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Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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Easy fix... Don't stand in it... Lol


Of course i run out of it but if you are in the middle you get hit atleast a couple of times. Also people cast it over healers so moving out of the way can mean healer has no melee pressure.


The two problems that can occur is when multiple sorcs are casting force storm or when one sorc just likes to follow you by recasting storm over and over. I don't really care about the latter example as they most likely aren't very good sorcs.


The problem I have with storm is that it is much better than other class soammable aoes. That is the imbalance with force storm. If other classes spammable aoes were as powerful than people wouldn't have a right to complain about force storm, but would have to complain about aoe in general. Problem is force storm is quite a bit more powerful than the others are.


Yeah it is way too good to be spammed without a cooldown and hitting that hard. Smashers used to have to jump in to do damage, sorcs can just stand still and spam it in the perfect place constantly.

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I have no idea what your point is here. Music stated that you can't make conclusions about how overperforming a spec is at level 25. Which is manifestly true. Sorcs have the majority of their major powers by level 26. Some classes like Marauders are still missing key elements of their toolkit.


No reasonable conclusion about any class can be drawn at 25.


I have no idea ghow you are unable to see that a class can be op in a given bracket.

And we have several brackets.

The only assumption I can make is that you deny youself to see how classes perform in different brackets because you are so much focused on the end-game bracket, thus nihilating anything besides that.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Keep taking screenshots, i have one with a team of just sorcs and sins. The more evidence people see the more chance of something actually being done about it.

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Have mercy so much QQing. Learn to interrupt, stun and pressure. I guarantee it's not vigilance guardians, tactics VG or serenity shadows that are boohooing here, and if you are one of those having trouble with a sorc, you're a noob. Get some gear and ltp while you're doing it. Sages/Sorcs take plenty of beat downs when their team make-up sux. Hell, even a good slinger and sent can 1v1 a sorc. Nothing like a 15k aimed shot, or a well-timed force camo from the sent. Don't like FS? It channels for several seconds - interrupt or get out of it. It's easy to see which one is doing it too.. Ya know, the arms in the air, yada yada. Don't cry about them kiting you either. When you're kited, there is a no FS..So yeah, pressure them. Close the GD thread already.
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I have no idea ghow you are unable to see that a class can be op in a given bracket.

And we have several brackets.

The only assumption I can make is that you deny youself to see how classes perform in different brackets because you are so much focused on the end-game bracket, thus nihilating anything besides that.


So what if a class is overperforming in the 10-29 bracket? If they are balanced at end game, that means no changes to the class are warranted. The converse is also true. For example, Juggernauts are terrible in lowbies. But they get awesome later on. Are we supposed to buff them only for lowbies? How?


The only way to do that is ensure that all major powers and procs come in by level 10. At that point, leveling loses much of its feeling of progression. I have spent the VAST majority of my time playing this game leveling. I have 25 characters that are 55+. I don't expect that the devs would try to balance out these classes by level or by bracket. It would be a fool's errand. What makes you think such a thing is possible?

Edited by Master-Nala
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Have mercy so much QQing. Learn to interrupt, stun and pressure. I guarantee it's not vigilance guardians, tactics VG or serenity shadows that are boohooing here, and if you are one of those having trouble with a sorc, you're a noob. Get some gear and ltp while you're doing it. Sages/Sorcs take plenty of beat downs when their team make-up sux. Hell, even a good slinger and sent can 1v1 a sorc. Nothing like a 15k aimed shot, or a well-timed force camo from the sent. Don't like FS? It channels for several seconds - interrupt or get out of it. It's easy to see which one is doing it too.. Ya know, the arms in the air, yada yada. Don't cry about them kiting you either. When you're kited, there is a no FS..So yeah, pressure them. Close the GD thread already.


If you are a sorc/sage that is dying to a lone sentinel you are bad, awful just horrible. Before you get on your , this is a team game BS fest, why should one class have total control over another in a 1 v 1 situation that comes up A LOT more than anyone want to admit. For instance, last 2 in an arena, sorc vs sent, both of equal skill, who wins? gimme a friggin break, if you pick the sentinel you're crazy. Root/slow/knock back with root/bubble stun/stun, oh you're finally on me and at 50% or less health and managed to do 25% to me, insta heal, bubble, wait for reslove to diminish and my cd's to come back....now I finish you off...gimme a break...

