes it all the better.


If however, your goal is to stay mobile while handing out DPS, then neither the Sith Sorcerer nor the Sniper is really optimal for that purpose. The most mobile DPS classes right now are the Operative (though it has slightly lower DPS output than the other classes) and the Sith Marauder, who has high mobility and high DPS output. The Sith Juggernaut coming in a close second to the Sith Marauder in terms of DPS and Mobility, though most people will prefer the Sith Juggernaut to be a Tank rather than a DPS. The Mercenary is also a really mobile and high DPS class, and the Pyrotech is up there as well.

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I disagree with a lot of points made in the above post. You'll only want to use Suppressive Fire on groups, while Force Storm gets into single target rotations right now with recklessness. The sorcerer's defensive cooldowns/getaways are in general stronger, but more specialised. However, how good your defensive cooldowns are will not matter if you intend to PvE, they're both more than sufficient there. Marauders are definitely not comparable in mobility with operatives either, it's Assassins.


If you want a highly mobile semi-ranged class, you might want to check out the current Powertech. That burst is due for a nerf though.


Now, I cannot give you detailed advice since I don't know if you want to PvP or PvE. But here is my opinion of the sniper specs, on a PvP heavy perspective:


- Marksmanship has least mobility due to standing casts, and great burst. I've actually been performing fairly with it in PvP. Lethality can move around while placing the DoT's, but has to plant for Cull. Engineering, despite losing the emergency double-roll, is the most mobile spec, if you want to.

- However, you'll want to stay in cover in any of these specs in PvP, as you just never want to lose your CC immunity, nor do you want to get pulled/leaped like the other classes. You also get extra ranged defense in cover, and with utilities you can get damage reductions.

- The planting mechanic becomes second nature pretty quickly. You don't feel immobile because you can leave cover whenever you want, and again, with Entrench you become one of the two classes (other being Assassins) who can get immunity to any control, and the one with the longest uptime on this immunity. Seek Cover utility also gives you bonus mobility when you leave Entrench'ed cover, with +%50 speed and immunity to slows/roots, but I don't use it.

- Snipers have great counter-defenses against melee, since kiting without some LOS tricks is out of question most of the time. Re-establish range combined with cover pulse and MM's Sniper's Volley means you can get three knockbacks in rapid succession. When enemy melee finally comes near you, you can root and roll away. 1v1 against melee is straightforward as long as you see their approach and aren't locked in close quarters.

- However, if you're caught off guard and/or opened on without your Entrench (and pushed, stunned, etc.), you are pretty much dead. A surprise stun (or Diversion from an enemy Sniper) can hurt a lot, since it negates a lot of your crucial defenses.

- As a further bonus, having a Sniper in ranked (solo) PvP is alike having a near-perfect taunt. You will be focused almost as a rule, and the near-only exception is when your team has a marauder, a mercenary or another sniper. Alternately, you might be skipped over if they figure your healer is an easier kill than you.

- For PvE, Sorcerers have better pure DPS. The difference is not that great though.

- Your knockbacks, along with your short cooldown root and Diversion (%45 less accuracy, area debuff, exposes enemy Snipers from cover) mean you provide good control. Root enemy melee chasing your people, Diversion clumps of opponents, pop Ballistic Shields (area damage reduction for your team, in PvP you'll more often use this as a personal DCD), and you're a boon for your team. Also rolling into a clump of melee and peeling your friend with cover pulse feels pretty ****** (and very useful when opposing team is mostly melee).

- Fast channeled AOE means you can gun down areas rapidly to force stealth out.


I think playing a Sniper is more strategic and can be rewarding. It can also be frustrating when an enemy team in PvP has the right composition to burst you down with you not being able to do much, or when you are left alone against a hard counter (for Marksmanship it's a forced engagement with a lot of LOS obstacles, for Lethality - among other things - it is open ground with a MM Sniper in it, unsure of Engineering). The class has a pseudo-WW1 infantryman feel to me (automatic fire, sharpshooting in trench, artillery and gas attacks), across all its disciplines, which you might find attractive.


Sorcerers, however, do get the crackling lightning feeling very well in play, or so I had found in PvE leveling one. Depends on your taste.


Hope this is informative.

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I disagree with a lot of points made in the above post. You'll only want to use Suppressive Fire on groups, while Force Storm gets into single target rotations right now with recklessness. The sorcerer's defensive cooldowns/getaways are in general stronger, but more specialised. However, how good your defensive cooldowns are will not matter if you intend to PvE, they're both more than sufficient there. Marauders are definitely not comparable in mobility with operatives either, it's Assassins.


You may be right about the Assassin's vs. Marauders. I haven't really had the opportunity to test them. But what I was talking about wasn't really which class can move around the battlefield unhindered the most, so much as which can move while simultaneously using it's attacks the most, in which case I stand by my opinion that it is still the Marauder who tends to have the upper hand because the Marauder doesn't have as many attacks that require them to be rooted as many of the other classes do (i.e. not as many channeled attacks).


As far as using Suppressive Fire on groups vs. not, I will argue that using it solely on groups is entirely inefficient, especially since it, like Force Storm benefits from a Utility that increases it's overall damage output by 25% and both of them are Area of Effect Attacks. So going from that perspective alone they are both equally as efficient as each other to use on both single and multiple targets.

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You may be right about the Assassin's vs. Marauders. I haven't really had the opportunity to test them. But what I was talking about wasn't really which class can move around the battlefield unhindered the most, so much as which can move while simultaneously using it's attacks the most, in which case I stand by my opinion that it is still the Marauder who tends to have the upper hand because the Marauder doesn't have as many attacks that require them to be rooted as many of the other classes do (i.e. not as many channeled attacks).


As far as using Suppressive Fire on groups vs. not, I will argue that using it solely on groups is entirely inefficient, especially since it, like Force Storm benefits from a Utility that increases it's overall damage output by 25% and both of them are Area of Effect Attacks. So going from that perspective alone they are both equally as efficient as each other to use on both single and multiple targets.


Assassin (except tank) never cast or channel anything. Mara of all 3 specs channel Ravage every 18s... So here goes your mobility.


Force Storm does way more damage than Suppressive Fire.. And is only useful in single target with Recklessness up which brings it to 100% crit... Suppressive Fire also cost way more than Force Storm.

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