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Shadowlands GSF- Republic


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I've been playing on the Shadowlands server since GSF launch and have never recognized the name Weshra. I'm glad his rage induced some of the big boys to come over to the server though. Maybe now I will be able to at least get away from the capital ship when Xi'ao's premade rolls out.
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To the guy who went 30 - 2 in the gunship ( you know who you are )


So I have a strange feeling that the person being called out here is me. now I may be 'opening the floodgates' for all the aces in here to start hunting me, but let me say right now you'll be sadly disappointed if you're looking for a challenge.


I'm no ace, I won't claim to be one.


I'm the guy who says 'crap' in ops chat when I see xiao's name on the opposing team, then tries to hold a satellite for a bit to score a few measly req (usually unsuccessfully) while my team (myself included) gets slaughtered.


I've had literally 1 game in my GSF career where I had more than 13 kills (13 was my previous record), and that 30-2 was it. as for the cluster issue, I play out of the SE united states, and it doesn't seem to be a task to kill me, as I die quite frequently almost every game. I don't know what to say, except: whatever problems you ran into weren't intentional.

Edited by Sirdannik
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So I have a strange feeling that the person being called out here is me. now I may be 'opening the floodgates' for all the aces in here to start hunting me, but let me say right now you'll be sadly disappointed if you're looking for a challenge.


I'm no ace, I won't claim to be one.


I'm the guy who says 'crap' in ops chat when I see xiao's name on the opposing team, then tries to hold a satellite for a bit to score a few measly req (usually unsuccessfully) while my team (myself included) gets slaughtered.


I've had literally 1 game in my GSF career where I had more than 13 kills (13 was my previous record), and that 30-2 was it. as for the cluster issue, I play out of the SE united states, and it doesn't seem to be a task to kill me, as I die quite frequently almost every game. I don't know what to say, except: whatever problems you ran into weren't intentional.


Otoshimono here and I would say that you're definitely on your way to being a great pilot!

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Otoshimono here and I would say that you're definitely on your way to being a great pilot!


Don't put me on blast like that, or you'll have the aces hunting me for real!


Another thing: I'm not sure how you gathered that intel, since every time I flew against you and got within 5k meters of your ship I exploded in about half a second...


on a serious note though, I do truly appreciate that coming from you, as you are most definitely one of the best pilots I've flown with, or against.


Nothing but respect for you, and everyone who gives me a run for my money, pub or imp.


and another note to sartt, the OP: Yes, I have a tendency to switch to my gunship in a pinch.


I tend to be a sniper in most FPS/TPS games, so chances are the Quarrel would still be the ship I played the most, even if the sniping (or the sniping class) in GSF was horrible. but I do try to get all 500 double req on all ships, each day that I have time to play, so I don't always do the 'Quarrel Shuffle'.


ALSO it will happen less and less as I get more experience under the belt with the other ships.

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What I don't get is why Weshra is so pissed ..there are several better players then me..Xiao being the foremost...seriously grow up... Oh and I will play on any daam server I choose...I worked hard to get better at gunships so if you have a problem with that ..well sucks to be you ..and any1 wants to target me go ahead ..win or lose I am always up for a fight... The clawbirds fly every week Sunday morning ...bring it..


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What I don't get is why Weshra is so pissed ..there are several better players then me..Xiao being the foremost...seriously grow up... Oh and I will play on any daam server I choose...I worked hard to get better at gunships so if you have a problem with that ..well sucks to be you ..and any1 wants to target me go ahead ..win or lose I am always up for a fight... The clawbirds fly every week Sunday morning ...bring it..



The "guy from asia" he was talking about was me. I received an enormously racist tell right before he posted that from his pub toon.

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The "guy from asia" he was talking about was me. I received an enormously racist tell right before he posted that from his pub toon.


Please don't let that dissuade you from this server. There are definitely some goofballs just like everyone else. In fact I have a collection of nonsense people have sent me both publicly and privately. I just let it fuel my BLC's.


On a side not you are a very good and annoying pilot to fly against. :D


Mintas "The Battalion" Friesh

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