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How long it has been?


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I was making my characters legacy and then I came to my lvl 60 Inquisitor and started thinking... How long has it been since she was taken on Korriban for training? I know that probably since lvl 1 to lvl 32 (? just end of chapter 2) it is five years, or it is suggested that it probably is. How many years have passed since lvl 1 to lvl 60? I'm trying to figure that out, because I want to kow how old is my Sith. I would also like to know how many time passes in other class stories - it's a pity that there is no timeline of all class stories with years and which story starts when... Or if it exists, I would like to see it. :)
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I think Bounty Hunter is one of the earliest since


You kill Supreme Chancellor Janarus yet every other class always talks to Supreme Chancellor Saresh, his successor



Trooper Act 1 is early too since


you are basically the one that starts the war again and breaks the treaty



Jedi Knight and SW finish chapter 3 at the same time since


Just after finishing his Act 3, the SW gets a mail from the Emperor's Hand saying the Jedi (Knight / Hero of Tython) just raided the Emperor's station and killed him, but it was only the Voice.



But.... there is never any indication of time passed, only clues as to how each class' story timeline interweaves with all the others. By the way, I am not familiar enough with the other stories to add to the spoiler list, hopefully someone else can add to this ...? :D

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Only 3 years seems to be too short, when you take the progress in Inquisitor story. And I would wonder, because

when you free the dread masters, you do it on Voss

before chapter 3 ends. And then on Oricon they tell you it has been so many years since you did that. So if I take it then when my char started as 15 years old, at the end of chapter 3 she was 18? And now, when you start SoR (or even RoHC) , it comes of the story that you

have been on the dark council

for a few years. I don't like that time flow - it's hard to RP when you don't know these stuff.

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AFAIK, the game's original story starts in 3643 BBY and ends in 3641 BBY. Then with Makeb, it starts back up again in 3640 BBY, meaning the game covers a time spawn of a total 3 years so far (excluding Shadow of Revan).


BTW, you free the Masters on Belsavis, not Voss.

Edited by Darkelefantos
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