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Dev response please: Are HM Bulo damage numbers bugged or accurate?

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According to a lot of people the damage numbers coming from Bulo in 8m and 16m changed drastically after a December 16th patch. Right now the barrel toss damage is an instant, up front 30k hit that is nearly impossible to avoid for the person being targeted. Any guides you see out there says it is supposed to be a DoT on the ground target of the barrel toss and you should have time to move out of it if paying attention. Also, the damage numbers for all of the other abilities have mostly doubled making it an extreme healing challenge that some times is impossible due to RNG not to mention lag.


Now, the fight isn't impossible as some have beaten it. But it'd be nice to know if the damage numbers, especially the barrel toss, is as intended? If it is intended we'll simply keep trying to beat it as is. But if it isn't intended would like to know so we don't keep banging our heads against it for no reason if there is a fix incoming Tuesday.


Also, for the love of god, fix the lag in 16m ops.


PS: please fix 16m loot also.

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I think some of the guides were based on early pts built. Given there are already multiple other move-out-of-sith mechanics in this fight, the change actually makes one less mechanic susceptible to lag.


Now the up front hit is there to require healers to top up the dps and gives them something to heal when the rest of the mechanics are dealt with spot on by the group.

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Scenario: someone gets hit by load-lifters and barrel throw at the same time. Heal it. Go ahead and try.


Maybe they intended for barrel throw to be an instant hit, but if they did they didn't think it through...

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Barrel Throw is bugged.


16M HM is what.. 37k+ isntant and the fire aoe does -0- damage, yes, that is a zero. I stood in fire on purpose and no damage taken.


Not to mention the idiotic "pick up a barrel hurr durr I can't use any skills and have to right click on my buffs to cancel it, oh I just cancelled 2 buffs I actually want" mechanic.. funny in theory, but not in practice.


Thanks :rolleyes:

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Barrel Toss on 16 is really not that much of a problem its one 37-41k hit on a player that can be healed somewhat easily.


I have noticed when healing 8 man hm that if I am moving as he actually throws the barrel and I jump as it hits the ground i don't get hit at all. I only discovered this because I was getting the purple volley circle at the same time barrel toss came to me.


Since I play slinger on 16hm I end up just sitting and easting it as I don't want to break casts.


The lifters are not survivable tho without hunker down + dodge or rolling them as they explode its straight up 3x17k on a gunslinger and no dps has 60k hp pool to soak that kind of hit and have some HP left


Sages can barrier lifters gunnery commando can just cheese them with diversion, shadows can resilience them commandos healers just pop shield and don't care sentinels well .... lol they can survive anything if they are not retarded. The only class ive noticed has any issues with lifters is scoundrel healers but you can always have a vanguard dps fire an aoe taunt at them when they get close to a healer if they are specced into aoe taunt reflect and slingers can put diversions on the actual healer


TLDR version .. deal with it

Edited by Loki_
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Got Barrel+lifter+carts as a tank = 80k dmg


Still you can survive, as with movement you can evade the explosions of the carts and lifters. Get near it when it stops moving run away and you wont get dmg. Doesnt work always though and with current lag its hard.

Edited by Methoxa
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It was also possible to deal with random tank Soas on Council NiM. It still is an incredibly stupid mechanic.


Exactly, it's probably doable but it's still dumb. Actually, and I'm sure someone has, but has anyone beaten 16m HM bulo since the patch just before xmas that super buffed all the damage numbers? Just curious. But yeah the 40k hit on barrel throw is just ridiculous. Yes it'd be great if the healers could keep everyone at 100% through the entire fight but if anyone in average 186 gear gets a barrel they have to be above 90% health or they die on average. Healers can't keep 16 people, especially in that fight, above 90% all the time.


Having said that I will say the lag has been much better, as in less, this week. Not sure if BW did something this week or if its just cause half the people have quit the game in the last month due to all the bugs and lag. Yesterday was really our first hard push on bulo in 16m HM simply because lag wasn't killing everyone for a change and got him sub 30% some times. But usually by then too many people have been insta gibbed by barrel throw or rng catches up with a tank/melee getting carts/barrel throw/lifers/etc all at once.


tldr; just would like to know if Bulo is as intended since the damage was changed so drastically suddenly by one random patch with no notes about it.

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Not to mention the idiotic "pick up a barrel hurr durr I can't use any skills and have to right click on my buffs to cancel it, oh I just cancelled 2 buffs I actually want" mechanic.. funny in theory, but not in practice.


Thanks :rolleyes:


i lost my freshly popped 8hr stim as i tried to click off the barrel buff....gg

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