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Personal Starship Customization Options


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Very simply, put decoration hooks inside of the player starships, and give us the option of engine color reactants and gas cylinders and paint jobs/styles for the exteriors.


I know there wouldn't be tons of room for decorations, but the ships are so bland and they all look the same. Let's make the starships more unique to each player!

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I would love to be able to hang some carbonite bounties in my psycho sith's starship.


Haha that would be cute to see. XD I don't think we'd have room for something that big, unfortunately? Still, I'd like to see some sort of customization made available. Starships should be as unique to each player as their strongholds are.

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I think the devs have said the coding of the starships makes this too complicated to be possible.


This. The way I understand it, the original dev team left the ship code in such a snarled mess, that the team we have now don't like to do anything with the ships unless its absolutely necessary. Its part of the reasons they just went with an entirely new system (Strongholds) rather then making ships customizeable.


They can't get unify colors to work on ships, imagine what would break if they tried to let you put a couch down...

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