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carnage/combat pvp stats. alacrity?


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Have any of you smarter folks done any testing or math for pvp stats or BiS for carnage/combat? Seems like the consensus is to still have no crit and stack surge to 68% and then power??


Is there still only marginal difference between power and main stat augs?


I've heard 7-10% alacrity but I'm assuming that's for PvE because banking on getting a full gore/ps window in pvp is foolish, so gearing for it seems foolish.


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Have any of you smarter folks done any testing or math for pvp stats or BiS for carnage/combat? Seems like the consensus is to still have no crit and stack surge to 68% and then power??


Is there still only marginal difference between power and main stat augs?


I've heard 7-10% alacrity but I'm assuming that's for PvE because banking on getting a full gore/ps window in pvp is foolish, so gearing for it seems foolish.



This may be preference, but I really like Alacrity. Though it seems like it's just for cramming more into a Gore window, it also just gives less time for the enemy to react before the next attack is coming in. You time your first Gore attack around the same time they start an attack, you can get off your second attack before they can knockback/stun/etc.

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Have any of you smarter folks done any testing or math for pvp stats or BiS for carnage/combat? Seems like the consensus is to still have no crit and stack surge to 68% and then power??


Is there still only marginal difference between power and main stat augs?


I've heard 7-10% alacrity but I'm assuming that's for PvE because banking on getting a full gore/ps window in pvp is foolish, so gearing for it seems foolish.



Well consider this regarding alacrity:


You might do slightly less dps because of being kited and only getting DB and VT reliably in the gore, however utilizing the extra alacrity will make the opportune strikes, those moments that count to get a kill where the target is stunned or otherwise controlled more valuable.


This is ofc reliant of a persons playstyle but if getting that kill in important strikes in arenas or otherwise is how you want to play then i think alacrity (3-4 pieces) is the way to go.


PS not sure where you get your stats from? I have currently 71 % surge and thats with 4 pieces of other stats on my gear. Plus there really is no surge -> then power. You get power with everything you put in your gear. By getting alacrity you will only be sacrifizing surge.

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I think we are forgetting about accuracy here.I would still stack accuracy to about 99-100% Then go with power/surge enhancements.All power augments still seems like the way to go unless you need 1 or 2 accuracy augments to get to 99-100%.I
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Have any of you smarter folks done any testing or math for pvp stats or BiS for carnage/combat? Seems like the consensus is to still have no crit and stack surge to 68% and then power??


Is there still only marginal difference between power and main stat augs?


I've heard 7-10% alacrity but I'm assuming that's for PvE because banking on getting a full gore/ps window in pvp is foolish, so gearing for it seems foolish.



The big benefit is for getting an extra attack in your gore window but there are also some nice secondary effects like reducing internal cooldowns and making gore come up much more often. 7% is attainable with 4 pieces of alacrity gear which still allows you to hit 95% accuracy and 70% surge in full Dark Reaver gear (its about 93.5% accuracy and 68% surge in Exhumed gear). Also, if you are being reasonably unpredictable about setting up your gore windows you should be hitting a full window at least 2/3rds of the time.


Power augs are now producing better DPS and less damage variability than main stat making them a bit more attractive, but the difference is small so mainstat are ok.


Is anyone out there rolling with 5%-6% alacrity on a combat sentinel in pvp?If so how is it working out for you?

I'm rolling with 4% from gear giving 7% total without zen right now. I personally like it. As long as I am not getting hit with latency spikes I can reliably fit an additional attack in each gore/PS window using ability queuing so there is no delay in abilities being applied. It does require attacking the instant you activate gore/PS though (you actually get the final attack in by 0.2 seconds if you are perfect, any delay ruins this).

Edited by Vodrin
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The big benefit is for getting an extra attack in your gore window but there are also some nice secondary effects like reducing internal cooldowns and making gore come up much more often. 7% is attainable with 4 pieces of alacrity gear which still allows you to hit 95% accuracy and 70% surge in full Dark Reaver gear (its about 93.5% accuracy and 68% surge in Exhumed gear). Also, if you are being reasonably unpredictable about setting up your gore windows you should be hitting a full window at least 2/3rds of the time.


Power augs are now producing better DPS and less damage variability than main stat making them a bit more attractive, but the difference is small so mainstat are ok.



I'm rolling with 4% from gear giving 7% total without zen right now. I personally like it. As long as I am not getting hit with latency spikes I can reliably fit an additional attack in each gore/PS window using ability queuing so there is no delay in abilities being applied. It does require attacking the instant you activate gore/PS though (you actually get the final attack in by 0.2 seconds if you are perfect, any delay ruins this).

Thanks for the info. 2/3 of the time, eh? You must be unpredictable indeed lol. I can see 2/3 of the time if we got the jugg util unstoppable or if seemingly every class but us couldn't just engage their effing warp speed drive for free all the dang time and run out of range.

Either way, the way the game has been lagging for me, I don't think I'll gear for alacrity until it clears up.

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Thanks for the info. 2/3 of the time, eh? You must be unpredictable indeed lol. I can see 2/3 of the time if we got the jugg util unstoppable or if seemingly every class but us couldn't just engage their effing warp speed drive for free all the dang time and run out of range.

Either way, the way the game has been lagging for me, I don't think I'll gear for alacrity until it clears up.


People rarely interrupt your gore window unless they see Ravage. Ravage doesn't do the kind of damage that it used to, and Massacre was also buffed. Now technically, yes, Ravage still does more damage than massacre on paper, but when you add in guaranteed ataru form procs from Massacre, plus the fact that it doesn't need to be channeled, AND the fact that you are 99% less likely to be interrupted using gore + massacre + new scream, I really see no reason to use Ravage except to bait out stuns. It's nice because it's free, but it was always a high risk / high reward move, and now it's just a "STUN ME !!! HEYY!! IM A CARNAGE MARA!!! STUN. ME. NOW." Until we get immunity to cc / stun / kb while Ravage is up, it just isn't worth using during a gore window.


As for Alacrity, I was using about 2% from gear (3% from form) for a total of 5%. This was enough that I could reliably get in both the last tick of Ravage and a Clashing Blast into my Gore window. Technically you can get a CB in after your ravage with only 3%, but the margin of error is so small, that it approaches impossibility with any latency over 10-20 MS. And yes, that is WITH clipping off the .1-.2 seconds off the end of Ravage.


Stacking enough to be able to get in 3 attacks during a gore window, or 4 during a berserk gore window, doesn't really seem feasible to me, but I haven't tried it. I would think that you would simply lose out on too much surge to make it worthwhile. If someone wants to buy all that gear and test it, let me know how it works out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You want 95% accuracy for pvp. Right now, that's three enhancements + one augment. If you pick up two alacrity enhancements and surge everywhere else, you are at 5% alacrity and 70% surge.


Why would you get an accuracy augment to that would take away from main stat or power? Wouldnt it be better to just get 4 accuracy enhancements?

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