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Im surprised no one has complained about ability bloat with 3.0


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at least for scoundrel and mercenary espically,


I remember hearing things would be condensed and simplified a little bit at least, but for every move we lost we got others in their place and then some.


my merc literally has 3 ish slots left between all 6 action bars.

I keep ALL abilities on my action bar regardless of use or replacement in case I want to see the animation for fun, switch specs (which I do often) or just messing around.


not asking for Wow condensing simple, I mean my knight doesn't have this problem, nor did my sage and assassin before I deleted them, but what's the point of so many abilities regardless of rotation or situational use if this little thing known as global cool down is in place? which every ability now (even self mend and riposte) apply to minus interupts?

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well I got all my abilities, medpack stuff, 6 different heroic moment abilities, unity and sacrifice, mount, rocketboots. 3 teleport things...


like I said my knight and the other force user classes I had no issue with, for them I only needed about 26 spaces for everything, but merc and scoundrel use about 30+ now with group buff and super gas,

havn't played healer specs in a long time on either class but I remember both having even MORE abilities on my bar to use.

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It should be less things on the scoundrel as they removed flyby, sab-charge and shoot first. In scrapper they also removed acid blade and made it a passive on back-blasting from stealth, so that's 4 binds free'd up. They also got bludgeon, which replaces pistol whip on the bar. They did get two new abilities (scrapper) in shank shot and blood boiler but we're still ahead in keybinding space (-4 abilities + 2 new one's = 2 empty spots). If you want to count back in charged bolts, which I never had on the bar before but do now, that's still 1 less bind than before.


I use just 4 bars on all toons, 3 bars for keybinds and one bar for fluff stuff, I haven't felt bloat yet

Edited by Ridickilis
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well here..




scoundrel (oddly has same space as knight)




and for me, that's WITH leaving out misc. things I'd like on my bar for fun, but can't due to space reasons. only have some of the fun random stuff.




Also, since I'm more than well aware this will get brought up and more than likely completely de-rail the thread. I'm just going to say this on it...


I have this set-up the same reason I drive my car.

It's a medium 4-door automatic that reliably gets me from point A to point B, it can handle slow speeds, fast speeds, and tight areas. I could take the time to learn manual, but due to lack of time, lack of actual manual car, and how little I drive, I have no need to as I'm a talented, yet casual driver. Could I learn to drive better/faster cars? sure, but unless the need arises, I won't.


<And yes, that ui SHOULD look oddly familiar..>

Edited by Obviousenuendo
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Mercs do have a lot of CDs. TSO + PS + VH + HO + raid buff + supercharge + 3 DCDs. And heals. I tend to place them in the same bar, and usually had 2-3 slots left. In 3.0 it stayed the same way for sage, but on merc i had to drop cleanse, and still didn't manage to place healthpack there.
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For merc I'd say you can pretty much safely drop flamethrower because sweeping blasters does more damage, has no cooldown, and is more practical to aim. Unless maybe you absolutely need some tech elemental aoe damage for some reason... I'm not even sure why this ability is not PT-only. It's iconic but they had no qualms removing OS from operatives and mercs are already bloated with more AoE abilities than any other class.


You probably don't really need emergency scan as DPS, it doesn't seem to heal much more than the free, no-CD kolto shot that also builds supercharge.


And I'd say there is no longer any reason to switch your cylinder in combat, so you probably don't want them on your bars either.

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Even as a Shadow my keybinds still have plenty of room. I've got 29 abilities bound to keys 1~6, R, and V. 8 buttons, and I've still got a couple spaces open. The key is proper use of shift, ctrl, and alt.


In fact, I even plan to try configuring a gamepad setup.


well yeah, shadow/guardians have the least amount of active abilities on their bar in the game, as ive stated I think 4 times now.

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I don't have a high level merc/commando, but I find that 3.0 did not relieve the ability bloat at all. I still use the entire alphabet, and 1 through 6, and F1 through F5 on basically all the characters, and that's without strafe L/R (I gave up on until I get a mouse with 5+ buttons) and walking back option. Forget the niceties like sit down or whatever.


Here is my standard layout (ad the the targeting keybinds are hidden, but written down and on my desk...)



I think it is seriously far too much. And, yes, I know, I should clean out the pulse cannon, I'll get around to it :)

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at least for scoundrel and mercenary espically,


my merc literally has 3 ish slots left between all 6 action bars.

I keep ALL abilities on my action bar regardless of use or replacement in case I want to see the animation for fun, switch specs (which I do often) or just messing around.




My Merc doesn't have more abilities than before, my Operative did have at least 1 extra ability to worry about when compared to pre-3.0.


They removed some abilities and added others.



Are you trying to keep one of the new abilities and the ability it replaces on your bars?

