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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

regarding punishment for exploit


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Enjoy your game where exploiting is all OK.


Thank you, we will.


but I'm a video gamer. I know what is an exploit and what is not.


Playing SWTOR is in effect paying to party at Bioware's cantina.


Licensing details aside, Bioware owns the building, the chairs, the table, the floor, the lights, the booze, and the jukebox.


BIOWARE decides whether someone is too drunk, too rowdy, too pushy, too creep, or too whatever to be in their privately owned establishment.


Not you, not me, not anyone else in this thread or in the game.


If you don't like the decisions made by the owner of this private property as to who to let in and who to kick out, then your own choices are to accept it as a "price" of hanging out here, or you can leave and not give the owner your business.


You have NO right to make any demands as to who Bioware does or does not do business with, you can only "vote" with your feet and with your wallet.


You misunderstand the purpose of a ToS. It isn't for your benefit. It isn't for justice and fairness either.

The ToS exists to protect BioWare's financial interests.


If you are going to have any faith in BioWare, it can only be a faith that BioWare will always do what it thinks will be profitable. It's foolish to think otherwise.


And in this case, it may be more profitable to overlook all but the most blatant and public exploiters.


The dead on truth.


The ToS / EULA aren't there for "truth and justice", they are there to give the company legal cover against actions taken by users / customers, for whatever the company decides to do. About the only think the ToS / EULA is good for is to give the company carte blanche to make whatever business decision they decide to take regarding any particular customer.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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No one is getting banned


I don't believe anyone will either, If they ban 1 single person for it then by all rights they should ban EVERY SINGLE PERSON who used it. This would easily be 40%-60% of the player base. They knew it was broke before release and did NOTHING about it. Of course people are going to use this once they find out. Just like Nefra, EVERYONE was doing it and when they FINALLY did do something it was a weak arse fix that only made it slighty longer to do nefra. And since Bioware wants to act like they dropped a set of balls finally then they should be going after the HARD CORE raiding guilds that abused this the most.

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I understand that there is a big market for adults who enjoy games with childish graphics, but then there are those of us who need to feel a bit more bad*** when we game.


whats really funny about your comment on childish graphics is back before even beta a lot of people said the graphics for this game looked too cartoonish and childish :p

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Yeah well all the crying you idiots are doing ingame and on the forums, Funny I know some of you and I've seen your achievements list and your gear :). Just remember that.


I wonder if that line is legal because i got a a warning for one word let alone a whole sentence of....threat?

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I didn't do it. you are welcome to see my gear and achieves...I joined a ravagers 16m and we fought from first boss to last (wiping a few times) but could not beat last boss. And I found out about exploit when I tried forming a group to finish the run. A few people told me why no one would join.

I hope the people that did it get banned.

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So I am guessing the OP used the exploit, probably multiple times, and is now a little nervous?


Yeah, whatever OP.

You have all the dirt on everyone and if you go down you are taking the world with you.


Well, you aren't taking me because I have never used an exploit, and maybe you should have thought about the rules concerning exploits before you used this one.

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So I am guessing the OP used the exploit, probably multiple times, and is now a little nervous?


Yeah, whatever OP.

You have all the dirt on everyone and if you go down you are taking the world with you.


Well, you aren't taking me because I have never used an exploit, and maybe you should have thought about the rules concerning exploits before you used this one.


I'm not nervous at all, I could care less really. OMG they might (BUT WONT) ban me for a few days. No problem just means ill get some more stuff done around the house. With all the bugs/lag since release of 3.0 this game has been pretty much crap anyway.

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I'm not nervous at all, I could care less really. OMG they might (BUT WONT) ban me for a few days. No problem just means ill get some more stuff done around the house. With all the bugs/lag since release of 3.0 this game has been pretty much crap anyway.


lol wow....BW GM or Devs this dude need to be an example to everyone else...

Edited by saremun
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I wonder if that line is legal because i got a a warning for one word let alone a whole sentence of....threat?

Posting about disciplinary actions is against the ToS, too.


But, hey, whatever works for you.

I'm not nervous at all, I could care less really. OMG they might (BUT WONT) ban me for a few days. No problem just means ill get some more stuff done around the house. With all the bugs/lag since release of 3.0 this game has been pretty much crap anyway.

Then why do you even bother to play?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So heres my thoughts. Remember when Dread Palace was bugged? Council was impossible to clear. How much gear was lost on just that bug? Any how many other massive bugs have hit flashpoints and ops over the years? Now that one bug throws free gear our way, Bioware is bringing out the knives. Think about it. So, given that it was a Bioware error that made this possible in the first place, and any heavy punishment will only drive people away from the game, I propose that you give some rare, unobtainable stuff to people who were honest. Do not bite the hand.


Oh looks like the exploiters are getting worried now, I truly feel so sorry for you all :D

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Posting about disciplinary actions is against the ToS, too.


But, hey, whatever works for you.


Then why do you even bother to play?


I play because several of my friends play and my wife also plays. I put in maybe a couple hours a day if that, lil more on days off.

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So heres my thoughts. Remember when Dread Palace was bugged? Council was impossible to clear. How much gear was lost on just that bug? Any how many other massive bugs have hit flashpoints and ops over the years? Now that one bug throws free gear our way, Bioware is bringing out the knives. Think about it. So, given that it was a Bioware error that made this possible in the first place, and any heavy punishment will only drive people away from the game, I propose that you give some rare, unobtainable stuff to people who were honest. Do not bite the hand.


Dumb idea since several didn't even know about it until it was to late lol, Think about many would have used it if they knew

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So heres my thoughts. Remember when Dread Palace was bugged? Council was impossible to clear. How much gear was lost on just that bug? Any how many other massive bugs have hit flashpoints and ops over the years? Now that one bug throws free gear our way, Bioware is bringing out the knives. Think about it. So, given that it was a Bioware error that made this possible in the first place, and any heavy punishment will only drive people away from the game, I propose that you give some rare, unobtainable stuff to people who were honest. Do not bite the hand.


Let's see... I don't raid at all, so naturally I didn't use the exploit. So I should get a reward for not using an exploit in content I don't even take part in? I think not.

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