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Darth Traya's Alignment quotes


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Just because an author does not know that such an ability has precedence does not mean the ability lacks precedence.


No, it means the author wanted to express Revan can do it whenever, hence the numerous statements in both emails and in the novel saying he can draw off both at the same time for strength. :rolleyes:

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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No, it means the author wanted to express Revan can do it whenever, hence the numerous statements in both emails and in the novel saying he can draw off both at the same time for strength. :rolleyes:


Look at the edit.... Its basically the idea of the Potentium. or even this http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gray_Jedi technically using both has been done by all kinds of other characters before, one that pops into my head off the bat is Kyle Katarn.

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I'm sure some do... you aren't among those.


Dont pretend to know me, I wont pretend to know you. Deal, I would prefer not to get into a measuring contest of "who's academic skills are greater then who's".


Suffice to say there are multiple ways to interpret works of fiction. Both in their meaning, their intent, and in their greater meaning or symbolic nature of how they reflect on human nature as a whole, or even author's intended message, or even when the message is not intended whether or not it is still present. The author's intended message is rarely the only message, nor is it always the most profound or most important. You have interpreted it your way, I have interpreted my way, neither is inherently wrong.

Edited by tunewalker
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For the current position I am in, I am in the highest courses with the highest grades pretty much possible without devoting all my free time to complete and utter devotion of studying.


Good for you and what ever that "current position" may be, or what ever it is you mean by "Highest grades possible with out devoting time to studying"

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LMFAO saying he was in Oneness... when asked about that, Drew said he didn't even know what Oneness was.

We see Revan use both sides of the Force during the first duration of the Foundry, which was pretty cool. Also:

"He had learned to balance on the knife-edge between them, drawing on both the light and dark sides for strength."

Drew's ignorance on how the Star Wars Universe works is common knowledge. I fail to see your point.


The fact remains that the capability to wield light and dark simultaneously is beyond mortal comprehension and in the history of mythos only through a moment of Oneness, when one achieves a heightened union with the Force, can one combine light and dark together. It is quite obvious that this is what Revan was experiencing, considering the amount of pressure he was under, the moment of epiphany and more importantly the fact he has never replicated it since.


Other references to Revan using light and dark do not count in this respect. As Selenial said using both sides of the Force simultaneously and using them intermittently are two different things. It is possible for a Force User to one moment be in a state of calm and draw on the light, and in the next be in a state of anger and draw on the dark.


There are many Force Users throughout mythos that has done this, including Revan, maybe Jolee Bindo, Anakin Skywalker and Traya, however its a slippery slope and only through arrogance and naivety can one assume one can maintain neutrality. The dark side will always remain the dominant trait and always inevitably consume its user. And the possibility to remain perfectly balanced between the two poles just doesn't exist, nor did Revan achieve it.


Using dark and light intermittently, even in equal amounts, does not result in balance, they do not cancel each other out unless they are totally combined i.e. used simultaneously, as a result everyone has either a light or dark alignment.


Revan is predominantly light-sided in his alignment and is always struggling to repress his dark side trait. In KOTOR he is redeemed and becomes a Jedi, wholly dedicated to the light side of the Force, and its only when he regains his lost memories does the dark side trait reemerge. Then we have the Foundry were Revan claims that he is a Jedi, that he was redeemed and that the Jedi returned him to the light. Intially using light sided powers in the fight before again giving in to the dark side. And then we have SoR, which is basically about Revan trying to put a stop to his dark half.


Revan was always struggling to control and overcome his dark side, he did not achieve any semblance of balance. And indeed the very same Shadow of Revan expansion brings the supposed certainty that he did into question:

Some of the most knowledgeable authorities in the ways of the Force believe that it is right to call Revan a Jedi Knight and it is also right to refer to him as Dark Lord of the Sith. They contend that simultaneously knowing and embracing both the light and dark sides of the Force is possible, and point to Revan as potential proof. However, many of these same authorities also believe that such divided adherence would lead unquestionably to madness.


--Taken from Two Revans, SWTOR Codex

Considering Revan has gone insane what twice now? I'd say the latter party is correct.


In regards to Traya, she is effectively the reverse of Revan. She was predominately dark sided, and dabbled in the light. However as I said the dark side is always the dominant trait, and it is quite obvious that since her fall on Malachor V that Traya has been corrupted by the dark side, and despite her ability to wield the light, remains corrupted.


The fact that Traya managed to form a Force bond with a light sided Jedi suggests that after her fall from grace and abadonment of the Sith Order, Traya drew closer to the light, which one would imagine would be a side effect both of being stripped of the Force (and basically having the dials reset to zero) and being influenced by a powerful light sider.


But it is again quite obvious that the dark trait remained, Traya used dark sided powers frequently, and it is eventually revealed that she has failed to recover from her extensive dark side corruption. Again the dark side is the dominant trait, and given that Traya made little effort to repress it, I would say that her alignment was far from neutral. And a taint, however small, would have to have been concealed from the Exile in the way that Nova suggested.


Indeed, let us not forget the confrontation between Traya and Visas Marr:

"And so you wait, as a shadow."


"Yes, we are alike that way, blinded one."


"I would have thought you would walk with her amongst the Jedi. But that is not the way of the Sith, is it?"


[Force chokes Visas]


"Do not speak to me of the ways of the Sith. You of all of us have no conception of what it means to be Sith."

Let us also not forget that through the Force Traya's aura is perceived by Visas as

And let us also not forget how readily the Jedi Masters decide she is a threat, and attempt to destroy her, because they perceive the dark side. Bao-Dur also claims that she is harming the Exile with her presence, and Atris immediately accuses her of being a Sith.


There is also Mical's confrontation with Traya in which he remarks:


I know you - not even the markings of the dark side can hide it. Why have you done this?

I realise that your created this thread hoping for support for your argument, but unfortunately Nova is correct.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Traya may not be a Dark Side worshiper and fanatic the way the sith from Bane's line are,but she is certainly not neutral and due to her world views she is more in tune with the Dark Side than anything else.



For the current position I am in, I am in the highest courses with the highest grades pretty much possible without devoting all my free time to complete and utter devotion of studying.

cool story bro

Edited by Kaedusz
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