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Dislike the character you're role playing?


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Anyone else eventually come to dislike the character you're playing?


My main is a dark side Bounty Hunter. I role play him as a selfish bastrid who only cares about himself and making credits. He's nice enough not to kill someone just for the fun of it but aside from that will commit any atrocity for personal gain. At first I enjoyed being edgy and dark but his recent actions have just made me want to barf. Mutilating corpses to serve as a grisly example to others, killing dozens of helpless refugees for the slight chance one of them might alert the Republic to his whereabouts. *barf*


I've had it with this ******e. I'm making a Jedi to replace him as my main now.

Edited by Plumpmrtoad
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Full dark side bounty hunter has never made sense to me, you're a bounty hunter not some assassin for hire (there is a huge difference).

I don't see a problem with that. A Bounty Hunter could specialize in assassination and killing targets. As long as he's being paid there's no reason not to take a kill job and bring in a dead bounty.

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With Bounty hunter and trooper, you have to play neutral if you want the story to make sense. With smuggler, I think DS is better. Imperial agent will have to make a few LS choices.


Dark side JK is cool too. It's always good to upstage Watcher 1 and it's the easiest way to gain max affection with Lord Scourge :D. With 30% legacy affection gain, you get like 480 affection on average per like :D Way cheaper than buying gifts.

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Imperial Agent. Hate everything about her. Her story, her companions, her voice... I managed to get through the story with 12xXP, now just have to power through Rishi and Yavin, max out her disgusting companions and log in into her to run UWT & slicing missions. I don't think I can even manage to run dailies on her.


I can manage the DS on the warrior (I have the DS V), and the IA is actually neutral, but I can't stand the epitome of serving the Empire's interests, and even one Okayish companion of the lot turned out to be an Imperial cold-hearted witch.


I don't think I have been averse to the idea of playing a CRPG quite so much as when I load the blessed Agent since the time I tried PS:T....

Edited by DomiSotto
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My Sorcerer. She's completely evil and I want to stab her in the face so badly. She's full dark side after realizing (pre-Korriban) that she loves to murder people. I ended up making a new Mercenary and turning her into my main, relegating my douchecanoe Sorcerer to GTN alt.

She's fun to play sometimes but her actions are just horrible. I guess that's the point, though. Still hate her and her story.

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I used to RP my first Jugg as a ruthless, violent and bloodthirsty brute, who enjoyed destroying everything and everyone who crossed his way. He wasn't very smart, but usually managed to get what he wanted.


That character was mostly made because the Guild I was in at the time needed that kind of figure, and I RPed in parallel my Sorc as his Apprentice, with nothing to do with him. Smart, cunning, manipulative, yet supportive and ready to work as part of a team for the greater "good". My Sorc was supposed to be a secondary character, mostly to cover for those times when my Jugg was out of play due to injuries or other things of that kind. ;)


In the end, the Jugg was so dull I made the Apprentice Sorc try a rebellion against his Master, with people picking sides - not hard to manage actually, nobody sided with the Jugg... :rolleyes:

Still yeah, while the coup had to fail due to the fact I was forced to take a leave from hte game, I never RPed the Jugg again, after returning. It felt so dull, so boring compared to the Sorc, that I just made him die and made my Sorc the main RP char I have on Imp Side. :)


So yeah, sometimes it could happen to get tired of a character. And sometimes it could make sense to simply remove it for some time. Or forever, in my case... :o

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I don't get it guys, you're the one who make the decisions, why don't you make your character likeable/light instead of evil if you don't like it ?


For me it is because of the essence of the class. There is just no way, light or dark, Agent or her crew is likable to me.

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I started to really dislike my Bounty Hunter in Act 3 when none of the available choices even remotely fit my idea of the character. IE:

Bounty: "I'll come willingly if you help me stop this dangerous criminal!"

What I wanted to say: "Agreed."

What my options were: "No", "Haha no", and "Wish I could, but no."


Not to mention the whole Skadge thing. So yeah, my BH felt like any illusion of choice I had was yanked away, and I stopped caring about him at all.



I kinda hate my Consular too. Tried making her Dark Side, but so many of the Dark Side choices for Consular felt Chaotic Stupid.

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I started to really dislike my Bounty Hunter in Act 3 when none of the available choices even remotely fit my idea of the character. IE:

Bounty: "I'll come willingly if you help me stop this dangerous criminal!"

What I wanted to say: "Agreed."

What my options were: "No", "Haha no", and "Wish I could, but no."


Not to mention the whole Skadge thing. So yeah, my BH felt like any illusion of choice I had was yanked away, and I stopped caring about him at all.



I kinda hate my Consular too. Tried making her Dark Side, but so many of the Dark Side choices for Consular felt Chaotic Stupid.


God I know EXACTLY what you mean. I though Chapter 1 and 2 were boring for the Bounty Hunter but than Chapter 3 came and the boring was replaced with interesting but you no longer are allowed to roleplay.


At least the Class Finale allowed me to make an actual decision I wanted to make. Only thing I liked about the BH was taking the Chancellor up on his offer

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Never. I play Sorcerer (Third time I play Inq, and I've also played trough all other Imps, and I am MOSTLY dark side. But I never a) cheat on the empire, b) hurt Imperial citizens for any reason, c) allow warcrimes unless it is very benefiting for the Empire or d) set personal gain above that of the Empire. My duty is my life, after all.

being "Dark side" makes you a retard at points. "Oh I'll betray the Empire and my honor for 100 credits, I really wanted a soda."

If you want to look dark side, just do the 1st flashpoint 20 times in a row and you get Max dark!

Still. Being dark or light doesn't have to be 100%. You should make some personal choices, like ; If you're all lightside, then you don't let a criminal go (JK, that filthy alien scum. You kill him. If not, then you're indirectly murdering someone through him.)

Or if you're 100% dark, then you don't let the Officer at Balmorra get loose. He offers to pay you some credits when he abused his position, ruined the Empire's reputation and worst of all, killed potential allies. If you're a BH then by all means, take the money. If you're Sith, then you force-choke the bastard until he learns his place. Then force him to inform his superiors.

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