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So i have only been back to the game since december 22nd so i am relatively new to extremely new to galactic starfighter and in most cases i have started to figure out what i did wrong and how to correct it to win fights.... but today i ran across something i have no idea how to fight and was looking for input.....


i was playing a game vs a certain imp on jung ma that seemed to ruberband then bounce behind me the whole game and in the few bits i got a few hits on him would almost instantly turn around and shoot off two proton torpedos at a time (two seperate blue streaks and a instant kill vs me) and at first i thought i was just lagging but it wasnt just me noticing as he single handedly destroyed every living thing down to a 28-2 kd.


now i got a lucky few shots and concussive on him and was one of his two deaths but.... how do i correctly fight that so i dont feel like a freaking sitting duck? (fyi i typcially fly bombers and do drop mines to limit movement around me but it didnt seem to phase him)

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That was me, I had one insane lag-spike that game that I was able to get up go to the bathroom and come back and i was still spiking. I apologize for that, that's the 3rd time that's ever happened in this game.


As for dealing with me, I'm in a mostly stock ocula, only upgrade being first couple tiers of BLC. Fire cluster missiles at me.


Also, I was LoSing peoples locks more than anything(when I wasn't lagging), I don't know how people weren't holding them because there were a lot of people trying to lock. I haven't lagged since then though.

Edited by tommmsunb
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that was you actually. i contemplated going over to imp and asking you for advice to see what to do to fix things on my end. I guess i should switch to clusters as i use concussion at the moment.


As for the locks i know at least on my part i could not hold a lock on you mostly due to you rubberbanding the majority of the match. you'd either fly at me and then rubberband back and my lock would disappear or somehow be way in front of my and then directly behind me. i figured it was probably lag but if it was something i needed to learn or upgrades i needed to get i wanted to find out.


I am actually really enjoying GSF just hard to get into it so far on jung ma and learn outside of my own trial and error. doesn't seem to be a lot interested in voip / compettive gsf repub side anyways. perhaps i need to switch to imp for that idk.

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that was you actually. i contemplated going over to imp and asking you for advice to see what to do to fix things on my end. I guess i should switch to clusters as i use concussion at the moment.


As for the locks i know at least on my part i could not hold a lock on you mostly due to you rubberbanding the majority of the match. you'd either fly at me and then rubberband back and my lock would disappear or somehow be way in front of my and then directly behind me. i figured it was probably lag but if it was something i needed to learn or upgrades i needed to get i wanted to find out.


I am actually really enjoying GSF just hard to get into it so far on jung ma and learn outside of my own trial and error. doesn't seem to be a lot interested in voip / compettive gsf repub side anyways. perhaps i need to switch to imp for that idk.


I only really had one lag spike, I definitely wasnt rubberbanding the rest of the match. I liberally use retro thrust so that could've thrown you off. As for Jung Ma, that was my 2nd match on Jung Ma since coming back, I have no idea which side is stronger or not, though I've asked a couple of good pilots I know to go bolster pub side on Jung Ma.


As for switching sides to ask questions, any times fine. I don't bite :)

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you may not have been but you were rubberbanding on our screens. perhaps it was a server glitch post rubberband on repub side? idk i do know i wasnt the only one to take notice though of it. And as for your thrusters there were several times where you were normal that i know how to counter the thrusters mostly.


As i said i really think the match in general for pub side was messing up for some reason and it could have been me lagging after you or what not as well but it was a match that left me needing to learn more.


And i havent been back long either so im still learning. i just had far more pub then imp toons so i came back as pub. That said if you find some great gsf groups imp side i'd love to join in even at the point of picking up one of my imps or re-rolling as gsf / good pvp in general are what got me off my other mmo's

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you may not have been but you were rubberbanding on our screens. perhaps it was a server glitch post rubberband on repub side? idk i do know i wasnt the only one to take notice though of it. And as for your thrusters there were several times where you were normal that i know how to counter the thrusters mostly.


As i said i really think the match in general for pub side was messing up for some reason and it could have been me lagging after you or what not as well but it was a match that left me needing to learn more.


And i havent been back long either so im still learning. i just had far more pub then imp toons so i came back as pub. That said if you find some great gsf groups imp side i'd love to join in even at the point of picking up one of my imps or re-rolling as gsf / good pvp in general are what got me off my other mmo's


Maybe it was server. I didnt see anybody rubberbanding, typically when somebody's rubberbanding, the person rubberbanding will also be seeing everybody else rubberbanding.


I will say though, that a lot of time people who can't keep up reflex-wise will say a couple of things


1. You were rubber banding

2. You killed me when i was behind you.

3. You killed me when I was LoSd away from you.


They're all undoubtedly false.

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2. You killed me when i was behind you.

3. You killed me when I was LoSd away from you.

Both are extremely common occurences and have nothing to do with reflexes. Speeds in GSF are extremely high, in kilometres per second when boosting, so even with extremely low latency you will see these things happen. In the best case, both players will total about 40-60ms of lag, that means an afterburning scout will have moved 100-150m before being hit, quite possibly enough to take them past you (especially if you are moving yourself) or behind cover. It gets a lot worse for players on the "wrong" server (for people not in North America or Western Europe, all servers are "wrong" servers), or people who don't have good connections (rural internet, etc) and they can easily move a kilometre or more before the damage hits, for absolutely ridiculous results.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Both are extremely common occurences and have nothing to do with reflexes. Speeds in GSF are extremely high, in kilometres per second when boosting, so even with extremely low latency you will see these things happen. In the best case, both players will total about 40-60ms of lag, that means an afterburning scout will have moved 100-150m before being hit, quite possibly enough to take them past you (especially if you are moving yourself) or behind cover. It gets a lot worse for players on the "wrong" server (for people not in North America or Western Europe, all servers are "wrong" servers), or people who don't have good connections (rural internet, etc) and they can easily move a kilometre or more before the damage hits, for absolutely ridiculous results.


This.. You have no idea how many time I've seen BLC hit rear shield instead of front shield or simply missing. Or railguns hitting from 16-17km. Latency allows these kind of 'cheese' kills.... At a point, skill becomes adjusting your reflexes to these latency kills and deal with them.

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I didnt see anybody rubberbanding, typically when somebody's rubberbanding, the person rubberbanding will also be seeing everybody else rubberbanding.


Yo dawg, I heard you like rubberbanding...

...so we added rubberbanding to your rubberbanding, so that you see people rubberbanding, while you rubberband.

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