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If you are a sorc/sage that is dying to a lone sentinel you are bad, awful just horrible. Before you get on your , this is a team game BS fest, why should one class have total control over another in a 1 v 1 situation that comes up A LOT more than anyone want to admit. For instance, last 2 in an arena, sorc vs sent, both of equal skill, who wins? gimme a friggin break, if you pick the sentinel you're crazy. Root/slow/knock back with root/bubble stun/stun, oh you're finally on me and at 50% or less health and managed to do 25% to me, insta heal, bubble, wait for reslove to diminish and my cd's to come back....now I finish you off...gimme a break...


I've played this game since launch. Do you know, as a slinger, I've NEVER been beat by a sent or marauder 1v1? Never! Total dominance. Fair? Jug, that's a different story. As the slinger, before stealth detection in crouch, I could never 1v1 an OP or Assassin. That's still tough today if they're good, and it all depends on my spec! Today, as a sage, I cannot 1v1 a Veng Jugg or Hatred Sin at my same gear level. Boo hoo. MMOs are always like this. "I want my class to be able to beat everyone." BTW, once any sage blows their barrier, they're toast unless they run and heal up. We're not immortal, and the oodles of pre-mades I run against prove it. It's only when I play bads in regs that I seem god-like as my sage. They let me run away, they don't interrupt, they don't stun. This whole crybaby mentality in this thread is disgraceful. There is only one class spec that needs a nerf right now, and it ain't sorc.

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I've played this game since launch. Do you know, as a slinger, I've NEVER been beat by a sent or marauder 1v1? Never! Total dominance. Fair? Jug, that's a different story. As the slinger, before stealth detection in crouch, I could never 1v1 an OP or Assassin. That's still tough today if they're good, and it all depends on my spec! Today, as a sage, I cannot 1v1 a Veng Jugg or Hatred Sin at my same gear level. Boo hoo. MMOs are always like this. "I want my class to be able to beat everyone." BTW, once any sage blows their barrier, they're toast unless they run and heal up. We're not immortal, and the oodles of pre-mades I run against prove it. It's only when I play bads in regs that I seem god-like as my sage. They let me run away, they don't interrupt, they don't stun. This whole crybaby mentality in this thread is disgraceful. There is only one class spec that needs a nerf right now, and it ain't sorc.


^^^this. you are right, some people are never satisfied unless their class beats all classes. if they can't beat a sorc, there are PLENTY who can. so the argument is dead. I would bet there won't be any changes anyway until after this new ranked season is complete.

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Well I completely disagree that you can't tell a classes strengths and weaknesses by lvl 25. It's hardly all I have to go on. I have fought against them since beta, with them on Imp toons. I also 'read' the threads, talk to lvl 60s in my guild ect ect. So saying you don'tknow anything about the class because my own Sorc is only 25 is bunk. I don't have to be Hussein Bolt to know he is the fastest man alive or be on an NFL team to know how goos or bad their quarterback is. It's all numbers that are well documented.
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Well I completely disagree that you can't tell a classes strengths and weaknesses by lvl 25. It's hardly all I have to go on. I have fought against them since beta, with them on Imp toons. I also 'read' the threads, talk to lvl 60s in my guild ect ect. So saying you don'tknow anything about the class because my own Sorc is only 25 is bunk. I don't have to be Hussein Bolt to know he is the fastest man alive or be on an NFL team to know how goos or bad their quarterback is. It's all numbers that are well documented.


Getting knowledge from discussing and other sources about level 60 and then making comments is fine. Making comments about level 60 play and balance based on level 25 is non-existent as sorcs and all classes play differently at 25 and at 60... Simply you can't judge a butterfly by looking at her cocoon.

