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AP Powertech needs a serious nerf.


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It doesn't matter if the cooldown is long. If the burst is strong enough to take out a healer who then has to go behind a forcefield and sit on his thumbs while everyone else on his team gets clobbered due to the lack of heals, then the long cooldown was more than worth it. In the case of areans, taking out a player with fast burst can decide the outcome of the round, turning the match into a quick 4 on 3.



Welcome to pvp dynamics. Solo-ques and Regs have always been messy, and the result of endless forum complaints. In coordinated team play, there are definitely rules of engagement. I've been taunted and dropped like a sack of potatoes in ranked so fast.... it would make you dizzy.


Teams are learning how to counter powertechs out there, believe me.

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honestly I aint too worried about VG/PTs and their current state. I know they will get nerfed. There is no question about that.


What I am more concerned about is other classes, and their viability particularly in ranked. 3.0 was the perfect time to make the gimped classes like snipers/merc dps actually viable in ranked pvp, and it was not done.


As for VG/PTs. Enjoy the ride of overpowered bursts. It will not last forever. I can't wait to see how many shelve their toons when their burst is taken down a notch.


It's just funny how many PTs and VGs I see now compared to before 3.0. Many of them were average at best, now suddenly with this ridiculously broken burst these scrubs have crawled out of the woodwork and into ranked where they actually shine.


A true testament to how the class was buffed overboard, when average or less than average players can hop on a toon and suddenly become the number one threat in a ranked match when before they were not even considered a threat in regs.

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honestly I aint too worried about VG/PTs and their current state. I know they will get nerfed. There is no question about that.


What I am more concerned about is other classes, and their viability particularly in ranked. 3.0 was the perfect time to make the gimped classes like snipers/merc dps actually viable in ranked pvp, and it was not done.


As for VG/PTs. Enjoy the ride of overpowered bursts. It will not last forever. I can't wait to see how many shelve their toons when their burst is taken down a notch.


It's just funny how many PTs and VGs I see now compared to before 3.0. Many of them were average at best, now suddenly with this ridiculously broken burst these scrubs have crawled out of the woodwork and into ranked where they actually shine.


A true testament to how the class was buffed overboard, when average or less than average players can hop on a toon and suddenly become the number one threat in a ranked match when before they were not even considered a threat in regs.


That's hilarious.


You'll insult people who are playing powertechs and yet dare to use the words "viable in ranked"... Like its a blanket for the masses of (as you state) "average" players who want to enjoy some pvp. Your arrogance has failed to reveal the most important variable in the game...Player Skill.


Nerf, or no nerf...I'd still kick your arse.

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honestly I aint too worried about VG/PTs and their current state. I know they will get nerfed. There is no question about that.


What I am more concerned about is other classes, and their viability particularly in ranked. 3.0 was the perfect time to make the gimped classes like snipers/merc dps actually viable in ranked pvp, and it was not done.


As for VG/PTs. Enjoy the ride of overpowered bursts. It will not last forever. I can't wait to see how many shelve their toons when their burst is taken down a notch.


It's just funny how many PTs and VGs I see now compared to before 3.0. Many of them were average at best, now suddenly with this ridiculously broken burst these scrubs have crawled out of the woodwork and into ranked where they actually shine.


A true testament to how the class was buffed overboard, when average or less than average players can hop on a toon and suddenly become the number one threat in a ranked match when before they were not even considered a threat in regs.

As opposed to the lack of assassins / shadows running around.....wait, there are tons of those still because they are still ridiculously OP....so much for that logic.
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Kolto right now is a massive **** that pretends to keep you at 35%HP. Let's calculate smth: AVG HP for PT AP is 42k. 35% of it's HP is 14700HP. If you are going to meet burst class at this situation let be honest you are already dead. Stun breaker is really situational and personally i do not take it because when I use it I'll lose 30% dmg red while stunned. Better is to spend point to healing rockets that will heal you up also when you are stunned.


