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Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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Oh? you think you know everything about game development? Well you don't have slightest clue. there's many factors that can cause issues and they just can't fix something that quick.


Ok, they had 4 week AFTER launch (Yesterday was exactly 1 month since they started that), around 4 month since they started PTS testing (Private access was SOOO nice idea btw. Even RotH was not so bugged). If we forget that the story completely the same for both sides (Which very strange, because it happening for both side in the same time) except some dialog, this "expansion" in terms of story more look like prelude to some real story, rather than real expansion.

I don't know anything about HOW (That about game development) they add so many bugs, the only thing that I want from them FAST fix. If believe statistics SWTOR getting REALY good money from player and I think Bioware/EA can allow themself to have development team that can not add bug, but also realy fix problem that cause bug (Or hire/extends the testing team that will test each corner in every new patch). And not trying to fix bug with some "crutches" (Like they already did, when they decreased amount of people in one instance.

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Well most ppl probably dont pay anything here, or get their Money from Mom.

The Concept that WE PAY them for their Service seems forgotten.


I have to say, i dont know why i write anything here because theyre not going to read it anyways.

Now we have to wait for some "Information" till next Friday? :):)


Today i got my final Ticket response, i'm not going to get my GTC refunded sadly.

On the Day of my Ticket creation it had 59 Days of Playtime left and since then there was not one Day i could Play even 1 Lag Free KDY (and for the last few Days i just instantly log out again after casting a spell that takes 3seconds to get even aknowledged by the Server)...


THAT EMAIL.... also told me several Things i should do to fix my ABILITY DELAY/ LAG

1. I got confirmation that my Connection to the Servers is packet loss free and without any further Problems (Great, i already knew that, because i dont need anyone to look at the tracert's/ Dxdiags then myself...)


2. My GFX Drivers are up to date!!!!!! (wow thats news to me, thanks!)

3. I need to lower my Antialising Level to the lowest Setting and turn off Shadows. ( :rak_02: )

4. I need to turn off Bloom and enable V-Sync


Then, they hope it fixed my "DELAY" while Looting/ using Skills /everything....

For further Questions i should contact them again.


That was so funny, thank you :cool:


Well ofc it didnt fix anything, i still have 3-5seconds delay for almost anything in the game....

FOR EXAMPLE, i attack a damn Mob Group in KDY after 2 Seconds my AOE starts Channeling, and after 3 MORE SECONDS the Enemys finally take Damage... and while doing all that my Latency keeps at a steady 45 MS.


Maybe i need to play the Game with my Bluray Drive Open and a Toaster on my Back, that could help right?



I even transfered one charater to other server but then I didnt know of this ability delay problem. I asked them to transfer back that charater to original server and bioware space customer support answered same. They just copy/paste answers and closing tickets.

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The thing that concerns me is that they claim to still be trying to asses what the cause is when I've been yelling at them since day 1 what the causes are. YOUR COMPLEX ANIMATIONS DO NOT WORK WELL ON YOUR CURRENT GAME ENGINE. EITHER MAKE LESS COMPLEX ANIMATIONS OR REPLACE THE ENGINE, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE!! Edited by Rambeezy
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The thing that concerns me is that they claim to still be trying to asses what the cause is when I've been yelling at them since day 1 what the causes are. YOUR COMPLEX ANIMATIONS DO NOT WORK WELL ON YOUR CURRENT GAME ENGINE. EITHER MAKE LESS COMPLEX ANIMATIONS OR REPLACE THE ENGINE, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE!!


It annoys me to no end when people think you can just replace a game engine.

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Oh, so that's what's going on. Just resubbed, tried to play my old Inquisitor on Hoth, and got wrecked by pretty much every mob because I couldn't hit them. (especially with abilities like maul..)

Ping is below 40, must be a server side issue.


This is not good. Hope it won't stay this way :x

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i'm not sure the difference between this post and silence is


its shows complete lack of regard for customers, not to mention a step backward since the first comment was about implemnting fixes and this one was "hey we dont know what it is after not commenting for over 2 weeks but good luck have fun"


Well true but what is one person, namely Eric here supposed to do.


He can`t do **** if their team is apparently so small and the engine is such a pain in the *** that there is no fix for it. Additionally we have no idea how the rest of the team is, could be most people and programmers are imcompetent idiots like in most companies nowadays. Or they could all be awesome but with an engine like that....nothing can be done apparently.

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First off, Happy New Years everyone! I apologize if you feel a lack of communication around this issue. Unfortunately, I haven't provided much since I do not have a status update as of yet.


Here is what I can tell you. We definitely have not forgotten about this and the team is still assessing what the cause is, and how we can begin to address it. What I am going to do is to work with the team to get a status update with as much detail as I can, by next Friday (although hopefully before then!).


Thank you again for your continued patience. We know that dealing with these issues isn't the best experience and we will get them addressed as soon as we can!




no need to apologize eric. it was the holidays. I don't think anyone was seriously expecting any news on that front for the last two weeks. certinly no one reasonable

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lol no its not "still there" it "came back" you effectively missed the 2 years ( not counting the month or so after hutt cartel) where it was practically for all intents and purposes GONE.


