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French Wrath new title is a little off (kind of SOR Spoiler)


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Hi, first of all excuse me for my bad english but as you know, frenchmen are not quite skilled with other langages than their own. Second, I don't know if it's the right forum to post, but well, here it is.


It's more a translation problem than lore problem. In French, "Wrath" is translated to "Furie", with implies an uncontrolled and devastating pure form of anger, wich is a correct translation. So, in French, we are not "The Emperor's Wrath" but "La Furie de l'Empereur". It's a really cool title.


But you see, the translation for "Empire's Wrath" is actually in-game "La Colère de l'Empire" instead of "La Furie de l'Empire". Which is wrong for two main reasons: first, Darth Marr himself designes the warrior as "Furie de l'Empire" (wich is right). Second, in english, "la Colère de l'Empire" is more like "The Empire's Anger", wich is, I think, anunderstatement to what the Wrath is supposed to be / to represent. Perhaps it's for the sake of diversity...


I know i should post this on the french community forum but alas there is no such thing as a community manager in these deserted forum. If anyone could report this request to the translators team, it would be great. Otherwise, I won't complain, but It could be a so much powerful title :)

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I love this point!


I haven't done the SW storyline after the initial storyline, so can't really comment to how the Warrior plays out on Makeb and Rishi and Yavin.


However, I agree with you that Colere seems very soft. At the end of the day, if for no other reason than I have always thought of colere as a passive term rather than an active term. Why not something more primal like Orage, if Marr is already the Furie?

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