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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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We better get compensated or basically what bioware is telling all its subs is hey we dont care if you leave there will be more suckers to pay for our broken game......bye.......cya when we add more bugs i mean ops in a year!


Play or don't play = your options as a player.


IF the servers were down day after day, I would agree with you.... and I am sure Bioware would as well.


If they were unplayable all day long, day after day, I would agree with you. But they are not.


But they are not. The only time I find the ability lag to be too tedious to contend with is during prime time local server time. And yes, I understand that it is worse in some content then others... so... I mostly avoid that content until they get ability lag squashed (yet again).


They gave those of us that stuck with them and played through the launch issues ----> a free month in 2011 after the rocky first few months while they worked to stabilize the game after launch (not that it was unstable per se.. but that it had many issues that they wanted fixed. So, maybe we get some free time... but don't hold your breath, and NO you are NOT entitled to it... no matter what you say or what accusations you make against Bioware.

Edited by Andryah
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Nice to see a dev post to calm things down.




"Players only complain because the devs never visit the forums to acknowledge that there is a problem or update us about what's being done. If only they would do that, people would stop complaining so much."


Yep, if a dev were to pop in and post something to at least acknowledge that they heard the complaints, it would calm everyone down and there wouldn't be all these arguments and complaints being thrown around on the forums. Yep.

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We better get compensated or basically what bioware is telling all its subs is hey we dont care if you leave there will be more suckers to pay for our broken game......bye.......cya when we add more bugs i mean ops in a year!


What colour is the sky in your world?

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"Players only complain because the devs never visit the forums to acknowledge that there is a problem or update us about what's being done. If only they would do that, people would stop complaining so much."


Yep, if a dev were to pop in and post something to at least acknowledge that they heard the complaints, it would calm everyone down and there wouldn't be all these arguments and complaints being thrown around on the forums. Yep.


Hehe... I see what you are doing here. :D


You also happen to be 100% right too. :cool:

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Well, this exploded far more than I thought it would...


The intent of the original post was to attempt (somewhat successfully I think) to express to "the powers that be" that the patience of the average gamer had been reached and often surpassed in regards to the ability delay bug. It was also intended to express my opinion that releasing something like the SoR expansion that close to the holiday season was a "bad idea".


I'm going to ignore the fact that the Dev response was, in reality, a non-response that said nothing while promising the same things promised in previous posts. I understand that maybe the Community rep might not have the needed info and that there may be a number of important people on vacation during the holiday season. But as an employee of an international, multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 company I also know that were I to ever ignore a problem that may affect customer numbers or satisfaction because it's the holiday season I'd be out the door on my backside even if I am little more than a small cog in an otherwise massive piece of machinery.


I doubt there is any way to truly know how many, if any, customers were lost because of the playability issues we've had since SoR dropped. I can say for myself that had I not already had an investment in the game I would have moved on, since my investment has more to do with the people I play with than the game I play. It makes me wonder how many people came, saw and turned tail as soon as they realized that nothing was being done to remove the frustration this issue brings to the game.


No, it isn't game breaking. If you have the patience you can do most things. I read the responses where people aren't doing the things that the ability delay makes difficult and I actually laughed. How loyal do you have to be to a game to be able to justify not playing portions of it? It would be like buying a sports car and finding the engine is broken and being glad it looks good in your driveway simply because it is a Ferrari.


EA/BW seems to have a problem understanding that it isn't those of us who are passionate enough to post regularly on the forums that they should be courting as customers. Our very passion makes us as guaranteed a player base as they can expect. It's the people that join the game when an expansion drops that are a MMO's greatest chance at growing their player base and leaving issues unresolved for a month just because it is the holiday season is bad business.


Face it. Most workers are lucky to get a half day on Christmas Eve and all of Christmas day off. If you plan vacation time accordingly, you might be lucky enough to get that entire week off. I'm lucky enough that our maintenance cycle gives me 8 to 14 days off at the end of December...but I've also worked straight through the holiday season when business demands required it.


If EA/BW can not or will not fix issues that affect their bottom line because of the holiday season, then they need to stop releasing major content so close to those holiday seasons in order to ensure they have the time they need to diagnose and fix the issues. It is as simple as that, really.

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Hehe... I see what you are doing here. :D


You also happen to be 100% right too. :cool:


I firmly believe that if BW sent every player in the US a $100 bill the reaction on the forums would be something like:


"Why did I only get one $100 bill? I have six toons, I should get $600!"


"I don't like the color."


"Who put Ben Franklin on the $100 bill? It should be someone important, like a president!"


"Thanks for the $100 BW!"


"Oh, look at the fanboy kissing BW's butts, did they send you another $100 for that?"


"There's a smudge in the corner of my $100 bill, send another."


"This was a waste of my time, I spend more than this on the game in a week! $1000 would be a good start."


Etc, plus appropriate comments for other countries/currencies.


It's a lose/lose situation, whether they engage with the forums or not people will still complain about every decision they make. In a game with 100,000 to millions of players, only a tiny percentage read the forums anyway, so it's a better use of resources to discuss problems and solutions internally than to constantly post updates on the forums and spend most their time putting out fires.

Edited by Tolunart
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Well if they dont do anything to fix this then this game future will be brief. I dont know who will pay montly sub and lose nerves when actually try to play.


If this cant be fixed then maybe it is better to close game. Make some patching and make it single player game. I dont know if this is even doable, I am not into programming and IT. I just wanted to have fun with my favorite franchise now, when I have time but I just cant play with skill delay ~5 seconds.

Edited by sakica
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Well if they dont do anything to fix this then this game future will be brief. I dont know who will pay montly sub and lose nerves when actually try to play.


