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10 Good
  1. Eric, I like you a lot man, but I can't resist at least poking a bit of fun: BRO DO YOU EVEN BACKUP? I mean, really. No way to like... run a data migration? To archive / back up current threads, revert a few hours, then re-apply new posts? This... this stuff isn't that hard?!?! I'm a finger-painting filmmaker / graphic designer who just through proximity and osmosis has heard enough about how "that there database server thingy" works to know that it's usually doable (if remotely decent / standard practices are followed). I think I have more backups of pictures of my cats than that... That thread was invaluable - as a tank, I've learned SO MUCH and use it as a reference, weekly. It'd be a shame to see such a valuable contribution to our community lost forever (and I'm sure it wasn't the only gem deleted).
  2. Oh, and those facing Cortanni issues, a "Work around" we found was this: 1 tank on her, 1 on bird. No tank swap, simply re-taunt the bird back after the agro dump. Tank on bird's job is to move the bird when she jumps, to separate them and aim the conal away. DPS attack only the bird until it is at 30% health. Then switch to Cortanni, push her to ~19% where she will leave. Then everyone STACK on the bird (so it doesn't jump around) and burn it. Doing this avoids having to deal with fire / blue circles during the later part of this fight (they stop once she jumps to the pod), and if your DPS is really on the money, you will get zero or maybe one set of deck guns. This has worked reliably 100% of our runs (all 1-shots) for several weeks now, after figuring it out week 1. That's 8m SM, I cannot speak for other modes.
  3. Yep, it's still broken. In fact I would say it's broken far worse than before. It was imminently clearable before, maybe not a guaranteed 1-shot each time due to bad RNG (like we'd lose 3 people who on their screen were 10+ meters from a rock fall circle LOL) but we could beat it every night and go 5/5 Imp and Pub side (Shadowlands). Now? It's damn near impossible no matter whether you all stack, DPS stack and tank separate, stack on adds, stack behind rock, don't stack at all and run around like chickens with your head cut off. It's just plain f'd now.
  4. About the only thing I agree with OP (who is a bundle of sticks) on is listening to people gripe about "boo hoo Temple of Shadows is hard" and nerfing the 2nd boss. That was a SUPER FUN FIGHT to tank even if it was, you know, kind of hard. Operations should be hard, not just "lets all beat the loot piñata until it vomits set pieces" like Nefra, Who Drops the Comms (or did until today).
  5. Please fix this, I didn't roll a BH to have rocket boots on that toon LOL
  6. I don't think they are mutually exclusive (to an extent). Having someone run database queries against a set criteria, filtering it, then applying a boolean (banned, yes no) - and possibly a datetime (UTC, banned until) to the next data migration would probably take a few hours, tops, if not mere minutes. The rest of it is managerial decision making (setting up what those criteria are), not dev time. That said, I do agree with their prioritization - fix the exploit, then deal with consequences later, thus also allowing them to prioritize other bugs/fixes/lag in the mean time. It will be interesting to see what comes of this.
  7. That is your CPU and GPU, not the server.
  8. While I can appreciate that, I'd happily trade spending weeks/months on comms and tokens and crafting to gear all of my companions vs something as convenient as this. Nobody is forcing you to get them, and for the rest of us, it's a nice QoL thing. Thanks devs!
  9. Sure the devs are aware but just to add my $.02, we wiped a few times in ToS (Underlurker, which has/had its own bugs to boot - we've downed it but it takes the right combo of RNG and no lag) because the delays caused people to die (on their screens they were 10m+ away from things like red circles, or as a tank, I'd hit the same ability 4-5 times and see it never go off, only to "catch up" and be dead). Edit: and it makes playing a burst DPS class miserable. Lag means no attacks go out during some Gore windows or that you miss procs on a Marksman sniper etc. Also, to be clear, I'm not on a potato, hardwired ethernet at 50x5 with ~35-40ms typical ping, i7 at 4.4Ghz with a water cooled GTX 780, solid 60FPS almost all day long.
  10. Thanks a lot for the updates, hope to see more fixes in place soon, keep up the good work (both dev wise and communicating).
  11. Thank you for reaching out to us. It's been most frustrating as a player - not just the bag lag, but the lack of communication (holiday notwithstanding) , so this means a lot to read. I hope you and yours are well and that the holidays have afforded you and the team some likely much-needed rest
  12. That is unfortunately the norm. Despite what I've seen as very positive efforts from their CM team here on the forums, it almost never extends to Twitter (the very place you'd think to look). It's too bad - some games like WildStar really get THAT aspect of transparency, openness and "over" communicating very right. I'm sure its a mix of resource availability, delegation or permission, and having a company like EA dangling Damocles Sword over you at all times...
  13. We all got kicked at the end of a Ravagers. Only some people got to loot. I hope to heck the token I traded in right before getting kicked doesn't get rolled back like a few Saturdays ago heh
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