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Cleanse and dots


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I've recently returned to the game after a good few months break, and decided to play a mercenary from scratch as it is my favorite class. I've had a max level mercenary previously, and recall that i could cleanse a good many dots that were applied to me, such as incendiary missile, bleeds, poisons, sniper probes and snare, marauder snare etc, but that no longer seems to be the case (i can't be certain about snipers or marauders having not faced any since gaining cleanse).


Could someone give me a rundown of what dots/effects i can still cleanse please?



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To the OP,


I would love to see the numbers on class makeups on each server. Because the vast majority of PVP on my server seems to be with Imp force users (warriors and sorcs). The Repub side seems to be the focus of the more casual players and to put it quite simply, they tend to nto be force users, their gear is all intended for PVE content, and they are quick to give up with the battle is lost.


They also tend not to use all the tools at their disposal. Afterall, how many PVE mobs dot you, or run away, or interupt your main attacks? A few bosses yes, but that is about it. Most PvE mobs interupts consist of knockbacks, and some very short lived stuns. Stuff you don't even mother purging.


As a commando, cleanse might as well not even be on my action bar. it never gets used. Because all the dots on me are from force users. All I can do is pop whatever heals I have and hope for the best. As soon as your health gets low, you find yourself being leap on or your on the receiving end of a massive lightening strike. Everyone once and a while you get on the receiving in of a stealthed operative who backstabs you but you can't help but wonder how long that guy or gal has been stealthing around looking for the perfect target to finish off.

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1 GCD needs to be used every 8 GCD to reduce DoT by 30%


And when no one is using DoT it's a waste of a point! Can't predict that in PVP.


12 seconds actually. And saying it's a waist of point if no one is dotting is a bit misleading. It's like saying the point you put into power barrier is a waist outside the 12s you're using your energy shield.


I use it in pvp, it's a life saver with the number of doters out there, but I'm a healer. Also great when you get a e-net thrown on you.

Edited by TezMoney
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12 seconds actually. And saying it's a waist of point if no one is dotting is a bit misleading. It's like saying the point you put into power barrier is a waist outside the 12s you're using your energy shield.


I use it in pvp, it's a life saver with the number of doters out there, but I'm a healer. Also great when you get a e-net thrown on you.


8 GCD is 12 seconds...


Having any damage reduction on a healer is incredibly powerful since it frees up even more healing for other targets.


No merc dps can regenerate to save their life now, you blow your CD heals and that's it til they come off CD again. Kolto Shot can be overwhelmed by trivial damage. You're still taking 70% damage from DoT and losing 1 out of every 8 GCD to do it.


If we could spam heal powerful heals then yeah taking anti-dot burst utility would be cool, pop shield for interrupt immunity and neutralise the DoT burst. But we can't so I'm fairly unhappy with that one.

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1 GCD needs to be used every 8 GCD to reduce DoT by 30%


And when no one is using DoT it's a waste of a point! Can't predict that in PVP.


lel, I haven't been to any pvp match since 3.0 that didn't have at least 1 hatred sin. Also use FOE when you are repositioning, there's only so much you can do on the move anyway.

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8 GCD is 12 seconds...


Having any damage reduction on a healer is incredibly powerful since it frees up even more healing for other targets.


No merc dps can regenerate to save their life now, you blow your CD heals and that's it til they come off CD again. Kolto Shot can be overwhelmed by trivial damage. You're still taking 70% damage from DoT and losing 1 out of every 8 GCD to do it.


If we could spam heal powerful heals then yeah taking anti-dot burst utility would be cool, pop shield for interrupt immunity and neutralise the DoT burst. But we can't so I'm fairly unhappy with that one.


Counting the time of an ability by gcd's is also misleading, how often do you get to use 8 abilities in a row unmolested in a pvp match? But whatever, different strokes...


I wouldn't suggest constantly spamming it if you're a dps, like zoltan said it's something to pop when on the move, coming off a stun, or an addition perk after removing an armor debuff/ inc dmg buff off yourself. I get why people wouldn't take it, but my point is it's as viable a 2ND CHOICE utility as any in the masterful tier when we're talking war zones.

Edited by TezMoney
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