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Why not to play sentinel/marauder post 3.0 pvp


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Force camo(ONLY if Speccd and probably losing some other better utility).


Dead sentinel/usless sentinel

and by useless i mean most likely out of range, root=no resolve build so can be applied multiple times.

Multiple classes can cast more then 1 root/stun.




Switched to sage/merc/guardian/VG and am much happier in pvp.

Edited by Evanouss
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Force camo(ONLY if Speccd and probably losing some other better utility).


Dead sentinel/usless sentinel

and by useless i mean most likely out of range, root=no resolve build so can be applied multiple times.

Multiple classes can cast more then 1 root/stun.


That's your issue right there. Why on earth would you use stunbreaker for a root.


Not that sentinels are in the greatest of places right now, but for normal warzones they're perfectly fine.

Edited by Stealios
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Have to agree. I stopped playing mine because you get stunned every other second and I never ever have any problem standing my ground against them or escaping them when im playing other toons. Bioware needs to give them some sort of immunity once they have been stunned once or twice before.


Mara/Sents are supposed to be topnotch DPS-classes but the only time they can manage to do that is when your team is already roflstomping the opponents. So boring to play when you have to be in 4m range and be stunned 24/7 cutting your dps in more than half.

Edited by Sharkii_boy
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That's your issue right there. Why on earth would you use stunbreaker for a root.


Not that sentinels are in the greatest of places right now, but for normal warzones they're perfectly fine.


Ok, then don't break that root, accept all the damage for its duration from the ranged class that rooted you.


get rooted again, but don't break that either accept all damage or use force camo with utility that we should have to use in favor of much better ones.


Remember everyone don't use your cc break on root, just continually get rooted/ slowed until you die because you didn't want to use it on root only for a stun.


(Root is stun for this class)



Sorry for the melodramatic response. I'm trying to make the point that some of our root breaks should NOT come at the cost of other much better utilities. The force camo root break should be in the skill.(see assasin/shadow cloak)


Some of the Heroic Utilities should be in masterful or skillfull (see fleet footed, in its current version should be in skillfull imop. In masterful it should be unstoppable for it's duration against root/slow/sleep)

Edited by Evanouss
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I can't take you serious as long as you keep saying this.


Ok then, explain to me how you take down a well played sorc/mage that has 3 stuns , 2 roots and slow? On top of all the self heals, bubbles, and root/slow immunity from force speed?


I have yet to die against a single mara/sent in pvp since 3.0 on my sage. (excluding times where i was double/triple teamed.)


Again I'm being serious, trying not to be melodramatic Stealios. This is all assuming "SOLO" que not bringing perfect comps, not everyone has a bunch of friends that like to pvp and play heals tanks and perfected comps to wz's.

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That's your issue right there. Why on earth would you use stunbreaker for a root.


Not that sentinels are in the greatest of places right now, but for normal warzones they're perfectly fine.


lmao was thinking the same thing. I thought I was missing something.

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Force camo(ONLY if Speccd and probably losing some other better utility).


Dead sentinel/usless sentinel

and by useless i mean most likely out of range, root=no resolve build so can be applied multiple times.

Multiple classes can cast more then 1 root/stun.




Switched to sage/merc/guardian/VG and am much happier in pvp.


Spec fleet footed and you will be much happier with the sentinel. Sent is not in a great place right now as sins and ranged are overtuned generally, but I'm sure you could have done much better there.

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Ok, then don't break that root, accept all the damage for its duration from the ranged class that rooted you.


get rooted again, but don't break that either accept all damage or use force camo with utility that we should have to use in favor of much better ones.


Remember everyone don't use your cc break on root, just continually get rooted/ slowed until you die because you didn't want to use it on root only for a stun.


(Root is stun for this class)



Sorry for the melodramatic response. I'm trying to make the point that some of our root breaks should NOT come at the cost of other much better utilities. The force camo root break should be in the skill.(see assasin/shadow cloak)


Some of the Heroic Utilities should be in masterful or skillfull (see fleet footed, in its current version should be in skillfull imop. In masterful it should be unstoppable for it's duration against root/slow/sleep)


agree, once you break root you are rooted again. If you use cloak than when your root is over the cloak is over. Than your pushed back. No time to do damage when your stuck out of range. You can use saber ward and rebuke if you like but that gives you an extra second to take more damage. Lastly if you hit guarded by the force you are met with a stun until guarded by the force wears off. It than removes half of the health so pvp targets can take you out with a regular attack. This class is broken

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Spec fleet footed and you will be much happier with the sentinel. Sent is not in a great place right now as sins and ranged are overtuned generally, but I'm sure you could have done much better there.


