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AP Powertech needs a serious nerf.


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Lets be real here.


Only real "change" to the PT burst class was the addition of Energy Burst. As we all have pointed out, Pyro before 3.0 = AP in 3.0. What was changed? Energy Burst. It crits for 14k and is given an autocrit every one minute (so basically for-sure in our opener).


If we REALLY want to tone down the burst, it isn't Shoulder Cannon. It's Energy Burst. And if they tone that down, Kolto Overload + 30% DR better become a freaking baseline for PT's.


Yes, energy burst IS a problem. Most of the classes and/or specs lost a bit of burst in 3.0 or had their burst basically unchanged. Not only did AP aka oldpyro not have their burst lowered, it was increased massively with the inclusion of a 15k critting move while also getting the 3 extra missiles that the PT burst spec never had before. That is the problem.

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I've got nothing against anyone here. I'm simply amused how you can slam powertechs then backpedal when you get called on it. With the new utilities that all powertech's have to choose from, the burst from energy blast could be reduced by 50%, and you'd still get your face raped.


I have not changed my stance one bit regarding PTs and their broken burst. Exactly where have I backpedaled?


Do you have trouble comprehending what you read? All you do is respond to what I write in a fashion that indicates I am writing something else, or meaning something else... It's like you want to see something in my words that isn't there. Just stop. It's ridiculous.


At this point I have to believe you are just trolling me, you can't truly be serious with your responses. At least I hope not. :confused:

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From what I understand the shoulder cannons are able to be fired even faster than what is listed in the tool tip. .5 secs someone said. So, the burst is even faster than it should be with the shoulder cannons. The extra large crits only exacerbate the problem.


Hmm...the extra large crits on Shoulder Cannon? It doesn't get a 30% surge bonus from the tree. Most crits I get are like, 3k. Granted, 3k damage off the GCD is free damage, not complaining...I haven't timed the internal CD of SC. I the surge bonus on Energy Burst might need to go...or it's damage reduced. Either one of those happens though, we need a boost to our DC's.

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Hmm...the extra large crits on Shoulder Cannon? It doesn't get a 30% surge bonus from the tree. Most crits I get are like, 3k. Granted, 3k damage off the GCD is free damage, not complaining...I haven't timed the internal CD of SC. I the surge bonus on Energy Burst might need to go...or it's damage reduced. Either one of those happens though, we need a boost to our DC's.


Oh ****, Kendiaro. I hope I never have to fight you post 3.0, rofl. Omg. You were a nasty PT before 3.0, you have to be godlike now. :p

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Hmm...the extra large crits on Shoulder Cannon? It doesn't get a 30% surge bonus from the tree. Most crits I get are like, 3k. Granted, 3k damage off the GCD is free damage, not complaining...I haven't timed the internal CD of SC. I the surge bonus on Energy Burst might need to go...or it's damage reduced. Either one of those happens though, we need a boost to our DC's.


Both need to be toned down, alongside all of the ranged abilities and the uptime/speed on ho.


You want melee quality cooldowns then you need to become a melee class, not the bastardized hybrid powertechs currently are.

Edited by alexsamma
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So the end result will be a nerfed powertech, which by now is already the primary target in arenas, and finally the opposing team might finally learn to taunt, further reducing the dps potential.


I still find this PT QQ hilarious as hell. I hope you all get a good energy burst right up yer arses tonight. (For some of you wimps, I'll bet that's every night).

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Both need to be toned down, alongside all of the ranged abilities and the uptime/speed on ho.


You want melee quality cooldowns then you need to become a melee class, not the bastardized hybrid powertechs currently are.


Yeah, another aspect to the PT is the added range for their snaring flame bursts, along with added timer on HO. So, they can deal damage from greater range, along with the ability to move unsnared at increased speeds for even longer duration than before.


Add the shoulder cannon + high damage crit bursts and you got what we have now. But, hey. According to some, it's working as intended. :rolleyes:


I don't even care about the speed they move with their added range now. The burst is the most pressing issue for me. It's just way too much atm.

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So the end result will be a nerfed powertech, which by now is already the primary target in arenas, and finally the opposing team might finally learn to taunt, further reducing the dps potential.


I still find this PT QQ hilarious as hell. I hope you all get a good energy burst right up yer arses tonight. (For some of you wimps, I'll bet that's every night).


Um. Yeah. I mean... What?

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So the end result will be a nerfed powertech, which by now is already the primary target in arenas, and finally the opposing team might finally learn to taunt, further reducing the dps potential.


I still find this PT QQ hilarious as hell. I hope you all get a good energy burst right up yer arses tonight. (For some of you wimps, I'll bet that's every night).


Most people are not calling for outright nerfs to the class/spec, we want to see the spec balanced.


I have a vanguard and powertech, so this isn't just QQing from being on the receiving end, it's also based in personal experience playing the class.

