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Damage Overcharge Accuracy Reduction


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I've searched for other threads regarding the topic of this one and other possible leads but didn't find any.


For the Damage Overcharge Boost in GSF, there seems to be an underlying issue I have with it. I rarely pick it up, but when I do, I feel as though accuracy is severely diminished. Whenever I grab the power up, I engage enemies from bombers to scouts and whichever target I choose, chance to hit is always 1/5 shots. My weapon accuracy is always at/above 100%. And I have though about the evasive percentages that come with different customization on the enemy ships and what the pilot's customization might be.


However, I do not think the issue is with my personal skill, my opponent's, or either of our customization. Without the damage overcharge, chance to hit is almost always 100%.


My experience with picking up Damage Overcharge and avoiding it, has lead me to conclude that whenever I pick it up, my accuracy is severely diminished. I have not seen ANYWHERE that the damage overcharge boost reduces accuracy.


Again I'll reiterate that my own/opponent's skill cannot be a factor and neither can their ship customization. I also observe to see if they have any evasive buffs to which they don't. The most frustrating thing is that they can be sitting completely still (gunships for instance) and I still cannot hit them.

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I'm a Damage Overcharge hunter in most death match games I get between 3-7 of them. I've seen any instance of it lowering my accuracy whatsoever. Is it possible that you are just noticing your misses more because you are trying that much harder to hit them when you have the Damage overcharge?


In any case I hope this isn't some kind of personal bug only to you, that would really suck.


If you have a way to record a game or two of you getting these Buffs and not hitting anything I'd love to see that.

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Enemies are probably just flying more evasively and popping more evasion buffs when they know you have DO.

The flip side of it might also be true. If he gets the DO and gets nervous or twitchy or anything of the sort, that would probably make a difference. Don't know who he is or server or anything, but if the OP rarely gets them, he might feel the need to make the DO "worth it", meaning he would be trying too hard.


Edit - Not trying to demean your skill or anything, OP, don't know you from a stick in the ground (I think), but being too aware of having the DO and trying too hard to line up the shots rather than flying and shooting naturally can and will mess with your targeting.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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