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Jedi or Sith? (Help a newbie out)


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Imps a little larger team, but not by much. As for pvp, imp side is much larger, but pubs hold their own in the matches. They have less pvpers, but higher concentration of good ones IMO.


Not sure where you get the pvp population as MUCH larger Imp side... I end up playing several PUB v PUB matches a night. Maybe all the Imps just rage quit once they realize I'm queueing....

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Not sure where you get the pvp population as MUCH larger Imp side... I end up playing several PUB v PUB matches a night. Maybe all the Imps just rage quit once they realize I'm queueing....


Well, let me explain where I get this from. As a pub for 2-3 months I can compare this to the last 4 weeks where I have played my sorc extensively at 55-60.


From my experience of this I can without a doubt say that I constantly have Imp vs Imp fights. 75% of the time, if I had to guess a percentage. Not a few times a day, or night, as you say. But all day. Everyday. All the time. As an imp I fight other imps way more often than I fight pubs at lvl 60.


If you compare pvp guild numbers on pub side to that of imp side, I can say without a doubt imps also have many more pvp focused guilds whereas pubs have what, maybe 3 that have more than 5 active players?


Yeah. I can say with quite a bit of certainty that imp side has a MUCH larger population of pvpers. based on my experiences as explained above.

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If you compare pvp guild numbers on pub side to that of imp side, I can say without a doubt imps also have many more pvp focused guilds whereas pubs have what, maybe 3 that have more than 5 active players?

I don't know of more than 3-4 Imp side guilds that are pvp focused that have more than 5 active PVP'ers on regularly.

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You may be right. I never said imps have more than 3-4 pvp focused guilds with 5 or more active members on regularly.


I said, "I can say without a doubt imps also have many more pvp focused guilds whereas pubs have what, maybe 3 that have more than 5 active players?"


I stand by that statement, because I know for a fact that imps do have many more pvp focused guilds than pubs.


Anyway, I will leave this where it stands, and I guess we can just agree to disagree. If you believe pubs have an equal number of pvpers and just as many pvp guilds as imps on TEH server that's fine too.

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You may be right. I never said imps have more than 3-4 pvp focused guilds with 5 or more active members on regularly.


I said, "I can say without a doubt imps also have many more pvp focused guilds whereas pubs have what, maybe 3 that have more than 5 active players?"


I stand by that statement, because I know for a fact that imps do have many more pvp focused guilds than pubs.


Anyway, I will leave this where it stands, and I guess we can just agree to disagree. If you believe pubs have an equal number of pvpers and just as many pvp guilds as imps on TEH server that's fine too.


Well... i guess if you want to count fragmented guilds like Guerrilla, Hex, Project Mayhem, Dyslectic Denefders. ect. Sure. They all still exist and have very good PVP'ers that still carry the name, but that is what I mean by the Imp guild merry go round. People jump ship every couple months Imp side as people come and go.

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Well... i guess if you want to count fragmented guilds like Guerrilla, Hex, Project Mayhem, Dyslectic Denefders. ect. Sure. They all still exist and have very good PVP'ers that still carry the name, but that is what I mean by the Imp guild merry go round. People jump ship every couple months Imp side as people come and go.


I also think of some of the very active, relatively large guilds which imps have, such as Postmortem, Immortal are the two I see a ton in the warzones who seem to boast pretty decent pvpers. Pubs don't really have any relatively larger pvp guilds like imps do, in this regard. pubs have fractured pvp guilds and that's pretty much their pvp guilds as a whole.

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I mean if you wanna be realistic about it, the shelf life for pvp guilds on both factions is generally less than a year, before people move on, get sick of each other, etc etc and the guild breaks up and reforms in some new fashion. The only pvp guilds I can think of currently that have been around with the same core members for more than a year would be Core and Republic, both on the Republic side.


That said OP didn't specify whether he meant pvp or pve, but I'd say both factions have a healthy population on this server.

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