If this cant be fixed then maybe it is better to close game. Make some patching and make it single player game. I dont know if this is even doable, I am not into programming and IT. I just wanted to have fun with my favorite franchise now, when I have time but I just cant play with skill delay ~5 seconds.



Close the game? Not sure if serious.

Edited by Arkerus
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I know some people criticized me but hear me out .....say you have netflix and the stream is slow would you be content and say hey thats a feature i want ......and think about it this way swtor is one of the highest grossing mmo's out atm and that is thanks to the subs and people that buy from the cartel market now a bug that starts your animations and wastes a global cool down may not seem like much but imagine you are healing a difficult op and you hit your channeled heal and it bugs your (usually both healers are affected from my experience) and the tank dies ....guess who gets blamed.....and as one of the highest grossing mmos I think that is unacceptable that it isn't fixed for a month especially when there are other mmos that do fix these game breaking issues quite quickly because how they adversely affect the game play and they dont even make as much .......i should clarify i do like swtor its a beautiful game but you cant release a broken expansion the go on break and do nothing for a month that's just .........neglectful. Also thats not mentioning the ridiculous almost unplayable lag on yavin...... Edited by WingCero
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I have no doubt that it will eventually be fixed, but I'm reminded of the old saying "closing the barn door after the cows get out".


Every major addition to an MMO has issues. I doubt that this will ever change. What needs to change is the blase attitude that developers seem to have towards these issues. The days of a MMO being able to rest on its laurels are long gone. Today's gamers have far too many options available to them for game developers to believe they can expect their game to weather adverse issues without losing players and thereby losing revenue.


MMO developers need to ensure they will have the ability to quickly isolate and repair issues like the ability delay bug and if that means they go live with an expansion in early November to give themselves time to do so without hitting the holiday season then they need to do so. Otherwise, players who may have otherwise stayed and played the game through a traditional holiday time period where they have extra time to do so will instead do something else that isn't frustrating and "not fun".


Money makes the world go 'round. Especially a MMO world. Without money to fuel a game's growth it will stagnate and die. The opportunity to bring more revenue into a MMO should receive more care than the SoR expansion did. From appearances, the time constraints due to the holiday season have lengthened the life of this bug (as well as others) and destroyed a prime opportunity to grow the player base.

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Love the 'Tommy Boy' explanation from Musco.



Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.


Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.


Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.


Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.


Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?


[chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]


Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?


Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.


Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?


Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of ****. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.


Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.

Edited by JiggerDo
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I firmly believe that if BW sent every player in the US a $100 bill the reaction on the forums would be something like:


"Why did I only get one $100 bill? I have six toons, I should get $600!"


"I don't like the color."


"Who put Ben Franklin on the $100 bill? It should be someone important, like a president!"


"Thanks for the $100 BW!"


"Oh, look at the fanboy kissing BW's butts, did they send you another $100 for that?"


"There's a smudge in the corner of my $100 bill, send another."


"This was a waste of my time, I spend more than this on the game in a week! $1000 would be a good start."


Etc, plus appropriate comments for other countries/currencies.


It's a lose/lose situation, whether they engage with the forums or not people will still complain about every decision they make. In a game with 100,000 to millions of players, only a tiny percentage read the forums anyway, so it's a better use of resources to discuss problems and solutions internally than to constantly post updates on the forums and spend most their time putting out fires.


^^ Indeed. :)


Sad, but it is what it is with players these days.

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Would be nice to see this resolved. Opening cargo is worse, waiting for abilities to fire and then lag spike and you or the target is dead in a flicker.


Yeah, I have more lag in my Stronghold usually then out on a planet somewhere. In fact, I log a character into my stronghold first thing to check on the state of server transaction lag.


If it's terribad in the stronghold, then I don't bother trying to play out on a planet somewhere. I just switch to a different server and do a rinse and repeat.

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I would like to see more patience from folks on this issue. Naturally that is not a demand, everyone has a right to set their own expectations and limits.


Lets give them until the end of January. If the main issue is not resolved by then, I will join with others in expressing frustration over the persistence of this issue.


I am not upset, even though I have problems in Makeb but I am willing to be patient. Though a lot of people say people don't have two weeks or longer off for the holidays that is not entirely true. I know a lot of people that have the holidays off and they have it off every year.


There are even beauty shops, fast food places and restaurants that have been closed since the 9th of December that will reopen on Monday.

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I am not upset, even though I have problems in Makeb but I am willing to be patient. Though a lot of people say people don't have two weeks or longer off for the holidays that is not entirely true. I know a lot of people that have the holidays off and they have it off every year.


There are even beauty shops, fast food places and restaurants that have been closed since the 9th of December that will reopen on Monday.


Well, I am willing to bet that Bioware appreciates your patience.

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Here's the thing about why it aggravates me so much...

With a game that trys to squeeze every little cent out of it's players from every minute option, and I'm not just referring to the FTP or Preferred status players because there is a long list of features this game charges real money way of cartel coins for subscribers to add to it, having such awful and obvious server issues going on for so long is a huge slap in the face.


Oh and in case anyone is wondering... I've been subbing.


To me it's like saying "We really don't give a flying F*** we just want your money to keep rolling in"


I've played 10-12 MMO's over the span of like 10 years and there hasn't' been a single one that has even come close with the server performance issuses that SWTOR is showing over this past month. The other games If there was a problem it was fixed in either that day or within a couple of days.


Hell when I used to play games using a dial up modem it was smoother than what we been seeing lately and from what I understand there hasn't even been any statement that they are addressing or looking into it.

Edited by ZmanXO
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