To me, if it was there when I left and it's there when I return, then it never went away. Since I have seen reports from others that it has never gone away, then I am forced to assume the worst. I hope you're right though and that this issue gets fixed soon.

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Rollback the expansion !! :p


3.0.1 patch notes :

"Updated the population limits for Rishi, Yavin 4, and the SOLO-Mode Flashpoints in order to address performance issues." - I'm guessing it didn't do the trick :)

* But what about the rest of the game ? There are tons of people leveling or trying to, myself included ?


Where there back-end changes ( hardware/hosting ) in parallel with the expansion launch :rak_02:

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Well, for me personally it existed since launch, but was worse at times, better at times.


The overall state of the game, ability trigger wise, has never been up to par with most other games in the industry IMO. Generally speaking, abilities are clunky in this game as far as execution goes. But that clunky feeling did abate a bit for a while...and has now returned ten fold.


I am shocked when I log into other games in the industry, arguably the competitors for this game and witness how responsive they are to keyboard or mouse input. Even LotRO tends to have better responsiveness overall, though that game also suffers from a certain amount of clunk.


it is actually a testament to this game, IMO that it remains one of the most popular games in the market despite it's shortcomings.

Edited by LordArtemis
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First off, Happy New Years everyone! I apologize if you feel a lack of communication around this issue. Unfortunately, I haven't provided much since I do not have a status update as of yet.


Here is what I can tell you. We definitely have not forgotten about this and the team is still assessing what the cause is, and how we can begin to address it. What I am going to do is to work with the team to get a status update with as much detail as I can, by next Friday (although hopefully before then!).


Thank you again for your continued patience. We know that dealing with these issues isn't the best experience and we will get them addressed as soon as we can!




Thank you for reaching out to us. It's been most frustrating as a player - not just the bag lag, but the lack of communication (holiday notwithstanding) , so this means a lot to read. I hope you and yours are well and that the holidays have afforded you and the team some likely much-needed rest :)

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You know who spends 2 weeks with their family over the holidays? Kids. Who the hell else spends 2+ weeks with their family?!



you know who throws temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way no matter what inconveniance it might be for anyone else?




fact is that the SW:TOR devs have ALWAYs been more or less inactive during the christmas and new years week. and this has always delayed things. we NEVER get a patch during the mid december to mid january period.

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you know who throws temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way no matter what inconveniance it might be for anyone else?




fact is that the SW:TOR devs have ALWAYs been more or less inactive during the christmas and new years week. and this has always delayed things. we NEVER get a patch during the mid december to mid january period.


I don't know anyone who gets 4 weeks of holidays at this time of the year.


Ah, the "entitled" argument. For when the apologists have nothing better to say in defense.

Edited by oJebuso
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I don't know anyone who gets 4 weeks of holidays at this time of the year.


In all fairness, yes you do. The Bioware dev team for SWTOR seems to get exactly that.


Personally, I'm fine with it. But folks have to admit that having a bug or equipment issue like this during the holiday season is not exactly putting the best face forward for SWTOR, especially considering the new expansion just launched.


It's pretty unlucky timing IMO. Lots of folks have returned to the game I imagine after a long hiatus, only to find this kind of an issue. Not exactly your best foot forward.

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no need to apologize eric. it was the holidays. I don't think anyone was seriously expecting any news on that front for the last two weeks. certinly no one reasonable


Are you joking, This has been problem sense the release and company that gave a **** would have been updating there customers daily not after 4 *********** weeks of silence.


Get over yourself

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Are you joking, This has been problem sense the release and company that gave a **** would have been updating there customers daily not after 4 *********** weeks of silence.


Get over yourself


If your trying to demonstrate reason as a counter to the point made, you are not accomplishing that goal with this post IMO.

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Are you joking, This has been problem sense the release and company that gave a **** would have been updating there customers daily not after 4 *********** weeks of silence.


Get over yourself



no a company would not have been, seriously what would you expect "hni, we're working on it... still working on it. ohh hey we;'re on vacation for the next two weeks, christmas... ohh hey no progress this week, tony and allen are still on vacation. they put in a lot of overtime and had banked vacation days" I'm not the one acting like an entitled little child demanding daily updates and patches made over christmas. Get over yourself. cause what I'm seeing right now are a buncha babies crying that BW hasn;t deplyoed a patch during a time that anyone whose been playing this game at any length of time would know... they don't generally patch. we're not likely to see a patch before the middle of the month guys. why? cause thats what happens all the time at this time of year

Edited by BrianDavion
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I've said it elsewhere but since this is the only post that got any attention i'll repeat it here. I have about 15 days left on my account now, if I don't get a free month to replace the one THEY wasted, i'm done. Sure hope NOONE here manages to sneak into a job at City State, I still have some hope for that game
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I've said it elsewhere but since this is the only post that got any attention i'll repeat it here. I have about 15 days left on my account now, if I don't get a free month to replace the one THEY wasted, i'm done. Sure hope NOONE here manages to sneak into a job at City State, I still have some hope for that game


I don't think you should expect that free month...

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Are you joking, This has been problem sense the release and company that gave a **** would have been updating there customers daily not after 4 *********** weeks of silence.


Get over yourself


No matter how egregious the blunder Bioware makes, they will always have people there to wipe their ***... That is just a fact...

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