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Fix Mid level bolster


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Trying several combinations of gear on yt lvl 47 and can not get any where near bonus dmaage and HP of lvl 56+'s. Waay to much of an advantage and it is making lower lvl people that want to pvp to learn , learn nothing when they get insta gib'd by 56+ers. I checked a lvl 57 who was in mosly all 56 blues 45k hps almost 0 augs. against my fully blue 47 with some purples and almost each slot auged...34.5k hps. Bolster needs to be fixed badly.
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It seems that bolster grants endurance if you do not have an augment in a given slot. So, even though that 57 has more HP than you, he probably has worse damage stats. If you are a tank, obviously the endurance is great, but not so useful for a dps.


I do agree that things are difficult for dps characters that are in their 30s and 40s now, mainly because their main stat cannot keep up with the 55+ in old augmented pvp gear. My fresh 55 powertech in leveling greens gets about 2100 aim. My obroan geared, augmented vanguard was getting 3013 aim. My PT had more health, but that doesn't help a dps as much as main stat would. Better PVE gear closed the gap (got my PT up to about 2650 aim), but the 30-40 characters can't get level 50+ PVE gear.

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The problem right now is all of the 55s that were geared out in the top pvp gear are now grinding up to 60 so they are getting dumped into the 30-59 bracket. They are just murdering the lower level people. I just came back to the game myself and I am leveling a new character. I was having a lot of fun in the 10-29 bracket but when I moved into the next bracket, it has just gone down hill. Nothing like getting slaughtered like the old days when they mixed maxed out people with the lowbies.


Will they do anything to fix or change it? I highly doubt it. We are just going to have to ride out the storm until most of them move on to the lvl 60 bracket.

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Once all the 55 level to 60 it will be a non issue. May have to wait it out for a couple of weeks.


Nope, its a issue in bolster, 55+ in PvE gear have well over 5k more HP in addition to higher bonus damage, crit , etc than sub 55s in PvE gear.

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Once the lvl 55 pvp gear moves out of the system it will be more balanced.

I'm thinking it's going to be a while. I have 5-6 geared characters, two of which are at 60 now. It's probably going to take me a few months to get them all to 60, mainly because I'm going to be playing with my 60s for a while, only occasionally running some warzones with my 55-59s.


You've got to think that some people are going to hang on to a few geared 55s, only to run an occasional warzone months from now, just to go in and beat up on some midbies. :D

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You've got to think that some people are going to hang on to a few geared 55s, only to run an occasional warzone months from now, just to go in and beat up on some midbies. :D


^ This.


There are always people who enjoy having a huge upper hand in pvp, and many people have countless 55 level toons... This means it could be years before all the pvp geared 55s are out of this bracket.


It's not fair, and there should be something done about this imbalance. You'd think they could code it so the pvp gears gimp the toons, that way if they want to pvp they need to don some regular gears.


When the cost is losing a lot of frustrated newer players because of a terrible pvp experience as soon as they hit mids bracket, something needs to be done.


I would rather the playing field be even and don't think it's fun playing a highly geared pvp toon when others are not afforded the same opportunity.


This reminds me of other games, where veteran players found ways to stay within a lower level bracket using gears that were very hard to get, or no longer available giving them a huge edge in pvp over the newer players who were in weaker leveling gears. AKA twinks.


I never thought that SWTOR would actually have twinks.

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The guy that was 11k more hp's then me and 300-400 more bunos damage was NOT I repeat NOT in old brutalizer gear he was in "NEW" pve blues.....it's broken and will continue to be broken for lowbies, If i see more then 1-2 people in a Wz under 50 it's a loss...they cannot compete. (Taking into account the other team has less 50-'s)
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The guy that was 11k more hp's then me and 300-400 more bunos damage was NOT I repeat NOT in old brutalizer gear he was in "NEW" pve blues.....it's broken and will continue to be broken for lowbies, If i see more then 1-2 people in a Wz under 50 it's a loss...they cannot compete. (Taking into account the other team has less 50-'s)


This maybe true, I believe you but it still doesn't account for the problem with old pvp gears and the advantage they give. Obviously this bracket has a lot of problems now, concerning pvp.

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also before the "It's just mid level, it doesn't matter." It does matter to the casual people that want to pvp for fun. LvL 60 pvp is wrought with premades, and power gamers. Not a fun bunch or casual bunch that most want to play with.


Mid level provides a great place to learn how to pvp w/o needing a premade to compete..or amazing gear..well....atleast it used to.

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Yeah, had a match today at ancient hypergate, my team was mostly upper 30s to mid 40s and a 52. It was a slaughter. They had both pylons inside of 20 seconds, and thats where it was the whole match. There's something wrong when 2 lvl 57s can stop the entire other team (really, anyone out of spawn was at that pylon) from being able to do much of anything.
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This maybe true, I believe you but it still doesn't account for the problem with old pvp gears and the advantage they give. Obviously this bracket has a lot of problems now, concerning pvp.


There are much better gearing options than old pvp gear for the midlevel bracket at the moment, removing the old gear won't solve the issue.

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The old pvp gear is only a small part of the problem...it's the level disparity yet AGAIN, post 55's with 55+ gear are gaining huge advantages vs. new 30's entering this mid bracket. The old pvp gear will be out with in a few months yes....new 56+ PVE, PVE, PVE gear will not be. (I'm emphasizing PVE because everyone keeps talking about the old pvp gear, this is NOT the Problem)


Bolster needs to be revamped to give 30-54 a more competitive edge ESPECIALLY when it comes to Bonus damage....Ignore stats people, look at each others perspective bonus damage. This correlates directly in damage out put...enter a match with a lvl 30-40 look at your force bonus damage then look at a sentinel who is 56+ in new 56 blues bonus damage...the difference is DRASTIC. 300-400 points per attack more..and that's just a base line.


Fix Mid level Bolster Please Devs.

Edited by Evanouss
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