Too bad you need to have 30 fury to be stacked only to get the root off but don't get you immune for some seconds. Do you start your fights with 30 fury?


But, if you get rooted/slowed and a ranged wants to shoot you you can


Force choke 10m

Obfuscate him (I always take the utility for range increase) 10m

Obliterate when fury spec 10m

Force Camo if farer than 10m

Force jump when slowed

Saber Ward (ffing3min cd)

Hit adrenal + cloak for at least some DR

Hit predation when you've got the utility and 30 fury or frenzy+predation

DST to at least do some damage and slow

Unleash if really necessary


In most cases I hit obfuscate when within 10m and as I play annihilation I force rend overload saber and DST

When not within 10m I guess force camo is your best friend or saber Ward


But still, the class lacks some against others especially when the enemy team recognized you they often focus you down.


2 New Years wishes:


Force camo to purge dots

UR to be like pre nerf or buffed to flat DR for those 4 secs


Not too much, isn't it?

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Too bad you need to have 30 fury to be stacked only to get the root off but don't get you immune for some seconds. Do you start your fights with 30 fury?



Always. You should also take brooding unless you are sub 60, and then this discussion really does not matter. I personally favor nerfing sorc/sage utilities, and nerfing hatred/serenity in multiple ways before doing anything other than buffing undying for the mara, but in truth mara will probably need some utility related buffs in addition to nerfs to some of the over the top classes to be viable in ranked play again. Annihlation should also have DoT spread on DST instead of smash, or smash needs a larger radius. Despite this you can still do fine in reg warzones with it if you know the class and play well though.

Edited by Vodrin
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Still haven't had any of the people explain what they do for the first root, second root, third root, then the follow up 2 stuns?


I see a lot of don't use resolute on the first root, so do you force camo it? (only if specced)


If you are pre 60 and do not have brooding/contemplation how do you start fights with full Centering? even if you do start with full centering don't you use it for Zen since you are attacking? I suppose you could use your brooded contemplated full zen then valorous call, but wow 2 abilities to break 1 root that can be re applied right afterwards..


Sent mara is far too easily countered atm, this was the entire point of this thread, how ever i see many that seem to think sent/mara is fine for solo que (again im not discussing grouping with optimal classes since most other classes do not need this optimal group to do well in solo que.) I'd like to hear how you are countering a decently played sage/sorc?

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Still haven't had any of the people explain what they do for the first root, second root, third root, then the follow up 2 stuns?


I see a lot of don't use resolute on the first root, so do you force camo it? (only if specced)


If you are pre 60 and do not have brooding/contemplation how do you start fights with full Centering? even if you do start with full centering don't you use it for Zen since you are attacking? I suppose you could use your brooded contemplated full zen then valorous call, but wow 2 abilities to break 1 root that can be re applied right afterwards..


Sent mara is far too easily countered atm, this was the entire point of this thread, how ever i see many that seem to think sent/mara is fine for solo que (again im not discussing grouping with optimal classes since most other classes do not need this optimal group to do well in solo que.) I'd like to hear how you are countering a decently played sage/sorc?


Agianst a Sorc


Sent: Leap

Sorc: KB


Sent: Force Camo

Sorc: Force Strom (if they are good)


Sent: Zen+Force Stasis

Sorc: /cry or CC break


Sent: MS

Sorc: Runs


Sent: Valorous Call

Sorc: Root


Sent: Transcendence

Sorc: /cry or stun


Happy now?

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You forgot the auto bubble stun which saves the Knock back for another of your minimal cc breaks. Also, if they're good they aren't only running from MS they are stunning/rooting you then. After your transcendence they stun you, damage you, heal themselves, that stun wears off, stun you with instant force lift, and the list goes on and on and on...you die.


There's too much CC out there atm and sent/mara do not have enough "decent" root/snare breaks/immunity.