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I've played this game since launch. Do you know, as a slinger, I've NEVER been beat by a sent or marauder 1v1? Never! Total dominance. Fair? Jug, that's a different story. As the slinger, before stealth detection in crouch, I could never 1v1 an OP or Assassin. That's still tough today if they're good, and it all depends on my spec! Today, as a sage, I cannot 1v1 a Veng Jugg or Hatred Sin at my same gear level. Boo hoo. MMOs are always like this. "I want my class to be able to beat everyone." BTW, once any sage blows their barrier, they're toast unless they run and heal up. We're not immortal, and the oodles of pre-mades I run against prove it. It's only when I play bads in regs that I seem god-like as my sage. They let me run away, they don't interrupt, they don't stun. This whole crybaby mentality in this thread is disgraceful. There is only one class spec that needs a nerf right now, and it ain't sorc.


You're right, there are classes that can beat a sorc...you know what they have in common....CC immunity. Do they completely dominate a sorc..no, they don't. Mara/Sent shouldn't be able to face roll a sorc/sage, but at this point it is completely laughable how ez it is to kite/kill them...from more then just sages/sorcs. I do not believe that sorc/sage needs a reduction in abilities, but mara/sent needs some help against theirs and other classes huge amount of CC. I'm not saying they should even be able to beat a sage/sorc, again you're correct some classes will have the upper hand against others, but atm mara/sent is just in a worse off spot then most.


As a test lets see who everyone thinks mara/sent should and does have an advantage over?

Edited by Evanouss
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You're right, there are classes that can beat a sorc...you know what they have in common....CC immunity. Do they completely dominate a sorc..no, they don't. Mara/Sent shouldn't be able to face roll a sorc/sage, but at this point it is completely laughable how ez it is to kite/kill them...from more then just sages/sorcs. I do not believe that sorc/sage needs a reduction in abilities, but mara/sent needs some help against theirs and other classes huge amount of CC. I'm not saying they should even be able to beat a sage/sorc, again you're correct some classes will have the upper hand against others, but atm mara/sent is just in a worse off spot then most.


As a test lets see who everyone thinks mara/sent should and does have an advantage over?


a) what about sentinel vs sniper or merc? do they also need a nerf then?

b) if you can't dominate a sorc with one of the aforementioned 3.0 classes go do esseles better

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Have mercy so much QQing. Learn to interrupt, stun and pressure. I guarantee it's not vigilance guardians, tactics VG or serenity shadows that are boohooing here, and if you are one of those having trouble with a sorc, you're a noob. Get some gear and ltp while you're doing it. Sages/Sorcs take plenty of beat downs when their team make-up sux. Hell, even a good slinger and sent can 1v1 a sorc. Nothing like a 15k aimed shot, or a well-timed force camo from the sent. Don't like FS? It channels for several seconds - interrupt or get out of it. It's easy to see which one is doing it too.. Ya know, the arms in the air, yada yada. Don't cry about them kiting you either. When you're kited, there is a no FS..So yeah, pressure them. Close the GD thread already.


Look, I get it. You play sorc, which is OP and being OP makes the class fun. Sorcs are absurdly annoying to deal with. Beyond them having the best AOE, 35m range, best resource, tons of CC, mobility, surviability... it goes on and on and on for sorcs. They are out of balance compared to other ranged classes, specifically mercs/commandos.


There is a reason why people are QQ'ing. Every warzone has 3-6 sorcs on each team. Try focusing one.. he barriers and heals to full. Switch to another, he barrier's and heals to full. Force speeds away, kites you, bubble stun ... it's really stupid how amazingly OP the class is right now. I only place assassins above sorcs... so the entire inquisitor class is just nuts right now.


I personally am so sick of fighting 3+ sorcs every warzone, it's ruining the fun of the game.

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Look, I get it. You play sorc, which is OP and being OP makes the class fun. Sorcs are absurdly annoying to deal with. Beyond them having the best AOE, 35m range, best resource, tons of CC, mobility, surviability... it goes on and on and on for sorcs. They are out of balance compared to other ranged classes, specifically mercs/commandos.


