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Annihilation Rotation in 3.0


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I'm probably just stupid, but for whatever reason, the 3.0 changes to Annihilation feel like they killed the rotation.


Before, Annihilation had a really good "flow" to it, but now it feels.. different.


I keep trying to hit rupture for the 3rd apply of my deadly saber, but it has no CD now, so I suppose I should just keep up Force Rend + Rupture up on my target, keep Annihilate on CD, use dual saber throw when I get the proc, and then just use whatever melee abilities for deadly saber?

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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I don't like anni 3.0 tbh. Not sure, I think those rather two long dots that I have to keep track of... meh... cumbersome. I find Fury more fun to play atm...


That's what I liked about Annihilation before; it was different. Now, they just made it a ripoff of Madness/Hatred, in a way.

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I prefer to play Combat/Carnage for Sentinel and Vigilance on Guardian to get my feeling of Annihilation/Watchman. Guardian feels much more fun. This is what I've tended to start doing when one class severely lets me down, jump to another class that is more fun. I have no loyalty to any class any more, but I have a lot more fun.


If you have an Guardian/Jugg, try it out. I just don't like Annihilation/Watchman right now.

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I don't like anni 3.0 tbh. Not sure, I think those rather two long dots that I have to keep track of... meh... cumbersome. I find Fury more fun to play atm...


They are pretty easy to track though if you use other cooldowns to do it. Overload/deadly saber cooldown is the same as cauterize/rupture. And if you use merciless/ annihilate on cooldown, then you just reapply force melt/rend when the proc is fully up. I completely understand players not liking how different the spec is now with the longer duration dots, but lets not act like you have to buff watch to keep track of the two long duration dot's.

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For PVE:


Anni 3.0 isn't fun but it isn't so bad. I think they added the 2nd dot ability and removed the rupture reset mechanic to make anni jive better with their simulation models for balancing sustained dot classes, all of which have 2+ dots.


I prefer carnage anyways since it feels more frenetic and dynamic.


The real issue is that PVE ops are heavily biased towards ranged dps, including powertechs. Especially compared to DF/DP which weren't as punishing for melee.

Edited by Projawa
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stack alacrity [...] and you'll use allot less filler.


That doesn't make sense, since alacrity reduces the Cooldowns of all skills. So alacrity just makes you perform the sequence you're playing faster, but the sequence itself will stay the same. You will have the exact same amount of fillers in your rotation regardless if you play it with 0 or 1000 Alacrity. The amount of fillers actually depends on how the Cooldown of main skills interact with each other and again - And this does not change with alacrity.

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