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The one nice thing about 3.0 is that Marauders / Sentinels no longer have an issue with ability bloat. By taking away our only way to close gap with ranged other than Force Charge (Deadly Throw), removing our only off-GCD discretionary burst ability (Retaliation), and making Smash so bad that it no longer needs to be used... ever, BioWare has managed to free up a lot of real estate on my bars. I honestly couldn't be happier.
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The one nice thing about 3.0 is that Marauders / Sentinels no longer have an issue with ability bloat. By taking away our only way to close gap with ranged other than Force Charge (Deadly Throw), removing our only off-GCD discretionary burst ability (Retaliation), and making Smash so bad that it no longer needs to be used... ever, BioWare has managed to free up a lot of real estate on my bars. I honestly couldn't be happier.


LOL can't tell if serious or bitter. :rak_04:


Cauterize too. Even as combat I used to keep it on a keybind. But yeah my bars do feel a bit naked now. The cyclone slash (forget the warrior named one) found it way to better real estate though. I do like how it has the chance to trigger ataru form procs on each opponent it hits in the cone. I know it's not much of a consolation but I'll take what I can get.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Your lack of key bindings is..... Disturbing. Also you have quite a few useless skills on your bar, I have plenty of space in my bars


it doesn't matter if they're useless, I said in the OP, all abilities go on my action bar.

For the moment I removed the 6 heroic moment abilities, if I decide to use it i'll just have to open my abilities window :\


but it's just, I've played wow since 2005, and from that point to now on any character I've never had this problem, I could keep every ability, no matter how trivial, my professtions and other misc. stuff on the second bar, and just use 5 bars with ample space to spare. here, even though It's still 6 bars, everything feels, smaller.

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it doesn't matter if they're useless, I said in the OP, all abilities go on my action bar.



As a matter of fact it DOES matter if the abilities are useless. Useless abilities do not go to -QUCIK-bars. Why? Because you don't need to use them QUICKly!


How many mounts do you have? Why don't you put all the mounts on your quickbar too? Or pets? Or priority transports from legacy unlocks?


If the game engine wasn't ****, stuff like Power Shot or Unload would be removed for arsenal mercs, or Smash would be removed for Vengeance Juggernaut - the only reason those abilities are still present is because it would be very difficult for the devs to remove them (as the devs said themselves). The only reason your bars are bloated are because YOU want to, for whatever reason (messing around, liking animation LOL). You do know you can use said abilities without having them on quickbar yes?


Just because there are players with their brains telling them that they MUST HAVE ALL ABILITIES!! MUST MUST!! doesn't mean there is ability bloat.

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As a matter of fact it DOES matter if the abilities are useless. Useless abilities do not go to -QUCIK-bars. Why? Because you don't need to use them QUICKly!


How many mounts do you have? Why don't you put all the mounts on your quickbar too? Or pets? Or priority transports from legacy unlocks?


If the game engine wasn't ****, stuff like Power Shot or Unload would be removed for arsenal mercs, or Smash would be removed for Vengeance Juggernaut - the only reason those abilities are still present is because it would be very difficult for the devs to remove them (as the devs said themselves). The only reason your bars are bloated are because YOU want to, for whatever reason (messing around, liking animation LOL). You do know you can use said abilities without having them on quickbar yes?


Just because there are players with their brains telling them that they MUST HAVE ALL ABILITIES!! MUST MUST!! doesn't mean there is ability bloat.


..oh, you mean the one or two abilities that stay off to the side that get a replacement at 57? im not even complaining about that. minus replaced stuff mercs specifically got 3 extra abilities on top of the bloat that was there already, in a patch that claimed would be reduced, same with scoundrel.

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As mentioned before in the thread, my Carnage Marauder feels rather naked now with all the removed abilities. I used them frequently too and the spec just feels... gutted... I loved the high speed feeling it had, especially with things like Retallliation (being off the GCD). Also variation is missing now that we lost abilities like Rupture.


Anyway, the daily area teleports, mail boxes and such I don't have on my bars. I just hop into my legacy tab on the ability window to activate them. Also I have only one speeder slotted. Only the legacy combat abilities are on my bars as I need to be able to quickly use them on occasion. :) I'd say having 3 bars is enough for combat abilities and then a 4th for things like healing up, stims, adrenal/relic, class buff and speeder.

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The one nice thing about 3.0 is that Marauders / Sentinels no longer have an issue with ability bloat. By taking away our only way to close gap with ranged other than Force Charge (Deadly Throw), removing our only off-GCD discretionary burst ability (Retaliation), and making Smash so bad that it no longer needs to be used... ever, BioWare has managed to free up a lot of real estate on my bars. I honestly couldn't be happier.



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