About 30% def chance from mass taunt. It's really good ability but I also hate to choose between taunt or dcd that works randomly.


I agree that PT has insane burst and it needs to be toned down. But when I see people crying that AP is op i want to laugh. Without a healer ap pt is nothing. He's a priority target that dies in a seconds. He's defensive is attack. He's like kamikaze.


The most broken classes are atm madness sins and sorcs. I'm not saying PT's burst isn't but honestly... Inquisitors can make easily 2,5k++ dps. (I've even seen once that sorc made 3900+dps) and they have better dcds than powertechs.


I understand that breaking stun undermines the 30% DR while stunned, but 25-30% DRs are not viable with all of the burst going off atm. i'd rather take my chances breaking with HTL, the adrenals and kolto than sit there eating dps from 2 opponents with a straight 30% DR.


healing rockets is the same dilemma. no dps is going to hold onto their "healing rockets" until they need heals from them. they are, first and foremost, a burst tool.

Stop making it sound like they have access to their cannons all the time. The cooldown is a long one. I'd also point out that non-crit hits for around 1-1.2k. So multiply that by 4..... Or even 7.....


Anyone who's complaining about shoulder cannon either needs to go drop a deuce, or go get laid.


lol it's like 1 minute. that's pretty short for such a powerful abil. same as electronet.


edit: i know this doesn't fit the "theme" that BW is suddenly concerned about maintaining, but plasmatech should have the bolstered 7 SC missiles, not AP.

Edited by foxmob
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edit: i know this doesn't fit the "theme" that BW is suddenly concerned about maintaining, but plasmatech should have the bolstered 7 SC missiles, not AP.


I guess it does make more sense to balance the burst that way tbh.


right now, plasmatech just needs its 5k flame thrower ticks back. That, and at least TWO possibly more bugs that need to be fixed for the core mechanics to work right.

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That's hilarious.


You'll insult people who are playing powertechs and yet dare to use the words "viable in ranked"... Like its a blanket for the masses of (as you state) "average" players who want to enjoy some pvp. Your arrogance has failed to reveal the most important variable in the game...Player Skill.


Nerf, or no nerf...I'd still kick your arse.


Insult people who play PTs? What are you talking about? Dare to use the words "viable in ranked", etc. etc.? Honestly I have no idea *** you are talking about.


I never attacked every person who plays a PT, and I never once implied I was better than others regarding your "arrogant" comment. You obviously don't like what I say or me, and that's your problem.


Oh, and I am sure you could "kick my arse" too. Yes, you sound really humble, buddy. Just relax, that's my advice to you. Getting worked up never helps!


You are right, player skill has a lot to do with the outcome of a pvp fight, but class abilities do too. If the major component of pvp was simply player skill, then explain to me why you never see merc dps or snipers in ranked pvp?


I know of many superb snipers and dps mercs, and they avoid ranked pvp. Not because they lack skill, but because their favorite class lacks the abilities to perform well in the 4 vs 4 setup, which is ranked pvp.


PTs that burst people dead in a matter of seconds are not only doing so because of their uber skills, they do so because their abilities are easy and way too powerful right now.


As I opined earlier, PTs have too much burst. This is universally accepted by any reasonable pvper on swtor as of 12/21/2014.


Defending PTs and their insane burst will not matter anyway. The miniscule population who think it's just fine will be the same ones who stop playing the class once it gets nerfed. It will get nerfed. Just a matter of when.

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You are right, player skill has a lot to do with the outcome of a pvp fight, but class abilities do too. If the major component of pvp was simply player skill, then explain to me why you never see merc dps or snipers in ranked pvp?


It could be "negative FOTM".

Not "flavour of the month", but rather "to keep away from this flavor", so to say.


I know of many superb snipers and dps mercs, and they avoid ranked pvp. Not because they lack skill, but because their favorite class lacks the abilities to perform well in the 4 vs 4 setup, which is ranked pvp.