There is a reason why people are QQ'ing. Every warzone has 3-6 sorcs on each team. Try focusing one.. he barriers and heals to full. Switch to another, he barrier's and heals to full. Force speeds away, kites you, bubble stun ... it's really stupid how amazingly OP the class is right now. I only place assassins above sorcs... so the entire inquisitor class is just nuts right now.


I personally am so sick of fighting 3+ sorcs every warzone, it's ruining the fun of the game.


So your problem is you focused a sorc, got them down so far they needed to pop a 3 minute cd and they didn't die? So the lesson here is you won until they used a long CD which needs to be be looked at so they will just die instead? I'm confused.

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Look, I get it. You play sorc, which is OP and being OP makes the class fun. Sorcs are absurdly annoying to deal with. Beyond them having the best AOE, 35m range, best resource, tons of CC, mobility, surviability... it goes on and on and on for sorcs. They are out of balance compared to other ranged classes, specifically mercs/commandos.


There is a reason why people are QQ'ing. Every warzone has 3-6 sorcs on each team. Try focusing one.. he barriers and heals to full. Switch to another, he barrier's and heals to full. Force speeds away, kites you, bubble stun ... it's really stupid how amazingly OP the class is right now. I only place assassins above sorcs... so the entire inquisitor class is just nuts right now.


I personally am so sick of fighting 3+ sorcs every warzone, it's ruining the fun of the game.


The return of the 36/36/36 spec. Those sorcs are so OP, they need to nerf that spec.

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Look, I get it. You play sorc, which is OP and being OP makes the class fun. Sorcs are absurdly annoying to deal with. Beyond them having the best AOE, 35m range, best resource, tons of CC, mobility, surviability... it goes on and on and on for sorcs. They are out of balance compared to other ranged classes, specifically mercs/commandos.


There is a reason why people are QQ'ing. Every warzone has 3-6 sorcs on each team. Try focusing one.. he barriers and heals to full. Switch to another, he barrier's and heals to full. Force speeds away, kites you, bubble stun ... it's really stupid how amazingly OP the class is right now. I only place assassins above sorcs... so the entire inquisitor class is just nuts right now.


I personally am so sick of fighting 3+ sorcs every warzone, it's ruining the fun of the game.



so basically you have a problem with stacking sorcs on a team. stacking and team coordination does not make a class OP nor does it prove anything. There are plenty of vids of class stacking on youtube that show obliterations. I've seen operatives do it and ive seen commandos too. I beat sorcs all the time .. and I get melted by them too. you will never be happy unless you are 100% guaranteed a kill on every sorc. that is not how pvp should be sorry. There are only 8 classes and 4 or 5 are doing the best .. sorcs are not top dog. #facts

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Sorcs are op. People don't play UP classes I've played enough mmos to know this.


Warzones inadvertently get stacked with sorcs and sins.


Bubble is a 3 min cooldown that gives the class a mulligan for being bad.


I'd be cool with it if you couldn't heal inside the bubble. Even then, burst classes are supposed to be a sorc counter. Add all the pushes, pulls, stuns, roots, cc, sprints, and barriers you'd have to be stupid not to play this class. Burst can't take out a sorc in arena in the early game because of a 3 min cooldown that's always ready in arena.


It's a crutch for a class claiming disability then getting caught playing basketball.

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Look, I get it. You play sorc, which is OP and being OP makes the class fun. Sorcs are absurdly annoying to deal with. Beyond them having the best AOE, 35m range, best resource, tons of CC, mobility, surviability... it goes on and on and on for sorcs. They are out of balance compared to other ranged classes, specifically mercs/commandos.


There is a reason why people are QQ'ing. Every warzone has 3-6 sorcs on each team. Try focusing one.. he barriers and heals to full. Switch to another, he barrier's and heals to full. Force speeds away, kites you, bubble stun ... it's really stupid how amazingly OP the class is right now. I only place assassins above sorcs... so the entire inquisitor class is just nuts right now.


I personally am so sick of fighting 3+ sorcs every warzone, it's ruining the fun of the game.


I feel your pain. I hate Juggs. If you play a jugg, I'd like to punch you in the face. Juggs are absurd. No matter which ranged class I play, I can't beat the mofos. And PT's too. I'm in a WZ with three PTs or VG every WZ. And they can beat me if they're any good. Crazy damage too, yanked all over the damn place. Can't score in huttball b/c I'm yanked into fire. Tired of it. It's no fun.

