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Returning player - tips to speed levels 1-25?


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I just re-subbed after a long break. What are the tips and tricks to speed leveling in the early game?


I have seen level 1-25 on every class more time than I can count :) I'd like to get to the level 30+ content asap to see the places that are newer to me.


I've tried a few things - any others?


  • I have a +41 power cyrstal that should make fighting easier
  • I bought the 'Human' legacy unlock - I think this boosts companion dps at low levels and should help me in the early game
  • I've tried XP boosts - not sure if they are worth the money
  • I'm skipping most Heroics - it seems to slow me down - I may have that wrong


Thanks for any advice.

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I am also a returning player, and I have carried on with my main but, also started a new character. I find the best way is to just run through the story quests. Even Heroics, all experience counts. I have been using exp boosts, only the reward ones and my new character has just hit level 12 in a matter of hours. No distractions, just pure questing. I'm sure I could hit 25 tomorrow after work, but real life chores hang in the way.


From 1 - 25 you don't need to worry about your gear or statting. Go with it, have fun and have a blast! I've had so much fun since returning to SWTOR!! : D


Welcome Back!

Edited by Enteum
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Good sources of XP:


- Daily and weekly PvP, GSF, On-rails Space missions.

- Daily and weekly Group Finder missions (Flashpoints and Tacticals).

- Daily and weekly Flashpoint missions (combine with the above).


Notes on the XP boosts: You can save up to 3 mission rewards in your pending reward queue before using the boost, and also wait to turn in completed missions at terminals (for low levels that includes daily/weekly PvP and Flashpoint stuff, not sure about planetary stuff). This works well with the generic boosts. The more specific boosts (Flashpoint, PvP, GSF, Space missions, story missions) are quite cheap on the GTN because they come in abundance from cartel packs, so those are always worth using whenever you do an hour of any of those activities and/or if you can't afford the generic ones. Boosts don't stack though.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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Welcome back!


My recommendation is you use as an XP boost and join a guild (for the +10% XP). After that, just level normally through quests. I wouldn't bother with heroics, but that's your choice. After you reach level 15, you can start queuing up in groupfinder for KDY (Kuat Drive Yards). This flashpoint grants amazing XP and can be used to level up all the way to 55.

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Welcome back!


My recommendation is you use as an XP boost and join a guild (for the +10% XP). After that, just level normally through quests. I wouldn't bother with heroics, but that's your choice. After you reach level 15, you can start queuing up in groupfinder for KDY (Kuat Drive Yards). This flashpoint grants amazing XP and can be used to level up all the way to 55.


Yes, the XP from tactical flashpoints automatically scales to your level, and it also bolsters you so you don't need to worry about gear at all. It becomes a chore after the 50th time though (trust me, I've leveled several characters through PvP/GSF dailies and KDY alone).

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I just re-subbed after a long break. What are the tips and tricks to speed leveling in the early game?


I have seen level 1-25 on every class more time than I can count :) I'd like to get to the level 30+ content asap to see the places that are newer to me.


I've tried a few things - any others?


  • I have a +41 power cyrstal that should make fighting easier
  • I bought the 'Human' legacy unlock - I think this boosts companion dps at low levels and should help me in the early game
  • I've tried XP boosts - not sure if they are worth the money
  • I'm skipping most Heroics - it seems to slow me down - I may have that wrong


Thanks for any advice.


FPs (both tactical and for-realz). WZs. Probably nothing that hasn't been said already. In fact, why am I even making this post?

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