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No forum love for concentration/fury?


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The "new" concentration spec seems to my untrained eye as very viable with the addition of the two new single target skills, but most of the conversations here are regarding combat and watchman. What is it about this discipline that makes it less appealing?
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The "new" concentration spec seems to my untrained eye as very viable with the addition of the two new single target skills, but most of the conversations here are regarding combat and watchman. What is it about this discipline that makes it less appealing?


Primarily that from a PvP perspective guardian/juggernaut does the same thing with better defensive cooldowns. It is rather viable though as it has better anti-kiting tools that are unique to the discipline, and it has better base mitigation.

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Primarily that from a PvP perspective guardian/juggernaut does the same thing with better defensive cooldowns. It is rather viable though as it has better anti-kiting tools that are unique to the discipline, and it has better base mitigation.


Still it is as worthless as any Sent in PvP :D

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The "new" concentration spec seems to my untrained eye as very viable with the addition of the two new single target skills, but most of the conversations here are regarding combat and watchman. What is it about this discipline that makes it less appealing?


Jugg can do the same, easier with no need for fury and no worry for rage. Enrage is such a great skill with that spec. You start almost every fight with full rage and end with full rage...


While having heavy armor, force push for another auto crit smash/burst, hydraulic overrides = endure pain, enraged defense = second life, saber reflect = third life and the same **** a marauder has too, intimidating roar, saber Ward, all but cloak of pain and dying rage


Better utilities to choose from too.


Hard choice.

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That makes sense, but what about compared to the other sentinel specs? Is this just a pvp spec or is it viable for endgame PVE?


For endgame PvE I guess it must be carnage or annihilation, probably carnage.


Fury is good for leveling. Though, still in a big shadow of a jugg.


When you play all classes, it's depressing playing marauder. Not because it is boring or not fun, it's that you recognize you have to play better and still underperform. Of course, you realize it more in PvP than PvE.

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That makes sense, but what about compared to the other sentinel specs? Is this just a pvp spec or is it viable for endgame PVE?


It is viable, but like the Sent in general.....for most fights you would take any other Melee DPS over a Sent......yes, even a Scoundrel DPS ;)


You will notice how ****** Sent becomes compared to other classes when you venture into Hard Mode ;)

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re PvE: not sure about the numbers, but can anyone imagine using this mind-numbing style-less rotation for an entire evening in an ops? Personally, I would go crazy.


You talking about Combat/Carnage? Spam some Blade Rush/Massacre!


Concentration/Fury is actually a much more robust rotation than it used to be. You have options of single target vs. AoE. You can burn both charges right away to get a big opener (maybe not so good in PvE). You want to line up your sunders with your auto-crits to get the most out of Concentrated Strike/Furious Strike and Masterstrike/Ravage.


It's a pretty massive and modular rotation now.

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This spec is just as viable as the others, and if it weren't for the alacrity increase from Carnage / Combat or off-healing from Annihilation, I would say is better than the latter..


The rotation can take some getting used to, but once in the swing, can put up some STAGGERING numbers, survivability is second to none and can usually push upwards of 1.8 to 2k dps in a regular warzone with an astounding 2k+ in arenas.


I'd assume the DPS transfers over as much more in PvE but nonetheless is very tanky, very bursty and in my opinion a wild card spec to the class if played correctly. :cool:

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Fury actually has higher overall DPS than Carnage (the devs said it themselves) and has some damn crazy burst. Have to say that Carnage was my preferred spec for 2.X, but I hated the 3.0 changes. Loving how they made Rage into a single target spec. After doing a bit of parsing on my Juggernaut spec'd to Rage and my Fury Marauder, I have to say there's a HUGE difference in damage output... You gain survivability and more utility with the former, but sacrifice high DPS for that.


In response to the spec being "boring", I have to disagree. Although the spec's ability priorities are much simpler than the other specs, I still haven't found myself wanting to switch spec during an operation, flashpoint or dailies.


I have to agree with the OP in that there's not enough love for this spec...

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While this "tree" does a nice Dummy-DPS it has one real problem in PvE:

If you want (or have) to use Predation you can only do this if your frenzy is ready. Otherwise your Damage is gone. You run out of rage and can do...nothing. Try on the Dummy one complete rotation without popping Berserk.


Thats the reason why i don´t play it. It´s bad for your Raid-Group

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Concentration feels so week AOE wise compared to pre 3.0. Their attempt at giving it more single target dps ability really watered down it's great AOE. Unless I am doing something wrong, the hardest aoe for the jedi knights is now the vigilent smash move from Guardians, which is ironic (to me) because Vigilence was a single target DoT originally and now is overall the most versatile with a solid smash aoe with DoT spreading and high dot rotation managed by a simple rotation. Edited by undiess
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I like the Annihilation tree, mostly because I find marauder annoyingly squishy.

any tree I used except anni had me lose health like psycho...


on anni with spread dots the self heals and group heals are amazing and makes this class a good one.

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