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[Assault Specialist Trooper] Techoverride + Insta charged bolts, bug or intended ?


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So, I took the utility that gives 2 stacks of tech override. I'm also playing assault specialist, which means that every once in a while, after Mag Bolt, it causes my Charged Bolts to be instant.


The thing is, sometimes I have both buffs at the same time, the instant cast Charged Bolts and Tech Override. The problem is, when it does happen, casting Charged Bolts consumes both buffs for 1 instant cast. Is this a bug ? Is that supposed to consume both buffs ? or intended, and I should be smarter with my Tech Override usage ?

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They know.


It's an issue where two buffs doing the same thing get consumed at once because there was never a check to see and prioritise/use one instead of consuming both "correctly".


Well, if they already know that's good. But I'd be happier if I knew if this is going to be fixed, or are they fine with it the way it is :)

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