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force scream/Blade storm obsolete?


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I fail to see the point of Devastating Blast / Clashing Blast sharing a cool-down with Force Scream / Blade Storm...

Can someone enlighten me?


All it does for me is render Force Scream and Blade Storm obsolete, since I'm going to use the higher damage skill...

Am I missing something or is that really pointless?

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Bioware decided to take away Force Scream since we like it. They hate marauders, especially Carnage. Thats why when everybody else got buffed, they nerfed us into extinction. Why? To prepare us for 3.1 where they delete the class altogether.
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Bioware decided to take away Force Scream since we like it. They hate marauders, especially Carnage. Thats why when everybody else got buffed, they nerfed us into extinction. Why? To prepare us for 3.1 where they delete the class altogether.


Not sure if joking or ignorant.


Anyway, as others have said, DB/CB is an improved version of FS/BS. Basically, they wanted every discipline in the game to get 4 active abilities; e.g. for Carnage Marauders, these are Ataru Form, Gore, Massacre and Devastating Blast. However, not every discipline actually needed that many abilities, because for instance Deception Assassins and Carnage Marauders already had enough, adding any more would've (at least in Bioware's mind) just over-complicated things.


So, whenever a discipline needed less than 4 active abilities, they instead made one of the existing abilities better, and gave it a new animation. Since these are only meant to be improvements on an existing ability, they are always strictily better than the ability they replace, and share a cooldown with it (if the original ability had a cooldown). It's in no way a nerf or anything like that, the ability is always a buffed version of what it replaces -- in the case of Devastating Blast, it's identical to Force Scream but with higher damage (and, I think, a longer stun on crap mobs :p).


Anyway, to your original question: yes, Devastating Blast renders Force Scream obsolete, that is precisely what it's intended to do.

Edited by Ailaria
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Honestly, it does suck that they took away the sexiest part of running Carnage. Of course, they drove Carnage into the ground with the Gore "fix" and other tweaks, so it really doesn't matter. My mara is still at 55, and will probably be the last toon that I take to 60 even though he was already in a decent amount of 186 gear.
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Yes, Im ignorant, which is better than blindly loving everything BW does. The new animation is lame. "Oh, look, I shoot some kind of energy out of my sabers!" Yeah, thats way cooler than Force Scream.


I haven't found a SWTOR player yet that "blindly loving everything BW does". Everyone has at least one issue with BW. Might not always be in-game, but believe me they still found BW did something stupid and hate them for it in their own way.


Agree that the animation of Devastating/Clashing Blast is underwhelming. The Animation for Force Scream wasn't great, but the sound was and that is why everyone misses it. Thankfully my Warrior is a Jugg and I get to enjoy said sound anytime I need.


My Sentinel's Blade Storm look oddly similar to Clashing Blast w/o the twin saber animation, so its not a big deal there. Still going play Combat regardless as they made Watchman boring and awlful (from a rotational and game-play point of view) and Concentration feels too bloated and busy to play

Edited by mastervalkar
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I really don't blindly like everything BW does, but I support them because I want to play this game.


For the sake of just improving the class, I would like to see some sort of instant Medpac usage ability. An automatic cool down for Med Pacs can help a lot. You would use a med pac and when 30 stack is built up, instant CD for the med pac again..

Let's face it, Mara and Sents need healers. They are squishy and do not have any damage prevention abilities. Or the ones we have are just not working right.

Most DPS classes have this, medium armor, duel wielding, bleeds or burns, and just a lot of quick hits. Albeit, BW may not want a lot of characters running around with two light sabers, making the game look more like the war of the Jedi and Siths.

We all want to be Luke or Darth, but BW wants more Lea and Hans running around, not to mention more Tarkins and Commander Codys running around the servers. Maybe that's why they nerfed Sents and Maras so bad.


The only thing about Sents and Maras that I don't like right now is that you have to be with a good Medic. PvP is a bust because people just hate on you when you queue. On the other hand, if they were OP, then everyone and their wookie would be one and the cost of light sabers would go up in price....


If I am not using Doc then I can't even do a regular Bounty Hunter quest. None of my companions that are Tanks or DPS last long enough to help me out at all, Doc can keep me alive until I carbon freeze the b*******sss.

Edited by Rawbee
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Not sure if joking or ignorant.


Anyway, as others have said, DB/CB is an improved version of FS/BS. Basically, they wanted every discipline in the game to get 4 active abilities; e.g. for Carnage Marauders, these are Ataru Form, Gore, Massacre and Devastating Blast. However, not every discipline actually needed that many abilities, because for instance Deception Assassins and Carnage Marauders already had enough, adding any more would've (at least in Bioware's mind) just over-complicated things.[/b]


Not sure if retarded or moron.


1.) Only 3 of those abilities are activatable and the other two specs get actual abilities in the first slot not a form required for the class


2.) Gore/PS isn't an active ability, it is a active self buff that lasts for 3 seconds. again other classes get actual abilities in these slots either new, re-skinned abilities.


3.) CB/DB and Massacre/BR are the only activatable abilities.

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Not sure if retarded or moron.


1.) Only 3 of those abilities are activatable and the other two specs get actual abilities in the first slot not a form required for the class


2.) Gore/PS isn't an active ability, it is a active self buff that lasts for 3 seconds. again other classes get actual abilities in these slots either new, re-skinned abilities.


3.) CB/DB and Massacre/BR are the only activatable abilities.


An active ability is an ability that you have to activate yourself, as opposed to passive abilities which are always on no matter what you do. Both Ataru Form and Gore are active abilities; hell, just log into the game, press P and see for yourself.


There is nothing new about getting a form from your spec either, both Vengeance Juggs and Deception Assassins have the same thing (and both are also examples of disciplines that got a new animation instead of a proper new ability).


I find it funny though how you managed to directly contradict yourself with points 1 and 3. ^^


To The_X: no, I don't blindly love BW, there's plenty of things I hate about the game, the new Watchman spec being the main thing at the moment. Having said that, I will absolutely defend them in situations where they're in the right.


Also, apologies for my choice of words, I only meant "ignorant" in the literal sense of "lacking knowledge", I didn't mean it as an insult.

Edited by Ailaria
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Honestly, it does suck that they took away the sexiest part of running Carnage. Of course, they drove Carnage into the ground with the Gore "fix" and other tweaks, so it really doesn't matter. My mara is still at 55, and will probably be the last toon that I take to 60 even though he was already in a decent amount of 186 gear.


Carnage is not any weaker now than in 2.10, but that is still not a great place.

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