Sage/sorc has 2 roots with 3 stuns and slow plus force speed immunity. They have 5 ways to stop you with 3 of them not building your resolve bar. It's ridiculous. maybe sorc sage is the problem, however, with so many other classes having immunity, taking away from sages increases all the other classes power/freedom a lot. Adding 1 ability to give Sent/Mara immunity is a simple 1 class altering fix.


Fixing one by nerfing another is a really crappy way to approach a problem.

Edited by Evanouss
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Just buff us significantly or remove the class from game @ Bioware. Sent Population is dwindling even further were down to less than handful of Mains Sent/Maras on JKS who will continue that class once Nightmare rolls out. Compared too dozens and dozens of Shadows, Gurdians, Vanguards and so forth:D
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Always. You should also take brooding unless you are sub 60, and then this discussion really does not matter. I personally favor nerfing sorc/sage utilities, and nerfing hatred/serenity in multiple ways before doing anything other than buffing undying for the mara, but in truth mara will probably need some utility related buffs in addition to nerfs to some of the over the top classes to be viable in ranked play again. Annihlation should also have DoT spread on DST instead of smash, or smash needs a larger radius. Despite this you can still do fine in reg warzones with it if you know the class and play well though.


I totally agree on the spread on DST rather then smash (doesn't require the short range to be used) ;)

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... Switched to sage/merc/guardian/VG and am much happier in pvp.


Happening somewhere on Coruscant, not long after. . .

Ray: Pardon me, but we have a strict policy concerning the handling of the specializations. An employee of Ray's Advanced Class Exchange must be present. Now, may I help you?


JJ: Ray, it's me. Joliet Jango. I once rented a double-bladed lightsaber from you for my class, Jedi Sage.

OP: Hey Ray it's me The OP of The OP and the hOPpers. Remember me? I bought a Sage double-bladed lightsaber, two mercenary blaster pistols, and a Guardian hilt that last time I traded in my Sentinel gear after 3.0.

Ray: Oh, we sell a lot of blaster pistols.

OP: Not like these they were beautiful. Handles were upholstered with thick red shag.


Ray: Oh right, right. I remember now. As a matter of fact I buy 'em all back for $350 a piece.

OP: 350? I paid $800 each not six months ago.

Ray: Oh well, you know depreciation man.


JJ: Ray we're here to buy stuff. We need one final advanced class for our upcoming warzone gig.

//A twi'lek attempts to steal a lightsaber in the background -- Ray pulls out a blaster and fires into the wall above his head.

Ray: Now go on! Git! It breaks my heart, a twi'lek that young goin' bad.

//OP notices an offhand representative of a 3.0 Jedi Sentinel.

OP: Tell me a little about this Jedi Sentinel offhand lightsaber, Ray.

Ray: Ah you have a good eye my man. That's the best on Coruscant.

OP: How much?

Ray: Two thousand credits and it's yours. You can take it home with you. As a matter of fact I'll throw the black-core lime-green saber crystal in for free.

JJ: Two thousand for this chunck o'sith? Come on Ray?

OP: I mean really Ray, it's used, there's no action left in the Jedi Sentinel advanced classes. They get stunned every other second.


//Ray comes out from behind the counter and grabs the hilt.

Ray: Excuse me, I don't think there's anything wrong with the action on this Sentinel offhand hilt:



JJ: OK man, we'll take these Jedi Sentinels.

Ray: Naturally, and as usual, I gotta take an I-owe-you. But I like Smoking Propane.

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Why would we not choose a sin, damage is still great and their utilities are better :/


Difference being.. a good marauder should now be able to thwart an assassin of any spec 1v1 if played correctly. It didn't used to be like that pre-3.0

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Difference being.. a good marauder should now be able to thwart an assassin of any spec 1v1 if played correctly. It didn't used to be like that pre-3.0


I disagree 100%, if I have all my cds up on my shadow no spec of the mara is a threat in a 1v1 really. I have too much survivability/control and damage. Can I put up a good fight on my mara, yes but I will still lose..... Also if I want I could probably almost kite a mara to death..... might take awhile but would be hilarious/very sad.

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Difference being.. a good marauder should now be able to thwart an assassin of any spec 1v1 if played correctly. It didn't used to be like that pre-3.0


How bad are the sins that you play against?


If a good sin gets the opener on you in a 1v1 he should always win in their current state, only if they **** up and somehow you get the opener you have a chance of beating them.

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