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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Could we get a dye for the tertiary colour?


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  • 7 months later...

There are quite a few armor sets that have cloaks/robes and armor as well as armor with under layers that do are not part of the primary/secondary slots. A second dye slot could be added to all relevant items to cover tertiary/quaternary dye slots. This would not require any mods to the dyes themselves as they would slot in and apply as they do now.


Additionally, a number of armor sets have lights in them that show at various places. It is relatively common on the sides of heavy gloves and more than a few chestpieces (volatile shocktrooper, blade savant, etc) Ideally a slot should be added to allow a color crystal to be inserted to change the light color to that. Any stats on the crystal would be lost and only the color would apply. The unify colors would then allow the lights on other sections to match the lights on the chestpiece in the same manner as other colors.

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You don't mind, even a little, that the Rholan Dyre set has a blue undergarment that doesn't dye?


I think it ruins the look of using, for example, the rishii reputation chest with the rholan dyre pants since the chest would have white undergarments and the pants blue, which will take away the illusion of the set not being mixed. Makes it look a bit... clownish.


I tried to get those two sets to match too, it's a shame because they look really good together, I tore my hair out and gave up. It bothers me, and I support this!

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Is today a national day for thread necros or something?


I know the thread is a little old but at least still this year and the topic is still relevant despite the patches in between. And if you create a new post when there is an existing one that a simple search shows someone always whines about the search not being used :)


How old should a thread be before not posting in it and starting a new one?


Anyway, adding a tertiary/quaternary dye slot is potentially less effort then adding just a tertiary as the existing two color dyes will function with it without requiring too much rework. The light color suggestion is a bit more work but I think personally it would really add to a lot of the outfits.


It might be simplest to have a second dye slot on all items and split them so that the first affects metal/leather parts of the outfit and the second affects fabric, where relevant for the outfit. The only downside to this is that many of the complaints about dyeing outfits come from ones where there is a third color of the same element that will not dye, e.g. Mandalorian Hunter Armour (and many other Bounty Hunter sets for that matter). Ideally each armor set would have the extra slot set specifically to color the bits that do not currently color.

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