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Juggs are FOTM? HAHAHA You haven't Played in Low and MId PVP Then..


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There are very few melee classes being played in low and mid pvp compared to RDPS. I have no doubt there are good Juggs in Ranked and high level, but it sucks being melee in early PVP and very frustrating. I have played a lot of PT and Op in early/mid PVP and they they are way easier to have some success than a Jugg. The Sorcs just drop AOE on you all the day and PTs are strong from day one. Anyone can have a lot of success as a PT from level 10 and on.


Is ranked more balanced and Juggs do well? I am sure. But you have to get there first and RDPS is a much smoother road.

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Things have changed recently regarding mdps in lowbie and mid. I just started leveling a jugg on bastion and it sucks. But befpre 3.0 when I levelled my guardian it was great. But then I get on my sin at 60 and wreck people and watch jugs do crazy good. But in lowbies peoples first choice is a lightning sorc, unfortunately
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What? I felt like Jugg/Mara were always much stronger early on than PT/op. PT has poop heat management, poop damage, and poop survivability up until like, level 36-41 (unless you're tank spec), and operative just has low damage on top of bad survivability until you get some of the later stuff.


Pre 3.0, I literally got a 12k final ravage tick on my mara... at level 11. Same with jugg, I was able to hit pretty hard consistently, and saber ward is the best DCD in the game in lowbies/midbies, up until you encounter sins with shroud, I guess.

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What? I felt like Jugg/Mara were always much stronger early on than PT/op. PT has poop heat management, poop damage, and poop survivability up until like, level 36-41 (unless you're tank spec), and operative just has low damage on top of bad survivability until you get some of the later stuff.


Pre 3.0, I literally got a 12k final ravage tick on my mara... at level 11. Same with jugg, I was able to hit pretty hard consistently, and saber ward is the best DCD in the game in lowbies/midbies, up until you encounter sins with shroud, I guess.


If you enjoy PvP as a lvl 11 Jugger we must be playing different games.

You jump in. spam Ravage, die, respawn and repeat.

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I have no issue with Juggs as they are. When read most posts here, they seem to rank them mid to mid-high in terms of viability.


My issue is new players, new pvpers, and people who have little experience playing mdps will get turned off of playing jugg and definitely mara in early and mid pvp. Everyone can say things like they get strong later, but going from a sin or sorc to a jugg or mara is a big quality of life drop early in pvp.

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Which is why i switched my sage to heals...sage sorc dps is so over used atm it's ridiculous. I do love wrecking them as my sin/shdaow jugg/guardian though....Guardians are very, VERY powerful right now. How ever, as with any class, you're not gonna win jumping into 3-5 lightning sorcs in the beggining of a civil war/coast match, any class will get hosed trying that.


I have a feeling that's a lot of the problem and complaining you see on the message boards, people getting wrecked from damage they don't even know they're taking...which is why i've always hated the fact this game has no combat log, besides the killing blow, and a part of me believes the dev's want it this was for a reason....

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Things have changed recently regarding mdps in lowbie and mid. I just started leveling a jugg on bastion and it sucks. But befpre 3.0 when I levelled my guardian it was great. But then I get on my sin at 60 and wreck people and watch jugs do crazy good. But in lowbies peoples first choice is a lightning sorc, unfortunately
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If you enjoy PvP as a lvl 11 Jugger we must be playing different games.

You jump in. spam Ravage, die, respawn and repeat.


yup. and I pop saber ward on cd and still as soon as you cast ravage, aoe red circle abound....


PT's railshot hit hard as I remember pre-3.0. It was up every 10 sec or so too.

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I'm also not saying the damage is garbage or I get trashed. I do fine..middle or upper mid dps with some protection. But when I was Sorc healer or even OP dps in low pvp, medals, mvp votes, etc. were easy to come by...and stealth is a HUGE advantage.
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First, no class is OP in the first bracket 10-29 and PvP in this bracket is more fun than PvP-ing as lv 30-50 in the "other" bracket.