In my opinion - and that's just my personal opinion - Arenas are simply too small. So small that one just cannot kite others effectively enough - and I mean long distances with that. Alderaan is almost perfect for kiting, and Denova even more.

Voidstar, on the other hand, is almost too small again, but has better LOS to compensate that.


PTs that burst people dead in a matter of seconds are not only doing so because of their uber skills, they do so because their abilities are easy and way too powerful right now.


Classes which have good burst + are easy to play (for example via easy rotations) + excellent player skill = Über-classes.


Easy mechanics in the hands of overly skilled players can generate lots of havoc.

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Classes which have good burst + are easy to play (for example via easy rotations) + excellent player skill = Über-classes.


Easy mechanics in the hands of overly skilled players can generate lots of havoc.


^Yes, exactly.


that being said, my opinion is that we are not just dealing with a easy rotation + excellent player skill situation here. We are dealing with vastly overpowered bursts from PTs via a very easy rotation in the hands of every PT, skilled or not-so skilled.


In the hands of skilled players this equals great imbalance and that is why there is so much backlash over this particular issue.

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honestly I aint too worried about VG/PTs and their current state. I know they will get nerfed. There is no question about that. BUTTHURT


What I am more concerned about is other classes, and their viability particularly in ranked. 3.0 was the perfect time to make the gimped classes like snipers/merc dps actually viable in ranked pvp, and it was not done. I SEE MERCS AND SNIPERS IN RANKED ALOT.


As for VG/PTs. Enjoy the ride of overpowered bursts. It will not last forever. I can't wait to see how many shelve their toons when their burst is taken down a notch. MORE QQ.


It's just funny how many PTs and VGs I see now compared to before 3.0. Many of them were average at best, now suddenly with this ridiculously broken burst these scrubs have crawled out of the woodwork and into ranked where they actually shine. ARROGANCE.


A true testament to how the class was buffed overboard, when average or less than average players can hop on a toon and suddenly become the number one threat in a ranked match when before they were not even considered a threat in regs. AGAIN, PRETENTIOUSNESS AND ARROGANCE .



I've got nothing against anyone here. I'm simply amused how you can slam powertechs then backpedal when you get called on it. With the new utilities that all powertech's have to choose from, the burst from energy blast could be reduced by 50%, and you'd still get your face raped.

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#1 threat in a ranked matched, that is an interesting moniker and not untrue. From my solo queue experience even morons know to tunnel the vanguard/pt first, the truly special who give them a free release rightly deserve their fate. As long as their defensive cooldowns are subpar compared to the other classes their burst is more than justified.
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I din't like arenas pre-3.0. Now I absolutely hate them.

As a PT I get focused down every single time. Only exception to that is when we have a second PT on the team.

So damn annoying... I'd gladly give some of the so-called godlike burst for a little more survivability (and breathing room in arenas...)

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I din't like arenas pre-3.0. Now I absolutely hate them.

As a PT I get focused down every single time. Only exception to that is when we have a second PT on the team.

So damn annoying... I'd gladly give some of the so-called godlike burst for a little more survivability (and breathing room in arenas...)

Welcome to the club, been experiencing this with my mando / merc since forever.
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I din't like arenas pre-3.0. Now I absolutely hate them.

As a PT I get focused down every single time. Only exception to that is when we have a second PT on the team.

So damn annoying... I'd gladly give some of the so-called godlike burst for a little more survivability (and breathing room in arenas...)


This would be a fair trade. Take away PT/VG burst, and give them some added survivability, since so many of them say they need more escapes and abilities to survive.

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What I am more concerned about is other classes, and their viability particularly in ranked. 3.0 was the perfect time to make the gimped classes like snipers/merc dps actually viable in ranked pvp, and it was not done.


As for VG/PTs. Enjoy the ride of overpowered bursts. It will not last forever. I can't wait to see how many shelve their toons when their burst is taken down a notch.




I agree that other classes (merc, sniper, Mara) need to be brought up to par.


