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Why not to play sentinel/marauder post 3.0 pvp


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Difference being.. a good marauder should now be able to thwart an assassin of any spec 1v1 if played correctly. It didn't used to be like that pre-3.0


I take down a mara on my sin without cd's all the time and every now and again on my mara I can take down a sin but it takes every cooldown i have.

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Civil War, of course is the great test case for this I think.


I often go cap snow, and end up facing a never ending barrage of assassins who invariably get to pick the start of the fight. Of course when they send only 1, I more often than not take it from them and cap. On the train of invis trying to reclaim it, I'm probably ahead a bit.


It's ridiculous to say "If I get to start the fight against an unwitting opponent _and_ I have all my cd's, then I take them down." Of course. If a Sent starts the fight and has all the cd's, there's few people 1vs1 who won't die at the Sent's hand.

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Civil War, of course is the great test case for this I think.


I often go cap snow, and end up facing a never ending barrage of assassins who invariably get to pick the start of the fight. Of course when they send only 1, I more often than not take it from them and cap. On the train of invis trying to reclaim it, I'm probably ahead a bit.


It's ridiculous to say "If I get to start the fight against an unwitting opponent _and_ I have all my cd's, then I take them down." Of course. If a Sent starts the fight and has all the cd's, there's few people 1vs1 who won't die at the Sent's hand.


And a good sin who opens you from stealth should win almost every time.... The example was 1v1 can we thwart sins now and that is just not true if the sin is good and nows what their doing. I can hurt them and sometimes get close to killing them, but if they are smart and know how to use their cds/be patient I will lose because they will do more dmg and heal more hp than I can with better DCDs/control.


Edit: this is mainly agains hatred/serenity against inf/dec I have had some pretty awesome 1v1 battles that are close. Lost some and won some, but a good hatred sin..... yea, good luck haha

Edited by calamatiesend
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Sin pops deflection and you can just hit him for less, no slows or stuns because he is immune, in pvp any sin who hasn't taken the immunity talent is just crazy. They open with a stun then another stun, if you can survive both stuns as a mara/sent then that is just a bad sin/shadow. If they can't kill you in 7 secs of stun then they don't deserve to.


Ofcourse we have a breaker but mine is always on cooldown.

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Ok, then don't break that root, accept all the damage for its duration from the ranged class that rooted you.


get rooted again, but don't break that either accept all damage or use force camo with utility that we should have to use in favor of much better ones.


Remember everyone don't use your cc break on root, just continually get rooted/ slowed until you die because you didn't want to use it on root only for a stun.


(Root is stun for this class)



Sorry for the melodramatic response. I'm trying to make the point that some of our root breaks should NOT come at the cost of other much better utilities. The force camo root break should be in the skill.(see assasin/shadow cloak)


Some of the Heroic Utilities should be in masterful or skillfull (see fleet footed, in its current version should be in skillfull imop. In masterful it should be unstoppable for it's duration against root/slow/sleep)


Which class has a second root? And as Stelios pointed out why would you use stun breaker on root? And he is a pretty damn good dps whore sentinel. Sentinels post 3.0 need some love for sure, but here is more of a l2p issue... if you are playing like this you would have been destroyed even on the glorious days of sentinels, even more so now.

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You forgot the auto bubble stun which saves the Knock back for another of your minimal cc breaks. Also, if they're good they aren't only running from MS they are stunning/rooting you then. After your transcendence they stun you, damage you, heal themselves, that stun wears off, stun you with instant force lift, and the list goes on and on and on...you die.


There's too much CC out there atm and sent/mara do not have enough "decent" root/snare breaks/immunity.


Sage/sorc has 2 roots with 3 stuns and slow plus force speed immunity. They have 5 ways to stop you with 3 of them not building your resolve bar. It's ridiculous. maybe sorc sage is the problem, however, with so many other classes having immunity, taking away from sages increases all the other classes power/freedom a lot. Adding 1 ability to give Sent/Mara immunity is a simple 1 class altering fix.


Fixing one by nerfing another is a really crappy way to approach a problem.


Yes a L2P issue and serious lack of knowledge of another class plus about mechanise and terminology (a stun is not a root). It is not 3.0 that you have problems, I am afraid to say you always had them.

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Which class has a second root? And as Stelios pointed out why would you use stun breaker on root? And he is a pretty damn good dps whore sentinel. Sentinels post 3.0 need some love for sure, but here is more of a l2p issue... if you are playing like this you would have been destroyed even on the glorious days of sentinels, even more so now.


Yes a L2P issue and serious lack of knowledge of another class plus about mechanise and terminology (a stun is not a root). It is not 3.0 that you have problems, I am afraid to say you always had them.


A sorc has 2 roots if he is hatred, you get one with one of the dots. It only roots once every 10secs but still counts as a second. I am not sure how the mez and stuns work from different disciplines though.

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A sorc has 2 roots if he is hatred, you get one with one of the dots. It only roots once every 10secs but still counts as a second. I am not sure how the mez and stuns work from different disciplines though.


Well hatred for start is sins, sorcs tree is madness and that dot root is only accessible to that tree (at a 9s timer) and not on middle tree. What is the first one? The kb one? This will break after 2s (you got to be uberlucky to get the full 5s root and my advice is your your camo on this one if the sorc is specced on it) as most likely you will have a dot on them, making it really less useful than other utilities (did I mention you have to sacrifice a utility point for this?), especially in general pvp. Mezzes are mezzes, they break on damage. You can take a utility that makes sorcs mezz (a 2s cast which results prob to full resolve) instant and a 2s stun if broken by damage, a utility that is uncommon again in normal pvp. The only cc that does not fill resolve is the dot root, all the others do. And mezzes in a madness sorc require excellent skill from the sorc to time them correctly and appropriately otherwise they are resolve fillers for no benefit. Under ling is even worse as target always and constantly is under a dot.

Edited by MusicRider
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Well hatred for start is sins, sorcs tree is madness and that dot root is only accessible to that tree (at a 9s timer) and not on middle tree. What is the first one? The kb one? This will break after 2s (you got to be uberlucky to get the full 5s root and my advice is your your camo on this one if the sorc is specced on it) as most likely you will have a dot on them, making it really less useful than other utilities (did I mention you have to sacrifice a utility point for this?), especially in general pvp. Mezzes are mezzes, they break on damage. You can take a utility that makes sorcs mezz (a 2s cast which results prob to full resolve) instant and a 2s stun if broken by damage, a utility that is uncommon again in normal pvp. The only cc that does not fill resolve is the dot root, all the others do. And mezzes in a madness sorc require excellent skill from the sorc to time them correctly and appropriately otherwise they are resolve fillers for no benefit. Under ling is even worse as target always and constantly is under a dot.


Sorry it is 9s your right. Sorry mixed up the names, I got a sage instead of a sorc so wasn't sure which one it was. The big thing is that they have a root, pushback with a root and immune force speed and a slow. We have leap & predation but by the time we get anywhere near them we are dead :/


Yes force camo is our best bet, it only breaks roots if talented and if not talented you just stand still receiving aoe damage for the duration because it has no immunity to anything. If you aoe a sent/mara in camo you can actually see the damage being done just cant see the player. I normally get aoe mezz and slow as soon as I camo anyway. makes no difference most of the time.

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