Second, as lv 11 you can't assume to be OP against others being lv 29. It's still more fair than with lv 40 against lv 59.


Third, jugg is not OP, never. It's a great class, but not what is considered OP.


What currently is considered to be OP are clearly AP PTs and Hatred Assassins, PTs to a higher degree IMO because of that ridiculous burst damage they can do, their 2 stun breakers and their +95% run speed while explosive fuel-shoulder cannoning you to death :-)


But there HAS always to be some OPness in mmorpgs! Some may think that happens randomly or by design/testing failures. I think it's design choice. People who try out new classes because they are now OP will be not burned so fast than playing the same over and over. It's like delivering new content to that large player base who wants to play the BEST class. Think about it.


Currently it's PT and hatred sin. In 2 months it might be marauder again or engineering sniper...

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I can only say as someone who has tried mostly rdps in low and mid pvp, it was a much easier learning curve than my current Jugg. It was especially easy as a PT..for me.


The point of my post was to say Jugg and any melee class should not be considered FOTM when you see most players are range DPS. Most, not all and I am sure good PVPers can play anything. I do fine as mdps, but have found it much more challenging to do very well withour range, stealth, cc, force speed, whatnot.

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Juggs have one of the lowest dps in the game, and one of the greatest defenses. They almost don't have burst at all, if in vengeance tree. Just play ranked arena against full team of assassins and change your mind.


Lol, play Rage then and have one of the best bursts in the game ********.

Vengeance not having burst is pretty obvious being they have CC immunity.

Complaining about Juggs in the current meta is like a facepalm, you should facepalm yourself.


Edit: Lol, smart-ss gets bleeped...

Edited by XeniusX
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Vengeance doesnt have burst? What are you people smoking? Burst does not mean "Has one great big, huge damage ability" it means the ability to dish out a lot of damage over a short period of time. Vengeance juggs can do that. And then 15 seconds later, they can do it again, and again, and again.
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Juggs have one of the lowest dps in the game, and one of the greatest defenses. They almost don't have burst at all, if in vengeance tree. Just play ranked arena against full team of assassins and change your mind.


Ranked in low-level & mid-level PvP ?

The OP realkly means both, not Ranked ...

Your lack of experience in lowbie & midbie PvP is disturbing.

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Which is why i switched my sage to heals...sage sorc dps is so over used atm it's ridiculous. I do love wrecking them as my sin/shdaow jugg/guardian though....Guardians are very, VERY powerful right now. How ever, as with any class, you're not gonna win jumping into 3-5 lightning sorcs in the beggining of a civil war/coast match, any class will get hosed trying that.


I have a feeling that's a lot of the problem and complaining you see on the message boards, people getting wrecked from damage they don't even know they're taking...which is why i've always hated the fact this game has no combat log, besides the killing blow, and a part of me believes the dev's want it this was for a reason....


LOL, sorcs are over used, so i switch to my sin, LOL

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Lol, play Rage then and have one of the best bursts in the game ********.

Vengeance not having burst is pretty obvious being they have CC immunity.

Complaining about Juggs in the current meta is like a facepalm, you should facepalm yourself.

Edit: Lol, smart-ss gets bleeped...


I said about vengeance, and where do I complain?


Vengeance doesnt have burst? What are you people smoking? Burst does not mean "Has one great big, huge damage ability" it means the ability to dish out a lot of damage over a short period of time. Vengeance juggs can do that. And then 15 seconds later, they can do it again, and again, and again.


Yes, over a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. 8 secs of ravage>shatter>ravage is NOT a short period of time. I don't even say how predictable and easy counterable this "burst" is.


Ranked in low-level & mid-level PvP ?

The OP realkly means both, not Ranked ...

Your lack of experience in lowbie & midbie PvP is disturbing.


Talking about class in lowbie and midbie pvp is pointless. I have 30 lvl mad sin, you are a 59 gunnery mando in full brutalizer. Who will win in pvp, and what class is overpowered? And I actually HAVE experience in low-midbie pvp.

Edited by DerSchneider
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