I can speak for the Ebon Hawk only, but you're right. I have seen an influx of PTs and VGs after 3.0 . But they're laughable as far as player skills go (granted it doesn't take much to pull off the burst). I'm seeing people that don't know which cell to use for which spec, no taunts , and struggle with the already simplistic mechanics of the trees. I won't deny the PTcleave that's been going around (although I haven't seen 6 PT games whereas I've had some games with 5-6 sorcs, some of which are consistently from a certain guild :rolleyes:).


As far as the nerf... Lol it won't change anything for me personally, I've mained a VG since beta, but at least I won't have to put up with the people embarrassing themselves on theirs once they shelve it post-nerf.

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I agree that other classes (merc, sniper, Mara) need to be brought up to par.


I can speak for the Ebon Hawk only, but you're right. I have seen an influx of PTs and VGs after 3.0 . But they're laughable as far as player skills go (granted it doesn't take much to pull off the burst). I'm seeing people that don't know which cell to use for which spec, no taunts , and struggle with the already simplistic mechanics of the trees. I won't deny the PTcleave that's been going around (although I haven't seen 6 PT games whereas I've had some games with 5-6 sorcs, some of which are consistently from a certain guild :rolleyes:).


As far as the nerf... Lol it won't change anything for me personally, I've mained a VG since beta, but at least I won't have to put up with the people embarrassing themselves on theirs once they shelve it post-nerf.


Grizz, this is why I respect you and Sindol and your guild. You guys actually can agree even when it's not in your best interest to do so.


Objectivity is a rarity when concerning most of the forum posters and reading this from someone that is respectable at their class is refreshing to say the least.


It just boggles my mind when there are people claiming that PTs/VGs were in a dismal state before 3.0, when I can attest to their destructiveness as a healer before 3.0.


You always wrecked as a VG even before 3.0 and will do so even if the present burst of VGs is toned down. So will any of the good VGs/PTs. The nerf will have little effect on the good players, and we know that.

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I agree that other classes (merc, sniper, Mara) need to be brought up to par.


I can speak for the Ebon Hawk only, but you're right. I have seen an influx of PTs and VGs after 3.0 . But they're laughable as far as player skills go (granted it doesn't take much to pull off the burst). I'm seeing people that don't know which cell to use for which spec, no taunts , and struggle with the already simplistic mechanics of the trees. I won't deny the PTcleave that's been going around (although I haven't seen 6 PT games whereas I've had some games with 5-6 sorcs, some of which are consistently from a certain guild :rolleyes:).


As far as the nerf... Lol it won't change anything for me personally, I've mained a VG since beta, but at least I won't have to put up with the people embarrassing themselves on theirs once they shelve it post-nerf.


FOTM sins are funnier than FOTM PT's. Just tonight on Korriban I saw a sin spamming force lightning nearly on cooldown. I cringed.

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Lets be real here.


Only real "change" to the PT burst class was the addition of Energy Burst. As we all have pointed out, Pyro before 3.0 = AP in 3.0. What was changed? Energy Burst. It crits for 14k and is given an autocrit every one minute (so basically for-sure in our opener).


If we REALLY want to tone down the burst, it isn't Shoulder Cannon. It's Energy Burst. And if they tone that down, Kolto Overload + 30% DR better become a freaking baseline for PT's.

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Lets be real here.


Only real "change" to the PT burst class was the addition of Energy Burst. As we all have pointed out, Pyro before 3.0 = AP in 3.0. What was changed? Energy Burst. It crits for 14k and is given an autocrit every one minute (so basically for-sure in our opener).


If we REALLY want to tone down the burst, it isn't Shoulder Cannon. It's Energy Burst. And if they tone that down, Kolto Overload + 30% DR better become a freaking baseline for PT's.


From what I understand the shoulder cannons are able to be fired even faster than what is listed in the tool tip. .5 secs someone said. So, the burst is even faster than it should be with the shoulder cannons. The extra large crits only exacerbate the problem.

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