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Group Finder Broken


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Ive always thought there was something wrong with group finder and now I know. I just spent half an hour sitting in group finder with my 35 healer and no group. So I immediatly changed to my 34 tank and Ive been sitting for another half an hour and still no group. You cant tell me that for an hour there hasnt been 2 dps in the 30-40 range On a late Saturday afternoon that want to do a FP??
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I've sat in the queue as a 41 Gunslinger for over 5 hours without a random queue, no one is playing and queueing for flashpoints right now, which doesn't really surprise me considering the time of year. My level 60 tank gets a queue almost instantly for hard modes but queueing as a low level right now you're not gonna get anybody.
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I just wish you could see which roles (not specific players) are in the queue.




Currently Queued for <Insert FP here>


1 Tank

0 Healers



<Join Queue Button>


That way, if you didn't want to wait, you would have the information needed to get an instapop, assuming you had the requisite alts. If you don't want to perform another role, at least such a system could show you where your place in the queue is (are you going to pop when the first bottleneck fills, or will you have to wait until the GF matches its 5th instance?).


Might have the bonus of encouraging some of the more flexible DPS to learn new roles as well.

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I just wish you could see which roles (not specific players) are in the queue.


That would just lead to more complaints and frustration as the results would be more like 0 tank, 0 healer, 27 DPS. Instead of going about their business while waiting, a lot of players would stand around in fleet obsessively checking their place in line, and spamming chat with complaints. Then there are players who lack gear and experience but can technically qualify as a tank or healer to bypass the DPS line, then cause wipes and frustrations because they don't know how to tank/heal effectively.


Problems that occur occasionally as it is, but would be increased to game-breaking frequency if such a change were implemented.

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What bothers me is that I keep getting picked up for "the false emperor" and "maelstrom prison" literally every other que. There are other flashpoints but apparently group finder really likes those two.

Its not the group finder that likes those fp's but most likely the people who are getting paired with. My guess is that you are getting paired with someone who picked those two because of quest line or HK parts.

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That would just lead to more complaints and frustration as the results would be more like 0 tank, 0 healer, 27 DPS. Instead of going about their business while waiting, a lot of players would stand around in fleet obsessively checking their place in line, and spamming chat with complaints. Then there are players who lack gear and experience but can technically qualify as a tank or healer to bypass the DPS line, then cause wipes and frustrations because they don't know how to tank/heal effectively.


Problems that occur occasionally as it is, but would be increased to game-breaking frequency if such a change were implemented.


I disagree. I think its a great suggestion. People already know that the que's are taking forever due to healer/tanks in que. I have never been in a hm fp that instant popped as a dps. This would just allow a person who is willing to help the group finder's pop quicker by switching. Especially if you have a tank and a healer and know what group finder needs.. As people who lack gear and experience switching to the other spec to get instant pop, that happens already.

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Ive always thought there was something wrong with group finder and now I know. I just spent half an hour sitting in group finder with my 35 healer and no group. So I immediatly changed to my 34 tank and Ive been sitting for another half an hour and still no group. You cant tell me that for an hour there hasnt been 2 dps in the 30-40 range On a late Saturday afternoon that want to do a FP??


I know for myself and I'm sure other do to, just solo queue for tact FP well leveling. It can be with any combination. No players queuing for roles that they can't do just for faster queue pop. Better xp with all the mission you complete in there. Nearly impossible to wipe in unless someone has a bad case of stupid.


Yes it is very easy for there not to be 2 DPS in 2 hours with tact. Since GF will make a group as fast as possible. If you are waiting for 1 more DPS and 3 other players outside of your bracket queue for a tact. That DPS that was going to go to your group now in a tact.


If you want to do a normal FP, make a group and than queue.

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OP is right and you guys have no idea what you talking about. I've reported that issue long ago and it still hasn't been fixed. GF is broken for low lvls for quite some time. And you can't find any better proof when 4 ppl standing next to each other in front of Black Talon entrance waiting in queue and yet couldn't be grouped up via GF. A pre-made group had to be created in order for it to work. Edited by Satelle
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