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Most people are not calling for outright nerfs to the class/spec, we want to see the spec balanced.


I have a vanguard and powertech, so this isn't just QQing from being on the receiving end, it's also based in personal experience playing the class.


Oh I know I know. I've been trying to find some hidden secrets within pyro tree, out of pure shame from ****** players (probably the ones qqing in this thread) while specced AP.

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Oh I know I know. I've been trying to find some hidden secrets within pyro tree, out of pure shame from ****** players (probably the ones qqing in this thread) while specced AP.



Har Har Lhancelot. ^This is what I wrote, you chump. And I will try to find a way to make pyro work lol.

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Lets be real here.


Only real "change" to the PT burst class was the addition of Energy Burst. As we all have pointed out, Pyro before 3.0 = AP in 3.0. What was changed? Energy Burst. It crits for 14k and is given an autocrit every one minute (so basically for-sure in our opener).


If we REALLY want to tone down the burst, it isn't Shoulder Cannon. It's Energy Burst. And if they tone that down, Kolto Overload + 30% DR better become a freaking baseline for PT's.


Hmm, my filler MB does 7K hits. My 6 sec bread and butter RS does 9K-10K. TD is also 9-10K critic. EB of course does quite some damage when it critics. And as a PT player AP is not easy to kill, at all. If you stun you get 30% damage reductions. If you do not, GL catching them with HO. Range as well have been upgraded that as AP you can fight for a couple of secs at 30 meter range. AP is more a ranged dps now than melee dps.


AP can have problems against some ranged classes, but lets face it, ranged classes except sorc are cannon fodder. Melee classes stand no chance at all. Not even remotely. And I am not talking yolo que with 4 dps (which seems all conclusion of class balance coming off as of late), I am talking competitive game play with tanks and healers. AP PT cannot be pressured. Focus fire? GL bursting a guarded PT that activities HO and is across the map in 2 secs.


AP is over the top, no question. Burst is ridiculous. Survivability is solid considering mobility and ranged options.

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Hmm, my filler MB does 7K hits. My 6 sec bread and butter RS does 9K-10K. TD is also 9-10K critic. EB of course does quite some damage when it critics. And as a PT player AP is not easy to kill, at all. If you stun you get 30% damage reductions. If you do not, GL catching them with HO. Range as well have been upgraded that as AP you can fight for a couple of secs at 30 meter range. AP is more a ranged dps now than melee dps.


AP can have problems against some ranged classes, but lets face it, ranged classes except sorc are cannon fodder. Melee classes stand no chance at all. Not even remotely. And I am not talking yolo que with 4 dps (which seems all conclusion of class balance coming off as of late), I am talking competitive game play with tanks and healers. AP PT cannot be pressured. Focus fire? GL bursting a guarded PT that activities HO and is across the map in 2 secs.


AP is over the top, no question. Burst is ridiculous. Survivability is solid considering mobility and ranged options.


Nah man. They die so fast when focused! They need their outrageous burst, buffed HO and their buffed range on their main spamming attack. They'd be totally ineffective in pvp if any of these abilities were toned down. :rolleyes:


^Total sarcasm in case you are confused.

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Nah man. They die so fast when focused! They need their outrageous burst, buffed HO and their buffed range on their main spamming attack. They'd be totally ineffective in pvp if any of these abilities were toned down. :rolleyes:


^Total sarcasm in case you are confused.


Plz explain to me how will you burst fast a guarded AP PT. Okay you cced the tank and the healer, then the PT used HO and opens a 15-20 meter gap in 2 secs. How will you catch up? I dont give a rats ***** about yolo que with 4 dps. Yes, 4 dps on any class except jugg and sorc you will die in secs, AP is no exception. Competitive is were the issue is. You will not burst down a guarded AP PT, focus fire will not slow them down and CC will give them damage reduction.


TBH, I do not see PTs are the only powerful class right now. Sorc both dps are on the same level and hatred sin. Jugg dps is one step behind, but ever other dps spec is barley viable. I am not necessarily advocating PT nerf. But the ICD on SC needs to go back to 1 sec and the HO heroic speed bonus need to be toned down or removed. PTs did not need mobility to begin with.

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Both need to be toned down, alongside all of the ranged abilities and the uptime/speed on ho.


You want melee quality cooldowns then you need to become a melee class, not the bastardized hybrid powertechs currently are.


energy burst might need to be toned down, but that's not on demand burst. it's like PFT for plasmatech, except instead of building stacks every gcd with flame burst, it only builds stacks with rail, which is limited to every 6s. for max energy burst, you need to build 4 stacks. that, my friend, is a lot of setup. consider that you can build 3 stacks and smash someone twice in just 6s. I really don't think energy burst is a game breaker. at least not when it works as described. once again, fix SC first. see what that does to things.


also, make plasmatech tankier or give PFT sharper teeth. because in the time it takes me to setup my "burst" I can be killed twice over by at least 3 other ACs.

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