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Annihilation Talents Blow


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When looking and comparing the class talents between annihilation Marauder and another dot sprc class they blow. considering the fact alone that a Marauder has to be in melee range to apply said dots. There should be more support within the talent tree to increase the damage done by them.


When looking at other melee dot damage classes. Especially when compared to hatred assasin that seems to have a large amount of talents 4-5 that focused on a direct increase to dot damage.

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When looking and comparing the class talents between annihilation Marauder and another dot sprc class they blow. considering the fact alone that a Marauder has to be in melee range to apply said dots. There should be more support within the talent tree to increase the damage done by them.


When looking at other melee dot damage classes. Especially when compared to hatred assasin that seems to have a large amount of talents 4-5 that focused on a direct increase to dot damage.


The range of the dots isn't the problem, smash to spread them is it. Death field is much better in this area, better radius, by far more reach, more unmitigated damage with a self heal and adding damage. But classes should be different!


"Increases the critical strike damage of bleed effects by ..... ............. Tataaaaaaa 5 !!!!!! Percent" ... Yeah don't know what the devs were thinking

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i dont even care about the meelee thing but i think we should get atleast a buffed smash like veng/vigilance, the main thing seperating annihilation/watchman dps wise from the other specs is that out dot spread ability actually hits a lot less. Its why in situations where the other team stacks where a watchman/anni would do for example 2.5k , a hatred/serenity or even a vigilance/veng can do 500-1000 more dps - the aoe is just alot stronger. Edited by AngusFTW
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i dont even care about the meelee thing but i think we should get atleast a buffed smash like veng/vigilance, the main thing seperating annihilation/watchman dps wise from the other specs is that out dot spread ability actually hits a lot less. Its why in situations where the other team stacks where a watchman/anni would do for example 2.5k , a hatred/serenity or even a vigilance/veng can do 500-1000 more dps - the aoe is just alot stronger.

Attach dot spread to TST and not Smash. Up the proc chance for Mind Sear considerably. Done and done.


The much better idea is just to remove dot spread from the game except for Virulence. Madness is so behind the curb in PvE damage that it is just silly, while any buffs to it's single target will make it even more OP in PvP. And the entire reason for that discrepancy is Dot spread.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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The range of the dots isn't the problem, smash to spread them is it. Death field is much better in this area, better radius, by far more reach, more unmitigated damage with a self heal and adding damage. But classes should be different!


"Increases the critical strike damage of bleed effects by ..... ............. Tataaaaaaa 5 !!!!!! Percent" ... Yeah don't know what the devs were thinking


See I think that you like many people have become lost within the dot spread craze. If anything marauders are outside of the focus spec a high single target damage class. Advocating for dot spread is and will only make the watchman spec a crappy shadow of the hatred assasin.


People tend to lose track that the watchman spec is a single target ramp up specialization. Meaning the longer one stays on target the higher the sustained damage will be. Which why its better to advocate for better dot damage boosting talents. This would actually make the watchman a threat in pvp and also higher sustained damage class.


Think about it. This would allow one to bring a large amount of single target pressure to the table and would be fitting to be the highest sustained damaging spec in the game. Because leta be real. If you allow someone 30 seconds to beat on you as a watchman you deserve to have a large amount of pressure placed on you and your healer through single target damage.


The smash dot spread for the watchman spec appears to just be a tool to help with trash mobs. So making dot spread a large part of the watchman kit would make it a simple shadow of the hatred sins we hate so much.

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See I think that you like many people have become lost within the dot spread craze. If anything marauders are outside of the focus spec a high single target damage class. Advocating for dot spread is and will only make the watchman spec a crappy shadow of the hatred assasin.


its already a crappy rip off of madness assasins, that ship has already sailed. so give us a dot spreader than crits 7k instead of 2k-3k... :rak_04:

The dot spread is pretty powerful in pvp already for "pressure" or some may say "number padding" it puts 2 dots on everyone however it falls behind the other classes due to the initial ability not hitting as hard.

Edited by AngusFTW
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On DoT spreads:

I'm looking at all these complaints about DoT spreads being bad and laughing.


You know how I DoT spread as a VG? I use my SINGLE TARGET DoTs on the new target!


I DONT GET DOT SPREADS /flips table.


On Watchman/Annihilation having 'limited' DoT boosts in the tree:


There is:

+5% surge

+12% crit rate

20% chance of +100% DST/TST damage from DoTs

20% chance of +1 Rage/Focus

DoTs cause +5% damage reduction

Crits on bleeding/burning targets generate 1 rage/focus

DoT spread.


Thats like half your discipline talents.

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Twin saber throw spreading dots would be a great idea, would mean the smash damage being less then other specs wouldn't matter so much, spreading your dots up to potential 30 meter targets. It should work with deadly saber :p that would be a good dot spread.
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