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The return of the 36/36/36 spec. Those sorcs are so OP, they need to nerf that spec.


Lightning a sorcs do have the best aoe, have good self healing, have great mobility, can have a good amount of control and survivability, and have one of the best resource managements in the game. All of that can indeed be in one spec. Just saying.


On another note: Sometimes I get bored of all the lightning animations. Too bad they can't just throw sabers at their enemies repeatedly.

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Sorcs are op. People don't play UP classes I've played enough mmos to know this.


Warzones inadvertently get stacked with sorcs and sins.


Bubble is a 3 min cooldown that gives the class a mulligan for being bad.


I'd be cool with it if you couldn't heal inside the bubble. Even then, burst classes are supposed to be a sorc counter. Add all the pushes, pulls, stuns, roots, cc, sprints, and barriers you'd have to be stupid not to play this class. Burst can't take out a sorc in arena in the early game because of a 3 min cooldown that's always ready in arena.


It's a crutch for a class claiming disability then getting caught playing basketball.


Before barrier, sages/sorcs only healed warzones, and it was bloody murder if there were no guards or cross heals. DPS was rare. "Mulligan for being bad" actually makes me chuckle. Pretty funny, but try playing as a Sage or Sorc without using barrier in a ranked WZ. There is zero survivability without it... Unless we wanna go hide in a corner. The use or threat of use is the only thing that keeps sages/sorcs from being a primary target in every WZ. Either you are new to the game or you're just now cognizant, but you don't know the history of this class. If you did, you'd understand the need for the barrier. now, stop crying and let me and my other 7 sorc teammates continue pounding your man toon booty.

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You're right, there are classes that can beat a sorc...you know what they have in common....CC immunity. Do they completely dominate a sorc..no, they don't. Mara/Sent shouldn't be able to face roll a sorc/sage, but at this point it is completely laughable how ez it is to kite/kill them...from more then just sages/sorcs. I do not believe that sorc/sage needs a reduction in abilities, but mara/sent needs some help against theirs and other classes huge amount of CC. I'm not saying they should even be able to beat a sage/sorc, again you're correct some classes will have the upper hand against others, but atm mara/sent is just in a worse off spot then most.


As a test lets see who everyone thinks mara/sent should and does have an advantage over?


Dear Jeebus,


I'm writing/praying with the hopes you could settle a dispute. Should both subclasses of knight and Warrior be able to face roll a sage/sorc?


Your pal,



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Dear Jeebus,


I'm writing/praying with the hopes you could settle a dispute. Should both subclasses of knight and Warrior be able to face roll a sage/sorc?


Your pal,




Jeebus wrote me back and said not if the sage/sorc is TK/Lightning. And, I misread the above as "should be able to easily faceroll", instead of "...should not." My apologies.

Edited by Lotsanerv
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Before barrier, sages/sorcs only healed warzones, and it was bloody murder if there were no guards or cross heals. DPS was rare. "Mulligan for being bad" actually makes me chuckle. Pretty funny, but try playing as a Sage or Sorc without using barrier in a ranked WZ. There is zero survivability without it... Unless we wanna go hide in a corner. The use or threat of use is the only thing that keeps sages/sorcs from being a primary target in every WZ. Either you are new to the game or you're just now cognizant, but you don't know the history of this class. If you did, you'd understand the need for the barrier. now, stop crying and let me and my other 7 sorc teammates continue pounding your man toon booty.


By your logic sniper and merc should get a barrier. Neither class can deal with arena focus. Also since sorc has barrier the chances nonsorc classes get focused more has gone up if they're paired with a sorc.


Also been playing since launch and your sorc sob story has no foundation. There have always been a healthy population of dps sorcs and there always will be. If they were as bad as you outlined then we wouldnt see to many of them (reference sniper and merc). Maybe that was your progression because you were bad.


Also I'll keep rockin your dudes playin girl toons, paper bag em and won't call back.

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